Oaseeds Spain

Here to warn people about Oaseeds out of Spain. Their website showed they had certain seeds packs from a breeder in stock. Had multiple conversations via email about how to pay them for my order. They would respond the very next day with answers to all of my questions. Paid them $200 for my order only to get a reply that they don’t have the items I ordered in stock and if I would like to substitute something else. Told them via email response that those items are they only things I want from them but since they don’t have them, I’d like a refund. Now they won’t respond even after 3 replies to the one email they sent me. The old “bait and switch”. I’ve had nothing but very decent experiences with all seed banks as far as responses to my concerns…until Oaseeds. Buyer, please beware of these tactics from this company.


Oh hell no. If it was me, I’d say “ok look you haven’t responded to my last 3 messages so apparently you don’t want to give my money back. Can you at least send ______ seeds for my replacement? And I’d like extras since you haven’t responded and you’re just holding my money hostage. I’m about to plaster these emails all over the internet and warn people about you guys” lol


That’s not a bad idea.

Update: Just sent Oaseeds a 4th email to which they finally responded. They said they are in the process of refunding my money. I will update if this is indeed a fact or not soon.


Good to know, rqs is nice.

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the attitude does this all the time too …
they claim this happens because they don’t reserve the packs.
they keep selling them until they are out, no regards to open orders.


“Bad-attitude seeds”


All the beans you got bro why would you be buying lol.


confirmed seedslut over here … i can’t help it, lol. *help * :smile:


Sorry guys, completely forgot to update. They did eventually send me back my money. Took more than a month so I won’t be sending them money anymore.


thanks for the update. sometimes acknowledging a false alarm is super valuable. sounds like theyre werent upfront about their stock. i had a similar problem with another spanish vendor Lindas. i bought well over $400 worth of seeds over a couple of orders. was my first toe into commercial seeds. mostly went well. one order i received was a bunch of premature seeds that wouldnt sprout. 10/10 duds. they wouldnt replace. now i only order stateside. glad to hear they at least gave you your money back


Thanks fellow grower. There are a few great seed companies from abroad with some even sending my items via FedEx and arrive within 7 days and in original breeders packaging as I always ask for. Some just ignore that request so I don’t repeat buy. Kind of a expensive way to learn the hard way

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I can say from my own experience that it is better not to deal with the Spaniards. I live here, I know what I’m talking about.


I havent a problem with oaseeds or attitude besides my seeds disappearing after leaving Chicago airport. Oaseeds doesnt always carry the stuff, same as linda seeds. They recieve an order , then place one to aquire the seeds.so it can take an extended amount of time to recieve them. If you send cash you recieve zero guarantee that said seeds will be there whe your cash does. Do you blame them?

Not all Spaniards are the same.


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