Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Yes, they will become more red/amber as they oxidize.


Your trichomes are breaking down as ReikoX states.
The younger fresh weed will be more golden or green sometimes.
As the yrs break it down they will also get darker and the trichomes are basically what you are stripping from the weed when you do the wash.

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Did you do a second extraction wash?

On the most recent one, yes. Don’t remember on the others.

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I was taught by a fellow named PsychedelicSam form another forum.
he would do a second wash of the material after another brief 2 hrs in freezer along with another small rinse with new chilled Everclear 190 . You do not need to do the second wash but it will get all the goodies the 1st left behind.
Then you can do reduction of the mixtures.
I find anything that has been in storage (weed) for more than 2-3 yrs starts to break down and cause the darker color and will now be a real nice nighttime med to help sleep.


A few more details.

This was a double Eth wash with six agitations. 30 hours total soak time. About as thorough a QWET extraction as I know how to do.

From the images it looks like the trichome heads burst and the contents dissolved into the ethanol solution. If that’s correct I estimate 95% extraction efficiency. It’s hard to find an intact trichome head on those OGG4 buds!

After the extraction, they were put under a DIY wind tunnel to reduce the volume and increase the potency. It takes 3-4 hours to evap about half the alcohol, then I’ll sample and adjust to my preference strength.

My preference is for a one-dropper dose to be quite noticeable and two or more droppers to get seriously high. To adjust, I can further boost the potency with the fan, or add a little alcohol or oil to decrease it. A typical dropper is about 0.6 ml.

It’s hard to see in the pic, but the WW tinc is nearing 50% reduction. I use a long cotton swab to remove that waxy deposit periodically. I wonder if it is the remains of the Trichome capsule that leaves this residue?

I just tested the Olive tinc after 20% reduction and it has a mild but noticeable effect. Another hour or so under the wind tunnel and they’ll all be close to 50% by volume.

I realize that cannabis tinctures aren’t for everyone, but for those of us that enjoy them, they are the most versatile, reliable, covert, and healthful ways to enjoy the benefits of our miracle herb! (Hint: if you want a surprise, shoot a dropper or two of tinc into a glass of good red wine! :crazy_face:)

Make sense? If not, just ask.
PS, another well-deserved hat tip to our host: @ReikoX :clap: :100:


Agreed. I have found very little advantage in the second wash and usually don’t do it.

If I’m not mistaken, we haven’t ever seen the alcohol in the first wash “Saturated” with Canna Chems, so just prolonging the first wash and continuing some agitation seems to do the trick.

I’ve been refreshing my supply of that White Widow tinc periodically for years now from the jars, and the character of the high has only gotten better! Still packs a punch! :facepunch:


OK I see now what you speak, I was doing and still do quick washes
In freezer overnight both the herb and the 190 wash .After 24 hrs mix and shake for 5mins than filter out and material back into freezer for another 2 hrs, then do final wash . (another shake of 5mins and then filter). Reduce for strength like you do with fan and open air jars or bowls.
I have seen though tests Sam had done on older weed and after 3 yrs old weed will start to break down and decarb on its own.
Are you decarbing in an oven before you extract you tincture from the herb?


Yep, 240 F for 45 minutes.

I decarb in a closed Ball Jar to preserve terps. As the jars cool you can remove the lid and wipe the condensed water vapor off the inside of the jar.


I do the same temp and times no jar

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Credit where credit is due. This whole thread is based off of @PAM’s work. :green_heart:


I know that Hey buddy


Hey @STIGGY, hope all is well with you. :wave:

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Thank You
You too, I miss Sam
RIP my Friend


Guys, what if i have forgotten to decarbolyxate and already mixed the cannabis and the alcohol ?

its at the very beginning of the thread

Natural Decarboxylation
Using the oven to decarboxylate the cannabis is quick and effective, but there is a cost. Cannabis contains many terpenes and flavonoids that give each strain it’s unique character. These terpenes and flavonoids have medicinal benefits as well as modulating the effects of cannabis, thus creating an “ensemble effect”.

It is possible to decarboxylate cannabis using time instead of heat. This preserves the terpenes and flavonoids. The Green Dragon is made according to the standard recipe without the first step to decarboxylate. For the reduction step, again heat is avoided. Place the Green Dragon in a pyrex baking dish covered with cheesecloth to prevent dust and debris from falling in. A fan blowing over the dish will speed up the process. After the reduction, place the green dragon in an airtight container and age in the cupboard for 3-4 months. After the Green Dragon has aged, store it in the refrigerator to prevent further degradation.


no other way rather than waiting 3 months ?

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If you don’t want to wait, you can evaporate all of the alcohol and decarb the oil. After that you can add back fresh alcohol to make the tincture.

THC-A has plenty of medicinal qualities on its own, you just won’t get high. If your not really looking to get high, try taking some of the tincture as is. I find it great for anxiety personally.


Oh sweet, thanks. I don’t have a lot of cannabis right now and waiting 3-4 months would be hard, and I guess I want to get high. Next harvest i’ll try the non-decarbolyxated tincture.

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Hey @ReikoX :sunglasses:
Made some hard candy (and a huge mess lol) using GD today
(well brown dragon, using 16g of ABV)
and i see water in the ingredients list

6 tablespoons filtered water

But no step for it in the directions. What point does it go in at?

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