Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

Damn, she looks nice bro! And this leaf-shape :ok_hand:

I hope you get the golden looking buds with that special smell I love so much about the core cut.


Just wondering what ph and ppm you are running in flower for octos. I haven’t checked either since switching to octos and using the urban farms nutes, never had any issues. With the addition of the canna products I decoded I better check and my solution with boost and rhizotonic and cannazym have me at 1040ppm and 5.5ish ph.


I run low ppms early veg 550 to 650 that includes cal net and Epson salts , rhizotonic
I’ll boost ppms. Weeks 3 to 5 of flower 700to 850

If the ppms go above I add water to lower to the # I want

I always set ph between 6and 6.2


Hi all it’s update time once again

So smoke em if you got em

Started off today with some herijuana
Oh yeah it hits the spot and just in case I’m puffing on a vape pen with some white rhino shatter I pressed
So puff :dash: puff :dash: pass

Now we’re ready

First up
Chuckys bride babies
6 in solo cups 1 more above dirt and 2 thinking :thought_balloon: about breaking ground soon
Woo hoo

Clones received from a friend
Ice cream cake, wedding cake, Tahoe,
Still need time notice there’s a cb baby just above soil :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Group shot

Waiting on the kaspar housan @santero to show sex for some reason there fooling me
I’ll pic the best one once they come out lol

Line up

I plan on letting them veg a bit maybe 2 more weeks or even 3 more we will see

The ones in the 2 gallon bag will get placed in the 24 x 24 tent and flipped to flower 3 weeks before the others

When the chuckys bride are sexed and of size they will get transferred to the small Octopots and will take over the 24 x 24 tent
So looking for 4 females and a stud to hang out with the girls
I’ll put on some Sade maybe some Luther Vandross and let’s not forget Marvin Gaye most of you younger peeps were most likely conceived by him singing
Close up the tent and yet them be

As a side project just to make a few seeds
I’ll take some pollen from the beast coast sour diesel from @stanknugzz77 and hit my sour diesel clone from @JohnnyPotseed for fun

Still not sexed and too small for this round
Tropical biscuit and froot loops
They get stuck in the flower room later but will take clones for a future run

I just kept putting things in the room I’m in trouble


Great line up man!!! Sweet variety going on, love it !!! Never ran SD. You will like CJ , GMO too.
Good job on FAF, could not get my cut to grow and never got to run her.

Gonna be a cool display 11 weeks or so from now :star_struck:


Ty brother

Mac would be bigger it I didn’t break her damn :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:and so would GMO I guess those fat fingers f ed up again


Once again I don’t know when enough is enough lol


Today we are all Irish
Happy Saint Paddy‘s day
I’m wearing my instant Irishman button


I see you have a california lightworks light, how has it been for you? I just got the solarsystem 550 with the controller, I’m liking it so far. I have it in a 2x4 and it’s too much light for the tent, will need to get another 4x4 I think.
I kind of want to break out my Chuckys bride seeds.


Great craic paps
Keep er lit
Sending some Irish charm across the pond
: )


I happen to really like the 500 I wish they where cheaper though

I also have a HLG 150 , vivosun 100
Viparspect 1500

Plus a few cheap, 4 foot and 2 foot strips for supplemental lighting. I even use them over my workbench.


And now there are 7

The magnificent 7 Chuckys Bride in solo cups


Sounds like a plan to me @Papalag! Any information on the Sour Diesel cut? Either way, I wish you well with your project brother!

Did you have any of your ECSD x (Chem Del La Chem F2) Beast Coast Sour Diesel plants turn out to be females? Positive vibes…



It looks like all of them are female after all


Note to self
Feed a higher ppms then I normally do
I wanted to see if I can push a bit to increase growth at the early stages

I went to 790 ppms
And no burnt tips or signs of stress

They liked it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The small Octopots got filled and the large ones I filled almost to the second level

I’ll need to rearrange the plant placement a bit
Like fire as f needed to go in the back corner with a few of the smaller plants around it

I’m leaving Mac where she is , so she sucks up the big light lol
Cap junky is also getting big

The lemon G is filling out like crazy also

They all got some great vibrant green wow



On the edge of my seat for this round…

The CJ reliably stretches just a bit more than double for me, just a tad more than the 91 for reference.


Damn thats looking bad ass man.


Ty toker
She is a beauty


I can’t find it now, not sure if it was in this thread? @Jetdro and Paps, my patient/friend, brought me a few clones to grow, one is Ice Cream Cake, is that the one you said is so good? If so is that not ironic as all get out? Also brought me Blueberry Muffin, Gorilla Breath. Who knows if this are the real deal, but excited for that Ice Cream cake if that is what you had said.


I’m still rooting my jet has grown it out if I remember correctly it’s a keeper


You haven’t got them to route yet???