Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Well ive baked some buds in my oven and i didnt get too much shit for it. Im scared the whole house will smell like alcohol lol

Either way ill find out :sunglasses:

Well i will be posting my tincture making journey here soon. Going to scoop up some 190 tonight hopefully.

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You can also decarb in a mason jar in the oven.
It will seriously cut down on the smell.


Lid on tight?

And believe me. It was kind freaky to me also the first time I did it. :joy:

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Here’s a good article here on all the different decarboxilation methods. Though I have it linked to Mason jars. :slightly_smiling_face:

Though I’ll usually do 240° for 40 minutes or an hour.

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Check out ichiban crafter’s website too (regarding decarboxylating in a jar in an oven, amongst other methods), some really good information.

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Sounds good, I’ll try that for myself. My buddy’s going for the laser guided cortisone. His is bad and was compounded by a stroke.

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I had a potato explode in my oven one time, that shit wasnt fun. I imagine a mason jar full of weed would be waaaaaay less fun LOL

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My thoughts exactly, lol.
But I have since done it dozens of times without incident.

Waz up everyone just the thread i was looking for, :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
now i have to read 1871 posts… :blue_book:


It’s a great read. Enjoy! :smiley:

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Thanks, i will
My mom needs some stuff , like this… So my growing priorities have change 360 , so now going to do lots more CBD stuff

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Ok, did the deed. Looks like our everclear has to much water :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Everything was in the freezer for 24+hrs.
Did the shake for 5…2hrs…shake for 5…dump. add a bit more. Shake… filter through coffee filter…
Into the dbl boiler untill all the alcohol and most of the water was gone…got very dark but still showed emulsion.
Added a shot of everclear and mixed it up…I licked the spatula :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: hope to get a good buzz.
Going to have to tweek it…or get a friend to get the Yankee brand of ec at 95%.

Thanks again @ReikoX :+1:


Are u located in mexico…

Careful licking stuff.
I once cleaned the pan with my finger after not being able to get all the remaining RSO sucked up into oral syringes.
About 40 minutes later I could barely feel my legs. I was also quite noddy. What kind of asshole OD’s themselves on cannabis? This dude!:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


I think we’ve all been guilty of licking the spoon.



I don’t think Iet it evaporate enough. It got pretty dark. Took it out and added 1oz of EC. Still emulsified… And well… Taste is nasy af.
Gonna let it sit overnight… Add some butter and throw it in some brownies tomorrow. Unless anyone has any other ideas.

Trial and error, but at 50 bux a bottle. I think I’m going to have to look into solvents I guess and try to make some honey oil 🤷

Did you evaporate all the water before adding back the alcohol?

That 150 proof might be the culprit. If you can get 190 proof, it’ll make a difference.

I let the alcohol evaporate off just be leaving the tincture bottle open in a cool dark place for weeks at a time. If you’ve got the patience, that’ll work too.