Not sure what's going on!

Thanks everyone! Well I definitely found the problem, Russet mites. I’ve never seen or know of anyone having them around here. Not real sure how I got them. I haven’t been in any other grows nor had anyone in mine. I guess they came with the wind. Who knows?!?! Well I’m going to just cut everything down and clean up really good. I’ve got plenty of smoke to hold me till I get things straight. Thanks again! Without all of y’all I’d still be chasing my tail trying to figure it out.


Sorry to hear this, but glad you figured out the answer.


Do you garden outside as well?
Go out and handle a vegetable plant or brush past a plant that has mites and when you walk into the room you just introduced them.
Nothing that has been out of my greenroom goes back in before washing. I even have clothing and slippers that are designated for the room.
I have seen the mite fight and don’t look forward to playing that game.
Truly! Much good luck with this.
I’m afraid of the nasty little things. I think if it happened to me, I would end up trashing the grow, cleaning the crap out of my greenroom and start “day 1 - 1” on a new one.


Russet Mites reminds me of a bible passage where “the greatest trick the devil played on the world is making others believe he doesn’t exist.” Those things in my mind are indeed the Cannabis devil. I image our food supply getting lower and prices inflating over the wide range of reach these things have throughout horticulture. I’ve had to go as far as baking soil and coco, to pouring boiled water onto clay pellets before each use. People thought I was crazy, but I believe it works. And now people who claimed to have never taken in clones are getting them. I have found that they cannot thrive using a calcium hypochlorite solution in a cloner. They don’t like pool shock. Don’t stop cloning. If you can clone, you’re still in the fight. Once you can’t clone, you’re about to lose everything. If you get that far, calcium hypochlorite to save anything worth the extra effort. Pool shock has rooted the most difficult genetics for me real quick. You need to add less Nitrogen and Calcium in typical formulas in order not to give your clones additional stress on the cloner. I’d wish you luck, but that will only take you so far. IPM every 3 days. The pattern I’ve seen is doubles. First major change happens around 40 something days. Then 80 something. Then so on and so forth. You’ll see it’s a slow process and a long fight. But your plants are gonna change big time in the end. Don’t give up. Your plants will love you forever.