Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Okay, thanks for the tip, Ill start looking into CBN

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Does it “louche” when you put it in a hot beverage? Water based beverage?

And how do you consume if sublingual is what you want, most preferably? straight tincture? Hard candy?


I just took a small portion of the artical for butter witch show CBN decarb, does this sound right to u

How to Make CBN Canna-Butter Step-by-Step:

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees F - confirm that your oven holds consistent temperatures with a thermometer if you’re not sure of your oven’s accuracy, and adjust temp settings if needed.
  2. Place your cannabis flower in a covered container and bake in the oven at 300 degrees F for 60 minutes. This will not only activate your THC by decarbing it into Delta-9-THC, it will also push a conversion to CBN for a percentage of that THC in the flower.
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I’m not sure what you mean by “louche”, but the oil tends to form a thin layer on the top.

Usually, it’s coffee with cream.

Sublingual or bucal work quickest. If I am going to do a sublingual, I prefer the “Dragon Breath Spray” recipe.

Not anymore, it burns like hell. :smiling_imp:

My preferred method. :yum: The trick is not to chew the candy but hold it in your mouth until the sugar melts.

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Thanks for that link. It tracks with the standard decarb graphs. If you look at this graph, you will notice the 145°C line goes up in THC quickly, then begins to drop off as the THC degrades to CBN.


I saw on the Ardent website to decarb it twice to get CBN…

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Has anyone here made a Liqueur yet?

I find that making a Simple Syrup to pair with the tincture and lower its alcohol content after extraction, helps manage the off putting profile of direct 190 proof under the tongue with basically hash and chlorophyll in it. Not the most pleasant experience for many people.

In the past I have paired Spearmint, Lime and Green Tea into a Simple Syrup to cut with my Green Dragon. I typically will extract from 4oz of decarbed flower, not trim. Doing it this way with the heat method, I would obviously end up with chlorophyll in it.

Cutting the tincture with the simple syrup and then letting it chill for 30/90+ days in the freezer, muted the bitterness and it turned into more of a Spearmint / Herbal / Citrus liqueur with the viscosity and sweetness of Jägermeister.

I want to say mine was only ever in the 400mg range per fl oz (4g Flower 10%-15% per 1 fl oz). (~13.5mg per 1ml) Half a shot had me going for quite awhile.

I think this next go around when I do it again, using refined information from this thread, I am going to try doing a ginger liqueur - then pour the infused liqueur over blueberries and then seal in the freezer for several months.

I just need to learn to make fresh frozen bubble hash to make it even higher quality.


And I had just learned the term “louche” when looking for a name for I what I witnessed.
Then I just learned another term for it, for @PSam’s youtube channel - I now remember seeing a video or two of his quite a while ago. I’ll put a link to his channel here, in case it hasn’t already been shared:
The other term is the “ouzo effect”. Ouzo effect - Wikipedia. Very interesting.


Greetings @Nitt,

As an Old Guy, with a set of lungs that have done hard duty for a few decades, I rely heavily on the tinctures that I make as a daily med/recreational high. I’ve read your questions about sub lingual use and I think I can offer some advice based on my own experiences.

Early on I found that I can tolerate a straight dose under the tongue but as you realized it isn’t pleasant. I tried the spray version as @Reikox suggested but it takes a bunch of spray to get the dosage I prefer. So that wasn’t the answer either.

I then experimented with a water dilution and realized I was on the right track. Even the most potent tinc in a shot glass of water is pretty near tolerable, at least for me. So that’s a good start, and the immediate milky emulsion effect of tinc in water is kinda cool too, like Absinthe, if you’ve ever tried that. I reckon that’s the louche-effect you mentioned.

Then I branched out and found that a slug of tincture in my morning coffee and cream was very nice. It does change the overall taste but not necessarily in a bad way. It’s worth saying that my process creates an almost clear tincture with very little chlorophyll or other contaminants so that may be a factor.

At that point, I was on a roll and I started adding a dropper or two of tinc in fruit juices, cocktails, beer and other beverages. All different and all pretty good. The downside is the time delay for the high to come on. Hmmm, Light my tongue on fire or wait fifteen minutes for the buzz… tough choice.

