Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

I guess it would depend they only helper I’ve had my GF and she does good when she helps but it makes me feel all worked up for whatever reason. Once the kids a older I’m sure I’ll have some helper


@Jetdro I saw this done in ig from lightaddict and it always stuck in my head The mom tent is a mess lol

@SaintAliasKnife I always wanted to do this

A grow friend from open grow had a great thread on graffiti foolingthehill was very detailed and had it dialed in he would show 6 different peppers growing on 1 plant

@HorseBadorites hi brother thanks for stopping by :wave:
@Mr.greenbee helper this is going to be fun
Hopefully we won’t piss each other off !
It’s something I can pass on

On the grafting !!!
It may take a bit to start this part
First I’ll need to mainline a plant

This has a lot of possibilities

One plant in a 24 x 24 tent with 16 to 20 moms
It sounds ambitious, but what the hell I got nothing but time on my hand

@Floyd hi buddy smoke some c99 now


Just from my experience trying to graft tomatoes, I’d start simple… a couple of branches on one plant. The learning grafts don’t always take! :slight_smile:


Yeah that I know

I do plan in a few weeks once the new grow gets established I’ll start
I’ll save the pwc I’ve got finishing up it has 4 nice main branches so I think to start an use her as a test subject



Some changes in the line up

Mango lassi done :heavy_check_mark: didn’t make it
Added in her spot copa genetics Turkish twist ( my helper’s choice)

And looks like the anesthesia just don’t want to crack I still watch and see what happens but i don’t believe the old seeds will make it but we have hope

I just cracked Joti ‘s afghan in its honor

Idea I do have a herijuana from back in the day maybe I see a remake in the works

We shell see


Moms and seeds


Hi all just a small update.
Mom’s we’re looking a little shabby. so I gave them some bloom feed this should perk them up .I find when there in a small pot for a good deal of time a little 10/30/20 goes a long way !

Seedlings are struggling a bit had a few stem failures as well as some not making it past cracking ( some packs are old ) anesthesia still have not sprouted as of yet no signs of life :weary::sob::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: they got to be ten years old but I haven’t given up yet some take 10 days to crack .
So I started some more for pure #’ s sake and !

Very disappointed in a new seed group I’m trying
The plug , seeds appear to be a bit immature 2 cracked and quickly failed so I’m soaking 2 more

I still hopeful , they did have a good review and Escobar ran some of their gear which got my attention .
Then again it could just be me sometimes crap just happens


I do use jacks 15.5/0/0 but in small amounts !

If I have 350 ppm of 20/20/20/ I’ll add no more then 100 ppm’s of 15.5/0/0


Nice bro! I wonder how I missed your new thread. Glad I found it and wishing you the best for this run. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3::herb::green_heart:
Sorry to learn that the old seeds not performing per your expectations but I’m sure those that make will will be in the best hands…:wink::grin::herb:
And ur apprentice is one lucky dude to be there learning from your garden…:heart_eyes::fire:
Will be riding along and learning from you as well…:blush::v:t3:

1 Like

Glove bags oh yeah they’re amazing ! Just wick the inner moisture out before storing ! :blush: very pleased no more jars !


This is the time that I’m going through the oldest seeds so crack rate is poor Baklava New pack ,out of 6 only 1 may live !very disappointed !!! Turkish twist old tester pack from copa only 2out of 5 so I’ll drop in a pack of secret 25 we she’ll see how they do

I want to clear out all the old seeds so I’m running like 15 different ones to see what survives once I pick the best to flower tell do 15 more for the next run only the strong survive cull the weak I’m especially focused on the open packs or old freebees


Rearranged the room a bit !
Moved the air filter out of the way so now it’s safer for me I keep hitting it . Also repositioned a light

Changed the light schedule to lights on at 3 pm and run till 9

I may go 4 to 10 to avoid the heat it’s 89 with lights on yesterday in the afternoon and it really not hot yet

Also increased air intake and installed more small fans !

Also smoken Frankie at 8 week’s harvest window she’s cured 5 weeks wow nice :+1:.

I’ve tried her at 8, 9, and 10 weeks but so far there all good but 8 my be my favorite


Hi all

Veg time is slow time
But it’s time to clean up and rearrange the room a-bit
Moved fan and light


New seeds


Recently I took a tip from @santero

I’ve been harvesting the plant at different times to see the difference in the finish product

Frankenstein I’ve taken this at 8 weeks ,9 weeks and at 10 weeks

8 weeks may be my favorite for all day but still has a :boom:

9 weeks a bit more heavier in the head

10 weeks will put you down and is the most potent

Flavor seems to be there at every step
These where cured for 5 weeks give or take

So I just harvested a Mac 1 ( @Jetdro what’s your thoughts)
64 days still A. 3 hit wonder flavor is still spot on and flavor is about the same the hi my be a bit clearer . I tested this at wake and bake so yeah
Also tried it last night and still knocked me out lol :joy:

I also have her drying at 67 days ( not tested yet

And I’ve been smoking her at 72 days

One thing I noticed is she builds up and puts on weight all the way till 10 weeks ( can’t speak for any longer )


I am always late to the party! My apologies @Papalag!

I am super stoked that you enjoyed running these so much that you are running a cut again! I hope that you dial them in even more and they get even better for you! You fucking killed it with your first run of them from seeds.

I appreciate you giving my work more space in your garden as well! The Irene OG x Dog Patch AKA Grandma’s Dog should definitely have some interesting plants! I look forward to the show brother! Positive vibes…



i take her 10 cause she builds all the way to there. First run of her was 8 weeks, taste flavor power already there at 8 weeks,. Didnt taste n smell any difference out to 10 but bud was much larger.

Need to get off my ass and flower A Frankie out !


1 out of 6 isn’t great
Deffo pop the non poppin ones in soil just incase


Hay @ifish
It’s a bummer

4 never cracked 2 cracked only one of them is above dirt

It is what it is , they looked very immature . Small and very light color

I’ll run the banana cross next time

And like always. It could be user error lol

This whole run I’ve had damp off , no cracking

I’ll have to change things up a bit I must be slacking


The one that popped , popped for a reason , it’s the one , I feel it : )

Any that don’t pop i thro all into one pot of soil , sometimes you get a surprise


Let the grafting begin ! oh shit I’m trying something new again , well here goes

Smoke :dash: Time to take a puff :dash:

@GCBudz @ifish @potpotpot @Greenup @Jetdro @HorseBadorites @Hemp @Hamme @GrouchyOldMan @Pigeonman @santero @Cormoran @Slick1 @webeblzr @Toker1 @Floyd @George @Gardenartus @neogitus
If I forgot anybody sorry in advance
Any advice please speak up.

I started a new mother plant that will be the base for all of the grafting. I chose my port wine cheese due to the amount of branches it had. so yesterday I transplanted her from a half gallon pot into a 2 gallon pot. She seems to be doing quite well.
In preparation for this, I fed all the mother plants that I’ll be using for cuttings bloom feed at 560 ppm’s , to prepare then to take cuts .

I soaked cuttings in water with rhizotonic , like I would when taking cuttings for clones

Cuttings taken so as to leave a good deal of exposed inner flesh

mom cut to except the cutting

grafting tape to secure branch tightly , I double wrapped it

Once tightly wrapped I took a plastic bag, sprayed the inside of it, and sprayed the cutting itself to make sure leaves were damp not soaked . Then I placed a clear plastic bag over it and tied it tight with a wire tie…

All the cuts were taken at a node .
And each cut labeled .

I TRIED 2. attempts 1 a gg4 and #2 papa’s punch for starts
Well let’s see if there standing tall tomorrow
