Not Just Another Tincture Thread

If i had to go with that 151 proof i was going to let it completely reduce until only rso is left then i was going to mix it to mct to create a tincture


Yep. I chickened out to early.
But if I let it all evaporate and only left what to me looked like the black oil at the bottom… There was only a couple of blobs under the emulsified crap… Maybe my weed wasn’t resinous enough… But it sure smokes awesome… 🤷
Ah well fun to try… Just need a mule to bring me some EC from the states.
Tinc on hold for now.
Thanks everyone :seedling::green_heart:

I don’t think you can really “harm” the weed oil by leaving the evaporating tincture in the double boiler too long (the water can’t get too hot). I’d try again with that same 151, but this time, try and leave it much longer to try and get the water to evaporate. Then when you have your “pure” oil/rso, add back some of the 151. @ReikoX correct me if I’m wrong.

Or, strathcona spirits, or order from Alberta liquor store online if you can. Maybe you can find a moonshiner in your area?
Maybe check out posts from @Mr.Sparkle regarding methyl hydrate.
You could try it with ISO, just make sure you purge/evap VERY well. And then add back some 151 to the resulting rso. (Or just add a carrier oil, if that’s what you’re wanting.

Edit: I’ve considered, several times, getting an electric still and trying to make my own 90%ish alcohol. Turbostill T-500 was one I considered, I think. Compare the cost of it ($300-400 cad, I think) to a gallon/4L of clear 95% spirits/ethanol and it doesn’t seem so pricey ($200 for the gallon). Just an idea.

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what happened that u didn’t get a Turbostill T-500.

Well, I already had 4L of 95% alcohol. And I didn’t wanna take on another project just yet, nor spend the money. I also want to make sure it’s possible to use that type of still to reclaim any alcohol I might want to while reducing a tincture.

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1g of bubble in the oven @240 for 40mins now. Seems like a long time for such a small amount for some reason. Hana. Gonna try this quality alcohol out with it and see how it goes. Will update.


The more of the water you evaporate, the more it separates creating more of those black blobs. It doesn’t take a whole lot of that oil to make a potent tincture.

It’s not too late to save it. Just evaporate it all the way and add some fresh alcohol to the oil.


Ok. I’m off work tomorrow and have another oz in the freezer :+1:
I’ll start early in the morning of his time and let it Finnish up.
Thanks :+1:
Licking the spoon really messed up my throat. Must be the alcohol I put back in

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Im on thread number 400 , lots of info my brain is ready to explode… :boom: :boom: :boom:

what proof alcohol are using…

Ok. That went pretty good I think. Though, even with the dual probe thermometer I still stood there nearly the entire time and tried to micro manage the oven temps.

I took a small mason jar (the smallest ones available), and made a hole in the lid just big enough for the spear probe. I put 1g of hash in there and piled it into the corner, then placed the lid on, screwed on the lid ring, oriented the hole to just above the hash, and inserted the probe down in there (It’ll measure the temp of the actual hash/inside jar). The other probe is just in the oven measuring air temp. I put it in the preheated oven, but I added some time for the inside of jar to reach temp - do you guys do that?
I didn’t notice any bubbling, not really, through the oven window.

Anyway, once finished. I removed the jar and just left it as is to cool down to 30*C. Then I removed the lid and probe. I syringed up 20mL of alcohol and squirted it in the hash jar. The hash had cooled down quite a bit, so covered it again and put it in a bowl of hot water to warm it slightly. I stirred it up and let it sit in the hot water bath for… I duno, 10-20 minutes.

I secured a coffee filter to another mini mason jar with it’s sealing ring and filtered the tincture through that, it went surprisingly fast. The result was some nice (pretty dark, due to concentration, or the decarb, or just the darkness of the bubble hash from it drying/oxidizing, ?) amber tincture. The crud left behind on the coffee filter is nasty, and there’s quite a lot of it.

So that extraction efficiency multiplier doesn’t apply is using concentrates? That’s why I used 20mL instead of 30mL. I can always add more alcohol, I don’t wanna evap, it’s too expensive, hahaha.

1g hash = 1000mg hash (I’m assuming 50% thc).
1000mg x 0.5 = 500mg thc.
500mg x 0.75 = 375mg thc.
375mg / 20mL = 18mg/mL of thc.

If the multiplier doesn’t apply to concentrates, then it’s more like 25mg/mL of thc.
Let me know.


Last time, I extracted from “sugar trim” I think, using ISO. I took the resulting “tincture” (do not consume this) and evaporated all of the ISO. I took that oil, weighed it (5.45g of amber “RSO”), and added 15mL of avocado oil. I drew that up into a 10mL syringe (left the rest in the mason jar).

5450mg of “RSO” x 50% (guess) thc = 2725mg thc.
2725mg / 15mL carrier oil = 181mg/mL.

I carefully tested another of the same syringe to see how many drops (of water) would equal a mL. It was 24 drops per mL. So, 7.5mg per drop!?
1 drop got a light weight acquaintance of mine where they wanted. 4-5 drops got me a nice chill high and relief. Up to 8 drops was very nice high/relief. 10-12 drops got higher tolerance friends absolutely stoned. And a permanently-fried friend had about 16-18 drops and was so baked he did some very silly stuff and had a great time, instantly wanted some more. Haha.

I might try this tincture out tonight.

Thanks @ReikoX, @PSam (the og) and everyone.

EDIT: I weighed the “crud”, it was 0.1g. 10% of the gram of hash I started with.


Took 0.5mL and dropped it under my toungue. It might as well have been 0.5mL of boiling water, that’s what it felt like. For a couple seconds I thought “is this alcohol boiling hot for some reason?” I started jumping up and making odd noises. Held it as long as possible.
It’s been 40 minutes now. I feel a “hint” of something. I still feel it under my toungue still. I thought it wouldn’t be worse than a goldenseal tincture, but it was.


Just take a sip of water and keep it in your mouth while you add the dose and swallow (there will be little to no burn at all), effects are usually felt within 45 minutes for me when I do it this way.


Thanks. Yea, I was gonna put it into a shot glass of water, like suggested in an early post. But then I wondered if that would reduce the ability to penetrate sublingual or buccal. I want to experience the different effects of those delivery methods, not the “processed by the liver”, edibles type of effect.

Does mixing it in some water, say if you just put it in 30-60ml of water and swallow that as opposed to even swishing it around your mouth, does that all get absorbed by the mouth, throat, esophagus, and other tissue, and go into the bloodstream before it would reach the stomach and liver?
Any information on that, anybody?

I think I’m gonna have to make this significantly stronger next time, too.

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In usa everclear is 95% but not sold in 17 states, like hear in california, if i want some i would have to drive to arizona… Im in the same boat as

Lots of places online for you in the USA though.

Tell me what sites, they will not ship to california its illegal…HAHAH were u from @Nitt
My parents are going to Mexico, i will see if they can find me some…

Everclear is legal in many states, but not all. States that have banned the 190-proof grain alcohol include California, Hawaii, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Washington

I am looking into getting a The Source by Extract Craft, so the question is new vs used.I see there is a old model and a newer model, does anyone know what the difference is beside the look, i see the older models use ice on top and newer models seem not to use ice…

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On the subject of distilling;
It is fairly easy to build you’re own small still.
You can generally do it for under $100. Well, depending on the current price of copper, lol. It wont bd fancy, but it’ll work.
Grain alcohol is easy to make.