Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

This is definitely the best method. I love to really learn each individual plant as much as possible.

Awesome! Everyone who has ran the Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple has found some amazing plants. I look forward to seeing what you find! Positive vibes…



To all who celebrate and even if you don’t :joy:

A very happy thanksgiving to all


Herijuana this was from sinister seeds

This clone I never topped and I hardly trained her
She is the perfect shape for a scrog net and she did it all on her own

Ok the this pic sucks so try this one


:arrow_double_up: :arrow_double_up: This is the way!

I tried pruning every other set of branches on a symmetrical plant recently with great results. I remember it as sacrificing an upper node level that was struggling for light in order that the next level below suddenly was flooded with energy and delivered a bouquet of bodacious beauties at harvest time. BrainDead easy, and a better yield in bushy plants.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, I am American andThanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year Paps. All my spiritual vectors align for this one. Those seasick, scared, vulnerable pilgrims, ashore after a perilous voyage escaping a tyranny. They reach a land with great promise and thrive. What’s not to like, really.


Oh yeah i definitely have done that and it’s worth the pain that come without the am i doing the right thing guilt handling I’ve your head lol

Oh yeah i definitely like to sit with family an carve up a big old bird with all the fixens


I decided to make butter today
I decabed approximately 3 ounces of assorted bud and some 120 microns hash
250 degrees for 30 minutes 1/2 of this will also be used to make tincture

I’ll cook on the stove in 1 pound of butter unsalted and 4 cups of water not to let it boil out and add water as needed cook for 90 minutes
Strain and let the mixture sit in the fridge overnight to separate

I’ll show the finished product tomorrow

Here’s a few pics of the pack at lights out .

I really like how they are coming along
No tip burn
Color looks good
No deficiencies

I’m finding less is best after all
I’ve reduced the amount of fertilizer and additives
Keeping it lower then normal seems to pay off



Butter time


How do you get anything accomplished at 3+oz of material per 1lb of butter? I’d be comatose…

Mine is 1oz to 1lb… which I thought was the standard.


Edit… never mind. I’m equating 1 stick to 1lb on the butter…


It’s actually 1.5 oz to a pound
I have the other 1.5 in the freezer for tincture


They say 1oz of bud or 3 oz of trim
We she’ll see


So Paps,
Speak to us of Canna Tinctures!
I am increasingly a fan of tincture for a bunch of reasons and I wonder how you make it and use it in your life?

@ReikoX sits near to GodHead on this subject, He knows whereof he speaks. Following his lead I have a few dozen tincs on hand. I think tincture is the unsung hero of CannaConsumption! Jus Sayin.

Recent Batch

Peace Brother,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I do like the tincture for a few things

But this batch will go to make canna sugar

It’s great in tea or coffee


How do you make your tincture?

I use the freezer method


How do you make your canna sugar?

Last I think I used tincture to make it :thinking: only made like a cup or two of sugar tho and it sadly didn’t do much for me but I need a lot of mg’s :joy:


Hi there HA

The first time I made it it was weak
So I took the 2 pints of tincture and reduced it 1/2 by boiling it off in a mason jar and a pot of boiling water

Then the tincture was more potent and I used a cup of tincture to 1 cup of sugar

@Gardenartus I believe add distillate to the alcohol to control it he strength


I take the tincture down to oil, that way you know how much is in there. If your tolerance is high, you probably want about 4 grams to one cup sugar. The normal stronger one I make I use 2 grams of 800mg to a cup of sugar to make 100mg tablespoons. Using 4 grams of strong oil you should end up with about 200mg per tablespoon.

After I take it down to oil, I dissolve it in about 1/3 cup alcohol. I do not do mine in the oven, I do it over a double boiler with vent on. My oven exploded one time lol scared the crap out of me, so I no longer do it in the oven. The stove top way is much safer and quicker. You have to keep scraping the sides and bottom of the pan as the alcohol dissipates, mix in with the sugar, it reaches a point you know it is done, there will no longer be anything sticking to the pan. Take it another 30 minutes to remove alcohol.


I’m all out of likes but thank you very much! Both of you! I’ll definitely reduce it down and follow your steps here on my next batch :wink:


Hi Paps, thanks for asking.
Everything I know about tinctures came from @ReikoX. So I’m a just pilgrim along that trail with a few tweaks.

My minor innovation, if you want to call it that, is in “Calibrating” the potency of the tinctures I make. I know what effects my droppers of tinc will produce. That turns out to be a big deal.

I’m an old fella and cannabis tincture is as close to pure Canna Meds as you can get… If you know what you have, you can use it like a boss. So I do.

Besides, what the heck else do you Master Growers do with your towers of Ball Jars in the closet filled with elite bud?

Make tincture, experiment, enjoy. Be happy.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart: :v:
PS, apologia mia, I’m ranting on a serious bowl of @floyd’s awesome Gorilla Glue
and a double scoop of hash crumbles from my last bubble run.


We just titrate round here, lol! Calibrating sounds a bit more accurate. especially getting to geezer strength :slight_smile: How do you do it?


Hi :wave: all of OG land

We all report the good but today I report the bad

Orange tart = orange blossom x uk cheese
Wow big disappointment to me
Beautiful plant
easy to grow
big buds
I don’t like the finish product
Well I’ll turn it into hash or meds

So based on a family smoking test
We decided to also trash the plant in the grow room ( she was a beauty too , that’s why she made this round )

I can’t see wasting time and effort for something we don’t like

It gets you hi but not what I’m used to
Or like

Let me say I am a big fan of prof p’s work
But not this one
