OGKB hybrid beans, fems and regs

Exactly what I’m looking for brother! She is expressing many characteristics including slower growth.


Nice crazy leaves, brother! They all look beautiful!


Hey @Crafty_Flame! Just wanted to share this OGKB 2.1 x Mendo Breath I’m running. It’s the last clone off the original girl. This will be my last run for a while so I’m really happy to have this girl in the tent as the smoke is killer! :evergreen_tree::fire::star_struck:

Here she is in early flower.


She looks great!


Wow she is beautiful, I also love the smoke from my cut of that cross! A heavy hitter with great terps


where i can buy your ogkb bro?

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Hail bro craft flame!follow the cabbler dough!they are entering their 4th week of flowering, I already have clones of both,

Yesterday I used the two famous aimless and the ogkb 2.1 s1, the famous aimless had a burn on the ends, it grew too much and the light ended up burning out on the Vega, the ogkb has a lot of similarity with the probable daughter of the ogkb that I have here, the growth of the branches horizontally and also some characteristics of the leaves! Looking forward to smoking these flowers my friend! I finally found a way to post smaller photos here. Hugs


I love seeing your grow! It all looks killer, can’t wait for the smoke report :sunglasses:


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Here’s my keeper Peanut Butter Dream by @Crafty_Flame. She produced 25-30% more weight (based on feel) than the other plants, is just as frosty as the freak one I trimmed yesterday. This one and the thin leafed freak have a Berry lemon thing going on. The freak is a nice soothing, calming high you feel behind your eyes. I like it so much I picked up some Thug Pug PBB BX seeds last night to try for a flower run and I’m sending snips to someone that will get back crossed to the Blue Dream Santa Cruz cut.


Both very solid choices! The color from the Melon is gonna blow your mind with the red leaves and flowers… and the terps match with heavy melon and citrus. And of course the Famous Aimless never disappoints, most are lavender by the end and have really smooth gelato/kush terps and are a breeze to grow


I got my eyes on that melon breath! Cant wait to see what it does for you


Hey @Crafty_Flame. This thread is absolutely killer. If your looking for anymore testers here in like 3 months keep me in mind. Lol. I just popped some beans and wont be able to pop anymore for a few months.


Thank you mano, I’ll let you know the girls’ progress here!Fire

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Flor incrível @JustANobody belo trabalho do @Crafty_Flame com esses PPB estou acompanhando tudo isso lá no seu tópico tb!abracos amigo

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What an incredible choice bro! I’m taking two famous aimless here they are on the second day of flowering and I can guarantee you that they are vigorous and with huge leaves hahah a beautiful plant, looking forward to seeing your cultivation with these fiery girls!


Thank you!


I flipped 10 Nature Alley today ! Hoping for many females damn I can’t wait to see what treasure they hold !


3x OGKB2.1 S1 in the back. All 3 of mine were extremely slow veggers, basically runts, but i have confidence the time investment was worth it! That’s the risk with S1’s. Flipping this week; excited! Not sure why #1 is so burnt; all 3 have the exact same input. 2 and 3 lush enough to make up for it!

2x Mendo Breath S1 in the front. Much younger (obviously) and definitely more vigorous, for an S1, not bad so far.

Will post back in a few weeks once flowering has begun for the OGKB2.1 S1


Ogkb has mutant grow, not related to being S1 probably, but they look like beasts !
Also some plants are more nutes sensitive…
Good luck I can’t wait to see them flower !