Not Just Another Tincture Thread

When did this happen? I’m in shock… I had so many great conversations with him he was a great mentor but I haven’t been online for some time cause of my own health issues.

Sad to say P Sam passed away at home surrounded by a few friends last Oct.
He succumbed to his illnesses that were troubling him for quite some time.
Great Man, great weaver of THC and other interesting things.
Sam helped me get walking again when he took many hours walking me through his ways and made sure I did it correctly together we developed the rooty tootie Neuropathy pain creme. Along with THC pain creme that I was able to tweek a bit by adding a few herbs here and there . (Natural flowers use for pain). I will always remember him, a True Pioneer in the Cannabis World,
The man wanted to help folks and make friends , never asked for a dime or recognition for his deeds. His chocolates were to die for.
RIP my dear friend,


The water, sugar, and corn syrup go in the pot first.

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Here is where it’s at in the directions.

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I’ll edit my pdf, thank you friend. I bet water woulda made it a little easier to stir/pour. No matter, still sitting here with a big smile on my face after suckin on some candy 20 mins ago (thank you for the easy to follow GD guide :dragon:


Yeah we had a lot of conversations In Pm’s over on GC. Always had time for you. I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore though he had a lot of things going on. He’ll a big loss RIP Psam and thanks for all the knowledge you shared you truly made a difference


A real Nice down to Earth Man, wish more were like him.

@ReikoX done on the thread drift sorry
How are you doing , are you making seeds now?


Someone in my country NL ended up in the hospital.He did use RSO what was made with Iso for him for several months.His nerve system was badly affected, so I would say stay to ethanol only.

This is Suriname white rum 81% abv with Lebanese hash


I have no doubt that plenty of people have ended up in the hospital after using RSO that was improperly made from isopropyl. The reason it’s considered so much safer with ethanol is that it’s impossible to screw up; you can leave however much ethanol you want in solution. With isopropyl, you need to get rid of all of it and that requires boiling, rather than just leaving it sitting out with a fan; and, of course, proper venting is even more important. As long as there’s no actual isopropyl left in solution, I’ve seen no evidence that it’s harmful to make this way.

In fact, if your buddy ended up in the hospital after several months, I’d consider that evidence that I’m doing something right. The post you’re responding to is 5 months old and I’ve been making RSO that way ever since; and for a year and a half before that post. Two years running now and both of us are as fine as we ever were. :man_shrugging:


It’s not a buddy, but although iso seems to like cheaper, it still can contain substances which can be harmfull, just because it’s not foodgrade.


Never clutter when discussing PSam. I had the pleasure of meeting him in person years ago. He truly was as kind and interesting in person as online.

Not making any seeds currently, but I’ll be making some here soon. :smirk:


starting to decarb a bunch of trimmings and outdoor for rso :call_me_hand:


Hey @ReikoX got done decarbing a ton of outdoor and trim got like 6 full jars decarbed at 240f and 40 minutes when I do the extraction with the ever clear about how full should I have the jars when I shake them like maximum amount per jar? I figured I’m following the depletion method as it’s trim and outdoor and want the most out of it for rso ?


I would suggest about 2/3 full, then fill with alcohol until it covers the weed plus about an inch. Give or take. Generally I stick to 12 fluid ounces of alcohol to an ounce of decarbed bud.

You’ll be suprised how much you can get from trim. :grin:

  1. What are members paying per liter of high proof alcohol (95% ish)? And what country are you in (if canada, please share source, if they ship nationwide)?

  2. Making a tincture with the starting material being a concentrate (hash, shatter, etc.) would help cut down on the amount of high proof alcohol required, and also the amount of alcohol wasted in the process, correct?

  3. Here’s the math I used recently, first I messed up and under ‘calculated’ by 5x I think, then corrected it. But I did a different process, only using the alcohol to get a concentrate first, and then adding the concentrate to a carrier oil. So I want to know if the process is correct. It’s been a little while…

I took a bunch of frozen trim, I might have weighed it at the time. I poured a bunch of ‘chilled’ alcohol over it, and did the whole freezer routine with this. After, I strained this, and poured the resulting infused alcohol into small, wide pyrex bowl, in a double boiler fashion, and with a fan for the fumes, I evaporated all the alcohol away. I agitated the oil with a metal skewer for quite some time while in the double boiler even after the alcohol was evaporated, trying to ensure no alcohol left. A few days later, I took it from the fridge, let come to room temp, then put it into the oven to decarb (using oven thermometer with remote probes) and to again try and ensure all the alcohol was gone.

