OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

Check out these roots. They had only been above the ground 4 days and this is one of the shorter ones. The first two were probably 4 inches longer. I’ve never seen that sort of root on such a young sprout.



Maybe the shanti bar is better than “xxx”… Let me know if you want more details.


Why whats up?


Pretty fucked up day.
From the fall possibly last week sent that nerve pain over to the left side, hopefully I can keep it at bay, last time left me incapacitated.
Went into work anyway , we shorthanded to begin with 2 had already called in.
Punched in grabbed a cart of inventory to put away and Boss comes over says I’m pale and you should go home.
I said no I’m alright let me go till noon and we’ll see then.
No Go Home don’t need you down for any length of time.
Nice to know your needed, menards would’ve cared less.
So I’m home today.

Looks to me as if there’s four males there of the Grendel.
Haven’t really taken a good look at them, most of them no side branching not really what I’m looking for but things can change.
Hanging around none the less.


Hello I am good bro, hope you are too. Sent a PM. I will get better at participating on this site and check in here more often, great things being grown as per usual! All the best!


Take care of yourself and we will see ya when you’re feeling better!!


Ahhhhhh you’re a sweetheart.





Anybody do biz with Devine seeds?

1 Like

Thank you @oleskool830


Man I hate hearing all this, I hope you’re able to find some relief. I hope soon enough you’re posting about getting out and doing some fishing!


Somebody got confused as to what my birthday is, but the present was awesome! :joy:

Thanks brother.


Finally aye?!.
Thought you’d dig the :smiley_cat:.
Was starting to get the skets, still waiting on some.


Hate feeling this crap


A little kitty is one of my favorite things in the world! :wink:

I’m feeling for you bro. My back is not feeling good at all, and apparently I’m gonna have a noob today at work. Good times.


So another day in my chair, ice pack so ya no work today.
Funny I was signed up to fill in for someone with the vid.
Went to chiro yesterday had a swelling the size of a softball he says.

Theyre gonna be getting rid of me before too long.
Started out full-time now I’m down to 3 days and can’t meet them at times.
Can foresee staying at 3 days a week?

Got it in the left side the fucker switched sides on me asked chiro about it, Oh ya it can go back and forth he says.
It’s like fuck me.

Anyway nough bout myself.
Had four hanging that came off the bone today, delighted to see I have mature beans in each one.

Few years back I had some 8813 that N8t gifted me and they turned out stupendous.
One had huge bulbous trich heads just unbelievable, the size of the plastic head of a straight pin.
Hind sites 20 20 my friends, umm everytime I think of the ones that got thru my hands, would make you cry.
So I found one today, knew it was there it was the freak out of the batch, dark dark green leaves even showed it to @zephyr.

That was another of thee best species of that variety that I had found. I tried her today and takes your breath away and real hash already.
Yet another one gone by the way, I did get a cali yo cross out of it.
Tearing it up left quite a bit of hash on the fingers, rubbed them together enough for a hit.

Blood orange and a 8813 still not done.
Grendel girls making a tremendous appearance and all have sexed.
Cali indy be flipping before long along with afghani # one.
Heris putting on the ripening hard. This plant is so easy to grow, you must try these at least once in your life.

On the subject of breeding, the first 8813 I had like I said came from N8t im thinking they were closer to the fgen line than the ones I git from him that I had going recently.
The quality is definitely not there now this goes to show you that quality lessens the further you go up the fgen ladder.
Doesn’t mean if they’re in capable hands or not, it just looses a bit more everytime you fgen it.
I can’t understand wanting to grow anything more than a f3.
Look at DJ’s wares aint heard nothing good and he’s what f6, why do people buy that?


I had my left shoulder and arm all fucked up last year, couldn’t raise it more than 6 inches up from my waist. Just before Christmas it started to ease up after 9 months and by Jan the pain had gone completely only to start in my left lower jaw, could hardly open my mouth it was so painful, then that cleared up after 5 weeks, and now the right side shoulder and arm has got it and its worse than the left arm was. I think the vertebrae moved and its now pinching the right side. Could not even clean my teeth or comb my hair this morning right handed :anguished:

You have to try and pace yourself buddy so you dont do too much at once.


Not used to this, everyone tells me lower the gear. Tough to do after all my life


I hear ya on the switching sides, withvthecpain, mine is usually on the right neck/shoulder but it switched to my left side, where I can’t recall it ever being on that side, and it’s the WORST, so much so that I actually had to go to the hospital and have it checked, and that’s where I learned about my degenerative disks.
It’s no fun at all man…


It is tough to do! I’ve just found resignation that I will be moving a little slower and more deliberate from now on. I need to go slow. A tough thing to do indeed. Strong Indicas help! I hope you can find some relief soon. We’re not getting any younger you and I. Take Care.

