Oleskool’s Shitkicker Grow Show. Navigating the Fog

Glad you’re feeling better Amigo! No bird yet. Expected tomorrow and it couldn’t come at a better time! Very needy!



Today it is official. The 2 plants that I had left out there are as fucked up as a soup sandwich! They are in week 7. Barely any buds of any size. Then they tried to re-veg last week. They look like hammered bat shit. There must be a light leak somewhere. I’m not even going to look for it now. I pulled the plants, turned off the lights and closed it up till October. I’ve got 2 SSDD and 4 white widow in flower indoors. I took them from solo cups to 1 gal pots and put them in 12/12. Growing indoors is the shit! I’ve spent years in that hot or freezing Shitkicker Shed. I might not let T-Bone have his tent back till October. This indoor growing is luxurious!




I smoked a strain called Sunday Driver yesterday. I was damn impressed! Have you had it?



I know your not asking me but Sundae driver from cannarado is some real good smoke I got some from a dispo was nice and potent and good tasting too @oleskool830


I checked Cannarado and they had a couple of crosses but no straight SD. I’ll find some if I keep at it.:pray::grin:



Thanks for the love @nube! I hope you’re well and thriving there in Hippie Mecca. Those fires were too close it sounds like. I’ve shut down the Shitkicker Shed and planning for fall. It got so hot so early and hasn’t let up at all. I’m on a quest for Sunday Driver beans. You are the best person to direct me to some I figure. Hey brother, take care of @nube and stay as high as you can tolerate. Lol! Be well.

Nutn’ but love…



lurker here,
I was under the impression sundae driver was actually bred by cannarado and sent to others. I have not been able to find any in stock for more than a year (but my options are also more limited than most).


Damn nice to have a lurker come by! Stick around and peruse some threads. You’ll find the most knowledgeable and generous folks on the planet right here in our little community. Hope you hang around some @the_bot.




oh, lurker of your thread. Ive been a member for about a year :slight_smile: not going anywhere (hopefully lol)


Welcome to the Shitkicker Show. Shut down till October. :confused: Somebody’s always here tho.




Hey @GMan! I just checked your weather out there. Looks like you’re in for a nice week coming up. Have you got those outdoor soldiers up and growing? Any promising volunteers? Is your Oaxacan outdoors or inside? We were a balmy 99 today. My outdoor landscape plants look like they’re dying. I’ve had to go out in the heat of the day twice to chase my dog Zappa all over the neighborhood. Somewhere there’s a female in heat and he has lost his damn mind! He goes under the chain link fence and he’s gone! Smiling and running as fast as he can! Now when I let him out I have to go out with him until he comes to his senses and gets back to normal. Damn dog! The Kush has become my favorite over time this weekend. Nice smoke. I’ve got some 12/12 from seed White Widow indoors in T-Bones tent. I don’t know what to do without my twin 4X4s. I’ll grow some autos and maybe scrog some Romulan after that. IDK. I’m gonna smoke one and crash. Everything’s gonna be alright. Peace



Hey man, yeah we got a break. It was 50° this morning and have had light rain for about 36 hours. It’s gonna hit the 80’s for a couple of days and then back to the 70’s. I sure don’t get this weather.

The Oaxaca have stayed outside and will be ready for transplant as soon as it dries up. Next few days. I started too late to put them into the ground. I’ll have to top them and keep them in pots to move inside for the finish. I’ll find some to put in the dirt. I have some Kush going and some Lavender, and other stuff that will likely go in the ground. We’re about to come into our “Monsoon” season (month of July) so we may finally get some moisture.

I have a couple of volunteers I’m sort of giddy about. There are about 7-8 but some are male I believe.

I feel for you with the horny dogs. Mine lost it’s mind more than once. Once you find the house he’s going to, at least you’ll know where to go pick him up, lol. I’d let mine out to pee in the AM and he would head right across town. I called my buddy to see if he’d seen my dog and he went to look and came back and said, “yep, he’s here, along with 7-8 other dogs. Ha. His dog was in the fence but in heat. It was the first time he ever left the yard like that.

Man, I can’t believe you had to shut down the grow. I remember the last year I was there, I lost everything outside that was in a pot. It fried the roots.

The year before I grew a few plants right in my compost pile, which was at the back of the yard. They did great but my neighbor was freaking out that I was growing. They were the catalyst to get me to move here. It was the teenaged dealer next door and his wife threatened to turn me in. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

He sent her over to tell me I had to pull them up. I won’t say what I told her. She finally said something about “why don’t you move to Colorado”, and I had already been up here to check it out, and I told her I was and to get the fuck out of my yard and keep your nosey ass in your own yard and don’t spy on me. I never saw them again. Heh.


Didn’t a pack of Sundae Driver auction for something ridiculous like $2000 when it first dropped a few years back? Or am I thinking of something else? Pretty sure it was Sundae Driver.


Hey @GMan! Has the mail come? You should get something from me today. Unless that Angry Magpie is shacked up with that Grackle in Big Springs again. :scream::grin:












Hot damn LeRoy! I was waking up from a nap and I see the Postlady pull up. She jumps out and throws open the back of the truck. Then she grabs a giant box with both of of her arms around it and stumbles to the door and drops it on my porch.

I’m laying there rubbing my eyes and wondering whose mail just got delivered to my house by mistake.

As soon as I open the door my first thought was that box is the size of an Octopot and I thought no way. Then I see your name, lol. :joy_cat:

I bout let out a loud laugh. The next thing I thought was damn, Now I gotta go to skool’s house and mow his grass. I already gotta go mow @misterbee’s place. :hushed:

Guess I’ll be growing your half, too! :wink: @Papalag will be stoked to see I finally have a couple to try. So will @webeblzr and @Gardenartus! We’ll vote on what to grow!

Thanks brother. Awful thoughtful of you guys. I gotta come down to hug y’all anyway now.

This will be fun! :man_dancing: :hugs:


Really awseome icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, feels good reading this kind of things :grin:, have a great day … beer3|nullxnull


It’s my pleasure my friend. I figure it’s a good investment. I’m hoping you’ll grow a shit ton of weed with that bad boy. More than you can possibly smoke yourself! Lol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses::zipper_mouth_face:

Nutn’ but love man…