Then I did some ‘guesstimation’ on the potency, after all of this.
I wanted to use “standard” or “average” thc concentration numbers to approximate the potency of this oil (eg: bubble hash = 30-40%, shatter = 50-75%, just making up numbers, for example). Up to this point, does this make sense, having not really accounted for the weight of the trim used?
I ended up with 5.45g of oil concentrate. My first mistake then, was using “10%” as the thc percentage to multiply by, partly wanting to err on the side of being conservative, partly thinking that I wouldn’t use the full thc% claimed by the seed breeder, and partly because it was trim. But really, shouldn’t I be using a “%thc” number that would be much higher because it’s now in concentrate form, not “flower” form?

5.45g x 1000 = 5450mg (of concentrate).
5450mg x .10 = 545mg of thc (in the 5.45g of concentrate).
I then added this to 15mL of carrier oil and mixed thoroughly. Ignoring that I should take into account the volume of the concentrate oil in the final volume, I then calculated:
545mg / 15mL = 36.33mg thc per mL of carrier oil.

So I think there’s quite a bit of error there. But the main one I’m wondering about is, should I have used a “thc%” more like 50%, rather than only 10%, because I made and used a concentrated cannabis oil to make the final “oil tincture”? Effects would certainly suggest I should, hah.
5450mg (of concentrate) x .50 = 2725mg of thc (in the 5.45g of concentrate).
2725mg / 15mL = 181mg thc per mL of carrier oil.

Ethanol is expensive sometimes difficult to get, so I don’t want to waste it in the “soaking” and straining of plant matter stages, not to mention the evaporation stages - that’s just out of the question. If I used ethanol (everclear, spyritus, etc.) I would never just let it evaporate into the air, I’d buy a still, and plan to. But starting with a concentrate lessens that initial amount of alcohol used, and wasted from any evaporation wanted. But making bubble hash is not only a mess, and a pain in the ass, something about it just wrecks my allergies (asthma included). Any other suggestions would be appreciated.



I can get it here in the United States (NM) for about $25 per liter before tax. So it is pretty reasonable.

It sure will. I make all my tincture with decarbed hash rosin. One gram of rosin to one ounce of alcohol seems to get me a concentration I like.

Yes, a concentrate is closer to 60% in my experience. Being from trim, one could estimate lower, like 50%. Without testing it, you can only estimate.

Dry ice hash might be more suitable for the initial extraction. It’s quicker and easier than bubble hash, but you may need to wear a mask if you have allergies.


Thanks for answering.

Ok. $50 per liter is about the best I’ve found in canada. I’m curious what other canadians might have found.

Dry ice might as well not exist here. Can’t get it. I’d love to be able to get it, and affordably, then use a reciprocating saw mode to shake my way to the finish line.

I’ve tried, and do often wear a 3M half face max with particulate filters. But I think it’s not the particles so much, as the vapors - some of the more volatile terpenes maybe - and maybe the wet plant matter’s chlorophyll off-gases something that sets me off. My breath was short for over a week after making the bubble recently.

Thanks again.

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At that price a still might be a better option. You could make your own solvent and reclaim that alcohol.

I’ve heard that before. We can get it at the grocery store here.

Another option would be a rosin press. You could press the flower directly into rosin, the decarb the rosin and add your carrier oil. No need for any ethanol at all.

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When I mentioned a still in my previous post, I just meant a countertop model with adjustable temp, for reclaiming the alcohol used to extract the cannabis resins. But the last time I spent in this thread, reading through it all, prompted me to search and research all about stills, and making one’s own ethanol - for obvious reasons, mainly cost. In the end, it seemed like it’d end up being yet another tool, with accessories that would all take up space I might now have, and require more skills and labour, and the purchasing of bulk ingredients to make the ethanol with, which I’d then have to search for the best prices on, and store them as well. So, I didin’t go for that or invest in a still, as much as I “wanted to”. I think I was most interested in the “turbo still t-500”(?), and/or some other electric style still with very little learning curve. Maybe there are better (slightly smaller and cheaper) options?

I actually don’t “love” the oil method or digestion method, and would prefer the sublingual method and its effects more. I’m kinda set on that as far as personal medicine, for fast onset, and type of effect, but yet - I haven’t made any to this point. Haha. I have some expensive ethanol, but I don’t wanna waste it, so I haven’t tried it yet.

You said $25/liter USD, plus tax. Might that be around $30 USD then? That’s about $40 CAD. The place I got mine from recently had a %20off sale. But the timing was wrong, so I couldn’t really justify it right now, and a countertop still would cost less money that the 4L jug…


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I have an ExtractCraft Source Turbo that I use to reclaim my alcohol. It’s not a cheap option, but it works well. I’ve also used it to make higher proof alcohol from cheap vodka before.

I know a couple of people have had some success with those desktop air stills. They are cheaper than the Source Turbo. You might research those.