Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

I’ve actually been looking at pretty much just that it either diy or there a unit that connect to the large water cooler jugs. Just not sure how well those operate. But there a pretty cool diy with a 5 gal bucket with a pond fogger and fan. Maybe after Christmas and my boys birthday I’ll put one together


Mery Christmas gromie!! All of you in here… I hope your holiday is great! :santa: :green_heart:


Merry Christmas paps
: )


And a very merry Christmas :christmas_tree: to you and family my friend



Hi all

Decabed some nice bud
Out it in the freezer with some everclear

Mixed it a good 3 minutes separated and back into the freezer waited about 2 hours then repeated the process

Here’s what it looks like

Now it sits in the freezer for a day or so to settle and I’ll strain out the impurities.

I’ll most likely make canna sugar



Hey, hey Paps! So, you find it strong enough with that short of a time? I may have to re-think my process… I leave it in the freezer for at the very least, 2 weeks, sometimes 2 months… and try to shake it at least once a day… jeeze, I could make so many more batches your way!


It seems to do the trick and not as much chlorophyll
I do reduce the mixture over heat and boil it down 1/2 way that also increases potency

Its a lot quicker then leaving ina dark place for 90 days if you remember the old ways


51 days on the Mac 1

She’s got some color and stacking nicely

Smell is incredible and loud as f

Stopped the canna boost week 5.5 switched to the next faze in the feeding schedule equal parts 10/30/20 and 5/12/26 1/4 teaspoon of each per gallon from now on only a little Epson salts and calmag as needed
Ppms total 525 ph at 6.05

Ok as far as the rest
These ladies are at day 15 of flower
I just started bloom ( once buds started to form I fine using clones they seem to show bud faster )feed using 10/30/20 1/2 teaspoon per gal and 1/4 teaspoon of 15.5/0/0 (calnet )and the same of Epson salts here’s when I add a bloom booster ( canna boost accelerator) suggest by our own @ifish great choice

Room shot

The ladies

Notes on rooting the clones
Foop mist is a must
This run on clones I ran out of foop
My clones didn’t start to root till day 10
Last run same moms prepped the same way but I used foop mist my clones started to root in 6 days
A definite difference


you likey the accelerator
: )


Damn brother!! Those pics of the Mac make me want to run her!!


@Papalag Mac looks excelllent…isnt her smell just intoxicating!!! I just took one down and her reek is all over my house


That is magic bro


I will have to try this. Mrs H doses her nightly vodkas… be nice if it tasted better for her! I actually like the chlorophyll taste.

You’ve probably mentioned, but I’m an old git… what’s your weed to everclear ratio? And when you reduce, how do you do that? Did you do a tutorial? :slight_smile:


Our friend @Gardenartus taught me this method

This time I decabed 2 oz of bud give or take
Broke it up a bit and added a 5th of everclear almost filled the mason jar

Place weed and alcohol in freezer separately I leave it in there for 2 days before I make it

Combine shake the crap out of it for like 3 minutes
Separate squish out the juice I use a strainer from the kitchen
Re freeze and do it again
I do this 3 times
Then I let it sit in the freezer the contaminants
Will drop to the bottom I then run it through a coffee filter and I’m done

To reduce I use a boiling pot of water place open mason jar in water opened ( water level to up to tincture in jar ) and let the alcohol evaporate to the point you want
This is a slow process at this point it normally takes a few hours
I do sit over it and make sure water level is consistent ( I keep a kettle full and ready )
I’ll let it cool a little then I’ll make Cana sugar
I hope this helps

I’m happy with the finished product

Hopefully you’ll be to
Please let me know if you try this and how it compares



how do you make canna sugar papa. @Papalag


It’s starts with tincture

Then 1 cup tincture to 1 cup sugar give or take
Mix I spread it out on a cookie tray ( for baking cookies )
Let it air dry 2 days done

The stronger the tincture the stronger the sugar


It sure does, thanks. I’m a little confused about this part, though.

Are you letting it separate after the shaking? Then pouring off the liquid through a strainer into a jar? Then dumping the wet weed into the strainer and squeezing more liquid out? Do you compost what’s left in the strainer, or does it go back into the jar for times 2 & 3? Sorry if I sound extra thick… I am :slight_smile:

Gotta make a run to the ABC store for a couple 1/5’s. I usually use 2 zips in 500ml, and that’s all I’ve got left, but I want to try it exactly your (@Gardenartus 's) way before I start tinkering.

I will definitely report back, boss, lol!

PS do you use just bud, or trim?


Yes i separate after the shaking

Yes I squeeze more liquid out
Then I put the weed and the tincture separately in 2 mason jars re freeze for a few hours then repeat the process

When finished I throw out the spent weed

This run I used only bud but I’ve used both trim and bud in the past

It’s only as good as what you put in

Gardenartus would tell you to reduce the tincture down to just oil and then weigh it determine potency
At that point she adds it back to the alcohol to create a tincture that she knows the potency of
Me I skip those steps and use a
Double boiler like you make chocolate in and
Reduce my tincture about 1/2 way to increase potency usually the tincture is more then good lol
But I make Cana sugar for our tea and coffee

When I reduce the tincture I’ll post pics

Then on a baking tray in mix the sugar and the tincture let it air dry and I have Cana sugar


Ahhh, thanks for that Paps… I think I got it!

Do you decarb before freezing, or let the bain marie do that for ya?

Mine is plenty strong using decarbed trim with no evaporating… so if after trying your recipe, you don’t hear from for a while, you’ll know why :slight_smile:


Just make sure to do the purge off of alcohol in a double boiler with a vent on, do not to it in the oven. :slight_smile:

If your wife has issues with green, I do, you can use activated carbon to get the green out. With the freezer method, you don’t pick up much green. Bud gives you less green then trim.

If I was making this for myself, I probably would just run it the way Pap does, and not concentrate it. I do it because I give this to patients, they need to know the potency. But for myself, I would just run it as a tincture.