Nutrient burn or?

This is the only plant showing any sign of having issue. If it is nute burn there isn’t anything I can do because the fertilizer is down to earth vegan mix. It’s already mixed into the soil.


If it is , bottom watering will help as this will help stop pushing food from the top down and it accumulating / concentrating building up around roots at bottom of pot quicker then the plant can use it : )

Bottom water for a while then when plants needs more food or gets big enough to handle it go back to top watering ( visualise food in pot , it’s concentration and movement from both styles of watering )


if it’s nute burn and it’s in the soil, you could still choose to do something.

Fill large bucket half full with water, drop in root mass, carefully open up roots in the water while turning the stem back and forth so the soil can drop ito the water.

Take out rootmass

plant in less nutrient dense soil

Wait a week.


But since you haven’t yet posted a picture, maybe that could help too?


i thought it was just me that couldn’t see it for some reason.

Perhaps a good flushing might help as well and will diminish the over abundance of nutrients in the soil as well as adding some plain Jane potting soil.


Sorry guys here are the pictures. I completely forgot to upload


Does flushing work with organic fertilizer? I need this plant to live long enough to make seed.

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Generally some time thelower leaves turn yellow _normal – also consider (nutrient splash) cause ny nutrients splashing on leaves when feeding

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What’s your waters PH ?? :droplet: @MicroFlowerz
What’s your heat temperature :thermometer: :thinking:

It’s NOT nutrients splash, IF the nutrients are already In the soil.

I’m thinking a mix of a few things, Possibly;
Over watering
Heat stress
Light stress
Nutrients lock out
PH not 6.5 ish or not stable

Or a combination of all.


Not sure but I’m going the the hydro shop later today to pick up some stuff ph supplies included.

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It works in soil to a degree, it usually flushes out extra nutrients &/or salt build up. Doesn’t help if your PH is outta wack though.


My soil mix is composed of coco, compost, perlite

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That’s all you need. Nothing els.

PH check your water before doing anything els.
If possible (not really needed) have the nutrients in your soil checked. Can do a basic PH soil test to help determine PH of soil (soil srurry test)

Don’t buy anything els from the hydro store unless you actually need it.


Good. And your using dry nutrients, so that’s good.

I’d let that plant dry iut wicked good, healthy watering with warm water, trim the ugly fans, let dry again. Feels more like drowned roots than over nutes.


Other then test, Check your heat temperature in tent & how close lights are from plants and how many watts of lights you got going…?

Download an app called “LUX” it looks like a yellow light blub on your phone. Hold phone with app open at the same height as your plants under the light to see the LUX values.

Quick Guide - Lux Levels for Optimal Cannabis Growth

Life Stage Maximum Good Minimum
Vegetative 70,000 lux 40,000 lux 15,000 lux
Flowering 85,000 lux 60,000 lux 35,000 lux

< 15,000 lux - sparse or “stretchy” growth - plant isn’t getting enough light

15,000 - 50,000 lux - good amount of light for healthy vegetative growth

45,000 - 65,000 lux - optimal amount of light for cannabis plants in the flowering (budding) stage

70,000 - 85,000 lux - a lot of light, some strains do okay at this light level, but some plants lose their top leaves early under this light intensity, especially plants that are not resistant to heat/light (like many indicas)

> 85,000 lux - at this light intensity, you’ve hit the plant’s “saturation point” which means your plant can’t use all the light (be careful of light bleaching!)

It’s NOT perfect by any means, BUT it’s alot better then guessing! I use this for years with good results! @MicroFlowerz


I have only tried it with FFOF and it really seem to help as I found sometimes their soil though is very good for some strains it is to much (hot) and should be cut with some plain Jane potty soil. I hope this will help you.

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I run different from you but I would do a wicked flush with properly ph’d water and then proceed as normal after it has dried out a bit.

But I use nutes from a bottle so this won’t work for you :+1: