Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I have yet to master this. I was decarbing some rosin i have probably 8 grams. And idk what to do with it. Dosing that is the issue

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Also @colelennon uses shatter for gummies so that should work fine!


I can’t get it at all in Michigan and also other states it is illegal. It is made and sold in Maine.


I haven’t made tincture yet, but I did buy the alcohol already. A 750ml bottle of Graves 190 proof is $21. It’s funny because the bottle says “Bottled in Boston MA”, but you can’t even buy it in Mass haha.


Are you talking about high proof alcohol / ethanol?

How does (sales) tax work in the states, guys? What is the final price you’re paying if a liter costs you $25+tax?

Is that $28 a liter then?.. Yea. Is there tax on that?

I’m trying to justify the $45-50 CAD per liter price based off what Americans pay on the average or higher end. Accounting for essentially +35% on the exchange rate. Doing that, $30 a liter USD would be about $40 a liter CAD. $50 CAD a liter seems incredibly expensive - and that’s the price if buying a 4L jug, by the way; $47.50 per liter I think (tax incl).

I did. Just haven’t comitted to one yet. I wasn’t sure if they’d really be up to the task of actually making high proof ethanol from scratch. Though I remember a video/review or two that might have said they (some brand or other; airstill I think) that they could


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No actually. We love sin here, no tax on spirits.

I figure my costs are about $3.00 or $4.00 a liter to make 95% ethanol, depending on the sugar prices.

A 20Kg sack of sugar from Costco will reduce to three stripping runs and then one spirit run (combining those three runs) will produce 7 L of good 95% and 1 liter of heads and tails (great solvent). About a buck or two for the nutrients per batch.

The down side is the hardware costs. It would probably be about $2500+ now.
And space…



Holy shit.
And you’re talking about a proper still though, if I remember correctly from earlier reading (and might have already asked you)? I don’t remember the style of still (reflux?). I’ve forgotten 95% of what I learned those months ago.
$2500. Not a chance.
Here’s similar to what I’d even remotely consider, at this point:

Edit: looking at even this T-500 now; it only costs about twice the price of 4L of 95% alcohol would. Hmmm… (I’m telling myself “NO! BAD! You have neither the money, nor the time to invest!”)

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Something along those lines.

I’d look closely for gear like this:

This level of hardware was not available when I got into distilling so I built my own… :laughing:
This level of hardware is difficult to fabricate at home…

In order to hit 95% you need a column still. To get 95% you need a minimum of 20:1 ratio (height to diameter) so you can see anything larger than 2" diameter could easily get taller than a typical 8 foot ceiling.
The science of how it works is interesting but probably not a topic to go ‘long winded’ here… :wink:



I have that site bookmarked from previous “research”. I couldn’t justify that price. It’d probably be closer to $2000 CAD after all the extra bs.
The T-500, for example, claims “Produces 95% yield at 93% purity.” If it made 93% alcohol with ease, for essentially $400 CAD, it’d possibly be worth it. It would probably pay for itself, well, after making 8 Liters worth. I mean, I would never make it though… never ever me, this is just in theory… a guy I once heard about probably might maybe though. Not me though. Never.

Sounds familiar. Foggy, late night research session memories appearing.


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Sales tax differs city to city state to state or even what part of the city you are in in some cases. Sales tax on all non food is set by city state… It’s usually between 6-9% some states also have an alcohol tax that you have to pay. New Hampshire and another state the state has monopoly on liquor stores so they make $$$ but set the prices low enough to be tax free. Or you can go to border crossing and hit the duty free stores.
@G-paS you can’t get high proof alcohol in Michigan? We used to always put everclear in our jungle juice for parties in college. Or are you talking higher proof or something different all together?

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We can get this:

for about 15 bucks for 750ml… We have to go a specialty liquor store that’s not near any college campus… those college kids are crazy.


Thanks for the input, guys. It sounds like maybe an “average” price (I’m not trying to compare to the “best” price in America; too affordable probably, haha) might be $30 USD, especially when considering tax or not. I don’t know.
But I do think that a still like that turbo still t-500 might actually make sense for someone, again, not me, never. But someone. If it’d be easy to get 93% alcohol out of it.

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Michigan doesn’t allow more then 150 prof. I have lived here all my life. There a few others. I have to make another friend in Toledo area.

Why is Everclear banned in some states?
Because Everclear is toxic, this 190-proof grain alcohol is considered illegal in many states in the United States, such as Florida, California, Iowa, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, and North Carolina.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Whoa there, Everclear, 750ml costs $20 at Kappys liquors, no tax, Cape Cod, MA.


It’s toxic?

I questioned that one also as mine comes from maine;

200proof. 99.5%


Any alcohol is toxic, just depends how much you slug down. Too many potatoes will kill you too!

I’m in NC. All liquor is controlled by the state ABC. I live near a big college campus, and the local ABC’s told me it was banned because of that proximity… but I could special order a case of 190 1.75ml’ers! Then I finally accidentally found out there are 2 special order ABC stores in the county (I like booze!). Both have 190 in stock all the time! We can get 150 at all of the ABC’s. Go figgure, lol!


I’m pretty sure everclear is available on military bases, regardless of its state legality. Used to be anyways… Might help someone in the u.s…