In the end I settled on red and white wines as a base because I love good wine anyways and I found I drank less and enjoyed it more when there was a nice canna-med liftoff after a glass or two. As a bonus, when you squirt a dropper of potent tincture into a glass of decent red wine it explodes into a little churning volcano as it emulsifies into an opaque layer at the top of the glass. Looks a little like those trixie layered Jello dishes Mom used to make.

Added bonus is that some cannabinoid residue adheres to the sides of the glass and when you have a second glass you pick those up for a clean-up dose of the chems!

So, my advice is that you experiment with your favorite foods and beverages and accept the compromise that it may take a little longer to feel the effects. You will have ditched the Big Burn and found a flavor profile that is satisfying for your own preferences.

My “Tincture Library” now has a couple dozen “Flavors” so mixing and matching is an ongoing taste treat.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Update on the Canadian Everclear 75%
1 Oz home grown bud ground up, decarb Ed.
2 hr freeze in Canadian EC shaken like a poloroid picture…
1 time through a coffee filter… Should of done this twice. :+1:
Dbl boiler all the way to RSO I guess we call it…to much water so over boiling made it tasted way to nasty for under the tongue. 🤷 Not a biggie…
The wife and I talked and were cool with re adding into butter for brownies.
So I added about 3/4 of a cup of butter and melted it into tne RSO… And into brownie mix…

This was at 4:50 as a friend asked me how they were… So down the hatch a good 2x4 for me and 2x4 for Mrs.Lz… Approx.
Let me tell you, here it is 11 pm and the last 7hrs have been an amazing buzz both physically and mentally, we laughed like we were 18 again :rofl::rofl::rofl:am
We’re still both absolutely blazed and just took a little chunk to help in the nigh.
IMHO, still a great extraction and gonna take some fine tuning, getting more bang for the buck to make the EC last longer…more butter in tne final mix, and maybe jay cloth instead of a coffee filter…
Dirty Green Dragon style :+1:
Oh I’ve got another Oz soaking for 2 weeks… Doing that on Dec 1st :green_heart:
That’s it… Ramble on :guitar: and gn OG :seedling:


Tell us how the 2 week one feels , same or stronger.
Hopefully my connect comes threw and Brings me my over 90% sugar cane alcohol from MEXICO :mexico:

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Looks like Oregon would be a quicker trip for ya! There’s a liquor store close to the border too, right on i-5. I can buy a 750ml bottle of organic 190 proof for $20.99 at the local state run liquor store in Oregon.


As both @GrouchyOldMan and @LzBoy describe, it does pay to soften the blow of alcohol by ingesting the tincture with food or drink rather than sublingually. My wife prefers it soaked into a little slab of moist banana bread or pumpkin bread – something flavorful enough to mask the alcohol, and oily enough to aid in the absorption of the cannabinoids.

The drawback is that it takes a little longer for the effects to kick in. But the advantage (besides helping to make the medicine go down) is that the effects last longer too.


We double filter, first a fine mesh cooking strainer then the coffee filter. That seems to help.



My only filtering is to let everything settle, then I tightly stretch a #76 bubble bag section over the top and carefully pour the tincture into another jar for evap reduction.

It only takes a few seconds, doesn’t waste a drop and results (usually) in a crystal clear product. Clean the bubble bag after with a splash of Iso.



Thanks for taking the time to share this @GrouchyOldMan. Hopefully I’ll figure something out.


I’d use something other than iso. Like ethyl alcohol or vegetable oil then some detergent. The thing is the iso causes extreme damage to nylon.


Thanks, I’ve heard that, but honestly I only use the sidewalls of my bubble nets for this purpose and I haven’t seen any degradation of the bubble mesh.

It’s almost enough to just reverse the bag and press down hard on an absorbent cotton shop rag. I use a shot of Iso for any tough clots. I think the QWET residual is pretty coarse-grained and the bubble weave captures it easily. But it’s really sticky and any contact with cloth sucks the residual gack right off the bubble bag.

Not for me to say Frienchy is wrong… But, Try it for yourself @JoeCrowe. put your bag under the scope before and after an Iso scrub and educate us all!

Love your work Brother,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Here I’ll quote Marcus bubbleman for you: “Every time you use isopropyl to clean your bags, it hurts my soul.”


I’ve talked to Marcus, he seemed glad enough to sell us more bubbles! LoL.

Hell Joe, I’m wrong lots of time, no ego at stake on this one. Put it on your scope, let’s see. I’ll be happy to play the fool…