Nutrient Deficiencies In Flower

Peg does sound a bit like him :joy:


Push on through to harvest you’re gonna get a lot more discolouration soon, N is needed for the stretch anyway.


And according with this weird chart it is antagonist of Nitrogen:

Potassium is always abundant and available, so that N toxicity would explain the deficiency. Finally, one way to difference between N toxicity and overwatering is that in the first case only some random leaves are affected, time to check it out … Arriba|nullxnull


Everytime I look at that chart I feel like I’m trying to crack the Da Vinci code :laughing:


im using uprising grow and bloom , i have a container of gia green and i have stuff for extra mag and cal , think i might need to add it after i fully dehydrate and the. water them at 6.5 ph and start to see a little revorvery i could definitly talk about nutes for hours with some growers here is a pic of my last grow in a 4x4 i had 6 plants 5 alien og from @lefthandseeds and 1 girl scout cookie from @DougDawson . i used an hlg 650r with 3 tbsp per gal gia green and 2 tbsp per gal seaburd gauno 0-12-0 for the final top dressing and my veg was 6-4-5 fox farm slow realease nutes and i had 2 compost teas 1 week 3 2nd week 5 . i also threw in some kelp and i top dress with 4 tbsp per gal earthworms and 2 oz biomin booster 126 per gal of water … needless to say results were crazy

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thank you a lot george

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Love the Dutch Bros sticker
I always got Dutch Brothers when I woukd go pick up in cooze Bay

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I used to get that all the time. Mostly from the change in nutes as my plants switched into flowering. I’m no expert, but when I stoped the change, my plants stopped doing that.
It’s going to take some time for the plants to get used to the change. Meanwhile they supplement, by taking what they need from the plant.
Adjusting, as the change was too great to be done all at once.
Have your growth rate slowed down?? If it did, it was the change that the plant didn’t like.
You be your own judge.
Because some plants are more finicky than others. See how many plants didn’t like the change versus who it didn’t bother. If more plants hated it, than liked it, I would use a different technique next grow.

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With over watering it’s generally the whole leaf (lack of turgor pressure) with N tox it’s more of a heavy claw at the first half of the leaf.

Pretty easy to tell apart IME the nitrogen tox has a more aggressive curl (almost like a hook?) at the tips vs a more general drooping with a more slight curl for over watering.

They both claw but the “claws” look slightly different.

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they are getting better and better as the days go on , thank you for all this usful info and it does have a mean hook on a couple to a few leaves


i let them dry up of any extra N gave them a top dress of 2-8-4 and a little 6-1-2 should i do anything else?

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This was a nice tool I used back in the day, maybe it’ll help push you in the right direction!

Here is the whole Shabang, pun intended btw.

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