OHGrow21666's Dank Dungeon

The clone dome is now filled with 2 clones from each of the girls in MH2. 6 bubble gum clones and 4 alien og.


Nice update. The plants look real good too. :v:

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So I was wondering if anyone has delt with a small scale worm bin? My thread doesn’t have much traction but I’m asking here first then I’ll Search around. The questions I have are what size bin and how many worms I should buy to make it worth my while. I can run anywhere from 25gal of soil per run to let’s say 40 gal. I’m looking to keep the biology up since I’m running 3 or 5g buckets no till isn’t feasible but if I can throw a cup or 2 of fresh high quality worm casting into the pots a few times a run I think that may be my best bet. Any ways I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for any input!


Sorry, can’t help. I’m using goat manure. I’ve got an outside worm bin but my mom grabs all the castings. I have plenty of bait though. lol
She leaves the worms alone.


That’s what I’m talking about! If I don’t have to buy worms for bail again that is another way this hobby is saving me money! Are the goats who’s poop you use yours?


Yes. We have milk goats and meat goats. We make our own cheese… We try to grow or raise whatever we can. Pretty much whatever keeps us from having to eat processed stuff.


That’s awesome! I was going to get chickens this year for that reason but we had a damn baby instead! (Jk I love my baby but I wanted chickens.) Do you pasturise (I’m terrible with spelling) your milk before you use it?

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No. I don’t. We have way more than we need for those in the family that want any. Anything left over doesn’t go to waste. We have seven livestock guardian dogs and two house dogs, cats… I’m going to raise a couple of hogs next year. Hogs raised on whole milk and cracked corn that has fermented for a bit makes for the most tender pork you have ever eaten. I would lay money on it. lol


I’ve run a small scale indoors for 3 years now, great for a little topdressing or germination medium as per JohnnyPotSeed’s great germination protocol.
I also run a large one in the garage reprocessing used soil (200L). The worms die off in the winter so I use about a cup full (red wigglers) in the spring to start the next batch.

Spooky good how well it works! :+1:



I’m jealous! I’m a chef and I love that kinda stuff! We’ve got a burnese mountain dog that eats peanut butter sandwich crust hahaha. I want to raise and breed buckeye chickens but I don’t think I could raise anything other than foul for meat. What kind of goats do you have?


If we were to measure that green bin in gallons per chamber what do you think we are talking size wise? I’ve got unlimited access to 5g buckets and I’ve got a few spare totes laying around I could build with. Thanks for the feedback!


Our milkers are a cross between Nubian and LaMancha. The meat breed we keep are Kiko.
Buckeye’s are great. I like Pea comb breeds. You don’t have as much problems in a bad Winter.


That’s great! Yeah buckeyes are a pretty cool breed. They are dual purpose they eat mice and like you said thier comb is tight so no frost bite! Since goat Manuer is hot how do you compost it?

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It’s not hot. It’s like rabbit pellets. You can use them fresh. As a mater of fact, I germinate my seeds on a bed of damp and warm fresh goat manure. JohnnyPotseed uses straight worm castings. I figured goat might work. It does fine.

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It’s about a gallon per tray, 2 trays total.


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Awesome thank you!

Oh nice! I was under the impression that rabbit poop was the only kind of manuer you didn’t have to compost. That’s awesome! Have you done a side by side with direct sow in dirt vs goat poop?

No. I started using goat poop to germinate on after Johnny told me about his method of using worm castings. I knew goat wasn’t hot so I tried it and got 100% germ. I like the idea that they get just what is needed from the get go. I’ve only been growing for a short while. Beans were very expensive when I first started out and I went through way more funds than I should have. I killed a lot of beans and then when the broke surface I, most generally, over watered and killed a bunch. Then I found ILGM. Some friends got me going better over there but then I was guided over here by a friend. Then I saw Johnny’s method and tried it. Yeah. It works very well. But, to answer your question, I have not done a side by side. :thinking: Might be interesting though.

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I got ya. I was just curious. I’ve seen side by sides for the paper towel method and direct sow. I always just thought the paper towel method was just another opportunity to fuck it all up. I soak my jiffy plugs in the clonex clone and seedling nutrient (I know it’s not organic this is the only inorganic input I use that I’m aware of)then when roots pop I put them into solo cups. I’ve got a problem the plants using the jiffy pod as a pivot point if I don’t burry my stems low enough so I’ve been trying to find better options.

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I go straight from goat castings to solo cups. I don’t mess with plugs. I have some and have been thinking about trying it but my method works over 90% of the time now so I’m happy with it. I have some cherry seeds in paper towel right now. Since it takes a lot longer for the cherries I just use paper towel wrapped in aluminum foil and put in a ziplock sandwich bag. They have already started popping so they will be going into dirt soon and planted outside next fall.