Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

Paps the seed poppa! Looking good in here!


I never got any mold, but never tried past two weeks. I had them ready to transport, with the wet paper towel wrapped around the stems in ziplock bags. Not sure how long it take to develop mold, but in the two weeks I did mine was not an issue. We used to have exchange parties and I would cut a bunch like that.


Exchange party wow that would be a blast
Not here in my state lol

Hush hush :shushing_face: :zipper_mouth_face: here


I was thinking the same thing that would be sweet !


Reservoirs where all if not most empty so I mixed up a batch of feed add 15 ml of rhizotonic and cannazime to it all pups are 1/2 way filled
And the big Octopots are alt the 1 st level line

Ph at 6.15 ppms at 680

Babies also got fed
Ph 6.15 and Ppms 638
A bit hi for the babies but I think they can take it

Chuckys bride seeds are in paper damp towels
After 24 hrs in water


I got a new one for you @Papalag, Infused Coffee! Gonna try tomorrow to see if it taste worth a shit, this is enough to make one cup of strong coffee, it is 800mg! lol Think I will just drink half a cup. But pretty cool if this taste good.


Very cool, we would bring clones, smoke, edibles, seeds, not many drank but some did, we would make a nice get together party. Those guys were clean so we could trust each others clones, half have died now, so we don’t get together any longer, we would exchange edibles, seeds, and smoke too. I miss that.


Per cup wow lol that will knock me out lol


I purchased cannazime and rhizotonic because of this thread lol(also bought boost because hey why not) are you planning on feeding every watering? I’m currently running urban farms Vegtable for veg plants and garden of eden for flower along with hydroguard and silica blast.


Since I see @Gardenartus is here, I wanted to give a little report on trying your sorta quick wash tinc.

I used 2 zips of SSDD trim frozen for 24 hrs, and 750ml of Diesel 191, arrrhhh, arrrrhhh, arrrrhhhh :grin:

Swished for a few minutes in a quart jar, then drained through a coffee filter into another. Got most of it back, until I tried to do a second run, and dumped about 200ml on the kitchen counter. Alcohol and polyurethane make a bit of a mess.

I couldn’t figure out how run 2x, much less 3x, without making a bigger mess! So I did a bain marie of what was left, and forgot to keep an eye on it, of course. Anyway ended up with about 300ml… potent and delicious. Ms. H says it’s just right in some vodka :yum: I like it sublingually… smooooooth.

I have passed it around, and it’s a big hit. There’s another bottle of Diesel, and tub of trim freezing, but I’ve gotta know how you do the transfers for the 2nd and 3rd runs… unless you spill it all over the place too. Then I’ll just stick with one, lol!

And just to show I’m not totally inept, I didn’t burn these cookies :sweat_smile:

So thanks for the tips, I’m going to keep practicing :joy:


That sounds good


It really depends on where I am
Example clones transplanted into Octopots definitely till roots hit the res

Young plants seedlings clones any time I’m trying to build roots

I stop once plants establish themselves well

You mentioned the boost
I use both the boost accelerator during weeks 3 to 5.5 of flower
Then I use the 13/14 boost weeks 6 through finish and increase as we go

Its a great product I only use it at 1/2 straight



I use a large colander to strain the freezer stuff, then go to a final filter such as the coffee filter. The first I want to get out of there as quick as possible to keep the green out, I actually strain in the freezer. Then do the finer for clean up after I get it all processed through the larger hole colander, that does not have to been strained in the freezer. Papalag might do it different. I don’t use this method any longer so he might have better tips for you.

Your oil sounds really good. :slight_smile:


I’ll be making more sone so I’ll post up how it’s done a picture says 1000 words lol


Cool, I bought 13/14 as well but it hasn’t shown up. Just getting to week 3 in flower so perfect timing.


Ha ha ha, I just know how that would go for me :frowning:


Thanks Paps, I couldn’t get through 1000 words without a brain freeze!

Outta likes for both of youse :slight_smile:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I use a whole different process, using activated charcoal in a gravity tube set up I came up with, to take the green out and to remove light metals and toxins. I processed for cancer patients for years, and came up with a better way to clean it up. I filter more then 15 times by the time it is done. I winterize as well. If you ever had my oil you can tell the difference. So it is not that way is a not good method for personal use, I am a caregiver and make it for others as well. I need to be cleaner and more precise then if doing for yourself. Both methods work great depending on your needs. The freezer method is the easiest way to keep the green out.


good to see you posting again😎


I had some CBD infused coffee that I bought from Sunset Lake CBD. It was pretty good!


Hi all in OG world

It’s a beautiful day over here sunny 50’s Fahrenheit sunny and no wind :dash:

Every thing at this stage is boring :yawning_face:
Seeds are getting wet for the chuckys bride run total of 14 f 3’s some I made some someone from open grow made these I’m not sure who now they are all old
I splashed a bit of hydrogen peroxide in with the water. Hopefully it’ll help them to crack.
I’ll be looking for 4 good ladies (at the f3 level not sure what difference or how uniform they’ll be ) all in 3 gallon pots and 1. Nice male in the middle in a 2 gallon pots
Put on some Marvin Gay music close the tent and let them be

As for the seedlings there getting big and starting to show sex
I culled a Froot Loops male today
Positive on 2 cay o Hauso
1 bcsd fem still?
The rest need more time

Running some clones for a friend these where from the cuts stored in the refrigerator waiting on the last one to show roots

All elites in the Octopots are starting to beast up
A few are lagging behind I through I was going to loose legends but she’s pulling through

Random shots
From @JohnnyPotseed

These are from a friend

The Ohio famous lemon g is among them and filling out nicely for all you lemon heads
And of course the one and only
Mac 1 caps cut
