OG Kush first clones

Hi everyone, 13 days after…

Second day of thoroughly applied LITFA!


Looking good, as long as the yellowing doesn’t continue, you should have roots. If you see new growth at all, your golden, start hardening them off by leaving the dome cracked open a tiny bit at a time.


Thanks a lot, the cups are humid but not even wet, they’re damp and no water at the bottom, yet they’ve been sweating the heck of it. I haven’t sprayed at all since yesterday morning. Thanks, you do know your peanuts @Seamonkey84!


Hi folks, updating on the clones. Two have already been axed, they died, rather… but these are looking ok, after second week…

…topped a few of them too!


Those clones are looking good… What are your plans with em? Veg time? Sog? Outdoor? At that size i take a tongue depressor to bend the main stalk over gently to start hardening and thickening the stalks otherwise they may get a lil floppy later on. Good luck i camt wait to see the journey :grin::+1:


Hey, thanks @MimirKush. I’m not sure I follow you on how to use them on the plants, the tongue depressors… you mean to stick them on the ground and force the stems to be at an angle? In answer to your question, I’ll try to do a quick Sog, though the main reason is seeing some buds in front of me in the quickest way possible. We shall keep rolling…!

:joy: my bad.
I meant hold the depressor and push the stem to either side back and forth to mimic more of a heavy breeze motion. Helps ti strengthen to stem and encourage growth


But of course, sticking the depressor into the ground next to the stem, right? And leaving it there for a day or so and then change, correct? Or did you mean an actual rolling of the stem against the depressor, as a practice? Wow! Sounds as though we’re at a bar, after a few beers…! and hopefully a few puffs…! Awesome!

Yeah just push it over like your gonna lst but without tying it down at all :joy: no damage but the movement of the stem is wats needed… I used my finger when they are real small… It also keeps seedlings from stretching most times


Hi folks, here are the clones, 18 out of 21 survived. so a 86% success rate sounds reasonable. Hope some of them don’t just decide to die now…!! No Clonex of a local brand of rooting bottle, only fresh aloe vera!


Those be plants now guy… Good job they look good


Yep, proud dad, second attempt at cloning… A shout out to @Seamonkey84, who’s extremely kind to answer my bugging questions and following up on them as well! (I know, have to pull those domes from the led bulbs, tried once but I’ll bring a sledgehammer now!)

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Honestly some people are using them with the domes on, just let’s the plants grow closer without touching and burning.

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At least I’ll keep on holding a one year warranty! Thanks!

Plus for cloneing/rooting, you don’t want too much light anyway.