Old Time Moonshine X Solmate auto

Welcome back for this evenings episode of what happens when things happen? As always we recommend that if you have a weak stomach or a youngin in the room, that you pony on up to what the universe is about to drop on you. And always remember your towel.

Well I may have done a little something just to see how it works out. I let my male Old Time Moonshine grow big and of course being the early finisher he started to dump some cosmic love juice into the air.

Once freed from its oppressor the love juice floated down onto the gentle pillow that is my two Solmate Autos and it’s looking like they made some sort of things happen. Well folks we’re gonna have some tiny packets of fun coming up.

The task at hand for this isn’t simple. As I’m unsure of what happens when a photo and a auto make a love child together. So were gonna act like National Geographic and expect some up close reports with obvious nudity, profanity, and maybe even a death or two. In all seriousness I just want some sort of want in people who will try these and want to give feed back. This is open to the first ten contestants, but as the run finishes those who have followed along may be able to jump in on the extra fun left to clean up. As they say. Tap IN. And please when commenting add your number if you want to TAP IN


You might have some faster flowering offspring…
You’ll need to grow out the seeds and cross them again to recapture the recessive Auto genes…approx 25% of those offspring will be Auto…Having the recessive homozygous genotype.


Meaning finding that 25% and going back to the auto. That seems interesting as it would be the male I select that would help with adding more to the recessive gene pool. So that leads me to what does a autoflower male look like lol. Any different presentation to the photos.

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Tap in #1 if I am not mistaken…would love the experience of hopefully improving an auto, takes some generations and selectivity as well to complete, let me know if I can help!

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Tap in 1 accounted for!!! As mr toast pointed out. There will have to be a back cross to the auto, so hopefully a few will be male carrying the recessive gene. And I have plenty of both parent stock left so it should be easy to pass the ball around a few times to dial it in. Glad to have you aboard the ship!

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tap #2 I’m willing to grow some

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If I had more experience with breeding, I would gladly join in. Gonna wait until get a little more experience with my own gear. I don’t want to mess up someone else’s. I will be following along though :v:t4:


Right on the money my friend. Now that I’ve decided to read some of the books I have things are making a clear picture in my head. My hope was that the auto flower characteristics would be the dominant gene. So the hope is now to find the quick to finish or no care to flower with a long light cycle and select from there. Although I have seen males exhibit this trait a few times now that they don’t care when they start to develop flower (well the old time at least). So there’s to hoping that makes the offspring easier to chose from.


Read up on Codominance and Incomplete Dominance :slight_smile:

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Nope, it is recessive. One of the few observable traits that is completely recessive though.

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Temporary respite per op.