Not Just Another Tincture Thread and are two companies you can order food grade ethanol from that will ship to CA.

That would likely get you some of those sublingual effects more so and they usually kick in within 20 minutes or so.

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I can’t speak for the new ones, but I have one of the old ones and it’s a very useful tool. I’ve used it to reclaim my alcohol from tinctures, reclaim alcohol from old filters, and even distill lower proof grain alcohol.

I didn’t need another reason to want a 3d printer… But thanks, looks very clean.

for extraction iso is fine to use, supposedly even acetone due to how our bodies covert things already into acetone but both you have to adequately purge.

Saying that to make a alcohol tincture you dont need super high % you just need it high enough to dissolve your oil, dare i say higher proof rum or the likes.

If wanting ethanol for extraction purposes you can get a basic water air still like that turbostill t-500 just alot cheaper $80-110cnd, and then have a voltage controller for it which ideally you still need one for that turbostill.

The small air water stills is what i use now and i can get 90+% from them


so what ure saying if im in california, and i buy the 150 proof with this i can make it 190 proof, because buying the 190-200 proof stuff is expensive…

might be worth its weight in gold…


What they said^, possibly.

I’ve heard this Cali issue mentioned in the thread. Maybe search the thread for “california” or similar. I thought they just maybe didn’t sell it in Cali and those other states.
If canadians can get it (at all) and you can’t get it somewhere in the US… that’s baffling.

So, after about an hour, and not feeling anything much at all, I took a big shot glass with water and dropped another 1.0mL in it. I swished that around for a bit and drank that. It was absolutely disgusting.
Also, when the tincture hit the water it instantly went this cloudy, opaque white. Is that supposed to happen? And is it because of the cannabis oil that’s in the alcohol? I would assume it’s that.

Under my tongue is completely fucked, hah. It hurts, and so does back of throat to a lesser degree.

Edit: Is there some important difference between this and everclear?
I had, and still have a kind of weird headache, and just feel shitty today in general. Kinda dizzy, cloudy head, body feels tired, etc.

Btw: The hash I used could be not so potent, and although less likely I think - the decarb might not have went perfect? That’s all I can think of regarding lack of potency. Though I watched the temps the whole time.

Dam, try it with some orange juice… @Nitt

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I used to do the same, except for the dancing! I’ve found 20 seconds is plenty20 seconds is plenty.

Sublingual is pretty much instantaneous for me. Just swallowing 20-40 mins.

I’ve actually gotten used to the burn… you need to build up a callous!

After swallowing, I just drink a glass of water… but mine doesn’t taste bad. Probably all the lipids and waxes, lol!

That may well be true for some of those states. Like I’ve said before, I’m in NC, and we can get 190 in some ABC stores… and we’re not supposed to have any fun in NC! We can get 151 in any store.

I agree, and rum tastes good :slight_smile: I make green dragon, so maybe that’s different?


I always compare it to drinking gasoline.

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So now I have the source turbo
Got a great deal on it used, so I think.
Now I just need to find me the 95% alcohol
and need to clean it up


Good score!

I look at it once in a while but it is too ‘spendy’ for me to justify.
A cool piece of kit.



Yes, i paid 260.00 USd from a local (40 miles) away from me
so i think it was a pretty good price…


Yes, though it really is in small amounts.

I’m curious who here that makes tincture with 95% alcohol actually consumes it like that. Meaning undiluted just the 95% alcohol with cannabinoids inside.

@LzBoy Have you tried any tincture made with your 75% everclear? Did you take it directly under your tongue? How was it.

Diluting it after the tincture is made makes it go cloudy (louche is the term, maybe?).
Diluting it before hand I guess is an option, but then it’s probably easier to find alcohol at those lower percentages and maybe cheaper too.

I have two problems, the strength of the alcohol (burn), and the disgusting taste of the tincture (which is related to the hash/material I used I guess).


I can get 190 proof everclear at my liquor store in NY, not sure if they are Supposed to sell it, but they do :statue_of_liberty:

I have consumed it that way in the past, but prefer to put it in a hot beverage.

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So, since ure like the holy Grail of info hear,
What do u recommend i could make for my wife . She has a hard time sleeping ,and frequently wakes up all night long , @ReikoX

or any recommendations Anyone…

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I would recommend CBN. It’s very sedative. I don’t have any exact times or temperatures, but THC and CBD will degrade into CBN. So, I would start by doubling the decarb time and see where that gets her.


It was nasty af…for hrs…
I put what I had back in the rice cooker and got it down to the brownish sludge…I think my problem was I didn’t filter twice though the coffee and it left it sludgy…
There is definitely more oil left than water
I’ve got another oz in the freezer soaking in Canadian EC…going to keep it and shaking for 2 weeks and reduce and see …
I’ll update them :+1:

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