Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

Hi all smoken some geese’s pieces x Tropicana cookies x cw from Ill eagle seeds our friend @stanknugzz77
So glad I kept cuts ! oh yeah and the mrs likes it so it’s a double win!

Ok now , the mom plant with all attached cuts on her , all cuts are standing and I unwrapped a few of the grafted stems and they are solid and healed over !

I started to harden the plant ! I am taking the dome off each day for 10 to 20 minutes or as soon as they look like they need the dome again ,they get droopy ! They perk back up once the dome is replaced and a bit of a spray .
I took cut’s just Incase the main mom failed . I don’t believe she will but it was a perfect time to show my helper how to clone !

All new cuts are thriving and get sprayed each day

Here’s a picture of the 3 I just put in the small tent and flipped to 12/12

Fed every one today , easy , all the same feed for now , just lowered the ppms for the little ones

Ppm between 700 and 860 includes tap water at 220 ppm

Ph set at 6.1

I’ll up pot the baklava( fem seed from the plug ) tonight her roots are peeking out the bottom

I have a banana cross of theirs I’ll try next run

I up potted baklava to the large octopot used about 6 gallon’s of pro mix bx and added perlite to it .
And I figured I’d show how to fill the octopot so here goes
Basic components

Soil mix , before adding perlite it’s best to rinse it . I use my hash work bag and rinse it in the yard .
Check what is left on the floor before I rinsed it out

Mixed and ready to fill the bag

Make sure bag is set right I use an empty 5 gallon bucket with the bottom cut out for support and the clips hold it in place . If you want to have the bag stand straight you must support the side by firmly packing the dirt but not too firm , also the center of the net pot needs to be firmly packed . Don’t try to fill the bag all the way then pack it down do it in stages for best results
Remember firm but not too firm

Once filled , the hole where the plant will go use @Jetdro tubo method before transferring the new plant .
Use 1/2 gallon of you feed / water mix I added rhizsitonic for root development and ph’ed to 6.2 . then pour it only down the hole only not around the whole surface.The roots tend to follow the path of the water directly down to the reservoir. That’s why it’s important not to allow the roots to curl, but if they do they can be pruned for better development.
And here she is Baklava

Well hope you enjoyed the show so far

I have a feeling it’s going to be crowded in there oh well more plants more fun
