OldG's Garden of Ganja

I am grateful in a way… no more perpetual… now i do full cleans full rooms.
I might not be as great as heisen… because he is great!
But I am ME…


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2nd heavy sulphur application this morning.
So cheap I did wall to wall in rooms and tents.

It is also a miticide.

A truce was struck. But the douchebaggery was so thick the dude so dumb.

Ok then.

Game on.

A giant of breeders. So big I am nothing. Aka Heisenberg the Greenpoint breeder.



Your gear still hermies.

It is now my fault you didn’t give a prize that made me friends with freak.

Moving along.

Freak testers arriving Monday or Tuesday.

After 2nd sulphur round I willl take cuts.

I have 9 ‘moms’ that are ready to bloom when I get cuts.

No more dirty perpetual for me. Run. Clean. Reset. Run.

Veg tents still feed the same area it’s just different.

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I run perpetual, but I make sure not to bring in outside plants unless they have been decontaminated first. It’s always nice to have a parasite-free grow!

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I think I will run the 4 x 8 and the 6 x 10 6 weeks apart

And just win.

And never grow a heizen

Last night i soaked a bunch of Freak Testers

Blackberry Sugarcane X various.

and my friend who breeds the seeds was wonderful and sent this pack of beans from DJ Short…

Everything Delightful.

I am scrapping anything that ever touched greenpoint…because of the douche factor…
some people might like gentle rain…but douches are for washing.

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One more time…
Imagine a world where PMS are…ok to douche out
in cannabis.

Ordinary cannabis abounds.

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moving along…
I am on the reset.

I flushed all things Greenpoint…even things my friend bred…and I bred…

Secrecy was a thing with cannabis…
You can’t hurt me but who the fuck would trust a person that shares PMS…in a non legal state…asking for a friend.


Imagine a world…where your medical doctor refers you to a pot doctor…and then a grow doctor.

53 count…is not too shabby


Dude, you seem to be thinking about buddy lots, like he’s living rent free. Just kick that shit to the curb and start living life, brother.


When life gives you lemon joe you make lemonaid.

Paradigm SHIFT !!! Thanks Joe


sulphur sprays every 2 weeks
is part of my IPM now.

we have thrips EVERYWHERE… no shit.

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Thrips are little fuckers. I hate 'em I had to go and clone all my plants then wash the thrips off. Unfortunately the sulfur won’t have any effect on them. Pyrethium spray killed the adults in an hour.


I use a sprayer now… and IPM pretty regular.

You can just never relent :slight_smile:
Or they come back.

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Freak Testers looking good. :smiley:
Blackberry Sugarcane (JOTI Blackberry Hammer X Inhouse Sugarcane) X lots of good things.
Fems too. Man my luck at regs hit the dark side…male after male…
Had to add some fems to even the odds a little anyway

I love MODI Quaddro pots and that 9 litre is my favorite tester pot. actual 9 litres so it holds the same as a trade 3 gallon. I also love the 25 litre pots (6.6 us gallons)… they all fit in tents.

like 9 of the 9 litres fit exactly on a 2 x 2 tray. These are 9l and 5l with the odd 11 l



My grow doc this year hit me up with a listen…man…How about we tack 2 on to your grow count…
And then somehow delayed the shit for 6 months so i renew now in december…
with a legal 43 count…
Am I even alive ??

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Today I looked at my basket of beans I wanna soak…above the testers.

and not the basket of greenpoints and other spurious shit i shall never grow.

And…man I hope I live long enough to grow what i want…and no more half packs.

Soak em all…and beam me up…LETS GROW… PM is decimated baby

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I usually do some kind of pheno hunt when I’m popping multiple beans of the same kind. Looking for good flavors, and hash yields! Got 1 female and 3 males in the last round hah hah!

The temps have shifted…now veg overtakes your space !

Man I love that problem. this coming winter i am getting 2 x 4 and 2 x 2 seedling mats to overcome the stupid that is Canadian winter. STALL

STALL… like zero anything for a month. I had reveggers reveg so you cant see it.

the faded bad two on the right are the end of something that did not play nice.