On the ideals of communism

Because they don’t actually care about the effort that you put in, it’s about them getting what they want.


I’m an astute observer of the retail cannabis seed scene. His lowest price that I can recall is $50 per pack. No packs have sold for less than that.

Still nobody touching in the point I made earlier that I suspect @TomHill was the one to force that pricing strategy of $2 seeds at AG when he came to market with his THH 100 seeds for $200. Soon thereafter we saw the AG complete with that price point. But Todd will have us to believe he did it on his own accord for the benefit of the customers.

If that was so, why can’t we purchase 10 packs for $20? Why must we spend $125 for the privilege?

It’s all marketing and revenue generating tactics. Which is fine. But to say it’s for the customers stemming from a vow to be Johnny Appleseed and get seeds from customers as cheap as possible seems disingenuous considering all.

Maybe getting as many seeds to as many customers as cheaply as possible as it relates to the profitably of his brand, that’s more like it. And that’s fine. He’s a businesses man not Johnny Appleseeding. We here at Overgrow are Johnny Appleseeding. Many blessings and much love


You are at best guessing here.

Because it’s not worth the effort or he doesn’t want to.

Why do you think you should be able to set pricing and quantities for businesses that you have nothing to do with? That’s some fucking insane level of entitlement.

I’m don’t care about his prices! I care about the hypocrisy that he is doing this for the customers to lower prices and all that. He’s clearly selling at retail prices for profit! He said himself he went into great debt for this work. That’s fine. He’s the one who said Johnny Appleseed vow and 10¢ seeds. Many blessings and much love

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You keep mentioning his prices and not only that the quantities he sells at. So seems you do.

Good for him, that’s awesome to be able to support yourself and family.

Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?

@Sbeanonnamellow It would be great to see this energy spent towards the real scammers and shady people out there, and not someone who’s business practices and ideologies you disagree with.


It’s also entirely possible that the guy’s contract with whoever’s seeds he’s selling requires a minimum price point! Perhaps the only way to get those seeds out into the world is to sell at a price that lets him share profit in whatever way. Or he’s not permitted to donate them. Maybe he’s decided it’s not worth the travel to the post office for packages smaller than a certain size. He’s allowed to make whatever decisions he wants! Just like you are!

Does that mean he should never sell those seeds because he can’t do it in a way that is ideologically in line with some person on the internet?

Also, sounds like he’s plenty in line with Johnny Appleseed:

Ever the savvy businessman, Chapman realized that if he could do the difficult work of planting these orchards, he could turn them around for profit to incoming frontiersmen. Wandering from Pennsylvania to Illinois, Chapman would advance just ahead of settlers, cultivating orchards that he would sell them when they arrived, and then head to more undeveloped land.

(emphasis mine)

source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/real-johnny-appleseed-brought-applesand-booze-american-frontier-180953263/


I mention the prices as they relate to purchasing power to show how disingenuous they seem.

Seeds are plentiful. One plant makes more than enough seeds, as a seed maker with his resources I would think seeds are quite plentiful but sales possibly not so much day to day.

The idea that seeds are sold at $2 each is misleading. Customers still need to use most of their purchasing power to order. Seeds are typically $50-$150 a pack these days retail. AG seeds can never have been pieces for less than that!

Sure they come with more seeds per pack now but the economics of seed customers it’s more about their purchasing power how much they have to spend and capturing that as a brand. So seeing this play out while trying to “but price per seed is lowering” is such a misdirection. Many blessings and much love

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Who’s to say they have to use most of their purchasing power? Maybe some do, probably a lot don’t.

I’m going to buy seeds from here now actually because your argument is insane.

Looking quickly there are seeds available for $2,$3,and $5. What’s the issue here?

I’m married to one.
She prefers Canada

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that is true…
I’ll got also the permission to work and sell the OHz he gifted me…
also all the other old seeds and lines he gave me…
well I’m doing not a reproduction (only if really needed)
I’ll working on those and follow Sam’s instructions to improve and or select the best and than make seeds or fem’s to share & sell…
well selling is something not easy too… :wink:
but I’ll see it like this …
if you work on something and it takes lot of time because of flower time compared to indica & hybrids … the price has to be higher because it cost much more resources to make final seeds … also lifetime :wink:
to master a pure sativa 140 day’s in flower + veg time needs some experience also and that comes not from nowhere … in the end you pay more for those special stuff but it’s often worth and you support the breeder …
I’ll mean if someone really put’s time and effort and bred something great … real breeding … it’s worth some cash for sure … but I’ll love also sharing… did that 5 years long for free with no return wanted… it all depend … but to get some payback @ the end is great and the fuel to doing better and more … it’s also kind of showing respect … it’s just give and take… only give doesn’t work over time :wink:


If members of the Overgrow community came across those legendary genetics I see them getting reproduced and shared as the legends they are. Feely and at our own cost because we’re passionate hobbyists.

I don’t care he is in business to make profit. I care he wants to come across like some hero lowering prices for customers when in reality it seems they are still right in line with retail market prices.

He told me I should say thank you for purchasing 8 packs for $500 when customers can get the same amount of seeds for approximately $125.

It might seem like it’s better for the customer because in some ways it is, but it really just highlights that the AG brand prices their products according to what the market will bear rather than the prices lowering because it’s better for the customers.

No customer has been able to order genetics from AG for less than $50 from what I know of. It’s a play for capturing purchasing power and it’s incredibly disingenuous to me to hear it’s for the customer when it does not seem like that at all. Many blessings and much love

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I’m an advocate and strong proponent for seeds being sold and for others to make a living from that. I have issue with Todd making it out like he’s some sort of martyr trying to get these legendary genetics to the community without an aim for profiting.

I am disheartened by the hypocrisy not the notion of selling seeds. I have a business I am trying to get off the ground for breeders to sell their seeds through. A platform where seeds sold the entire purchase price of the seeds goes to the breeder and no profit on the seeds pack is made from the seed shop retailing them. Not for me to make money off their work, but to get them out of the grip of users.

I am a proponent of not taking advantage of others, and that includes the stories woven into the fabric of a brand’s intentions. I don’t consider you one doing such things @MadMac. Many blessings and much love

If you can’t swing it, hook up with some friends and split it up.

I don’t get it.

You try to build an altruistic rationale about co-ops and stuff … by telling him to prove that he’s JohnnyApplesed?

How about, 'Hey Todd, great to see you. A couple of us here are interested in doing some crosses to share out, would you be willing to donate a couple of packs"?

All of this meandering wasn’t anything about that was it?


Thanks for pointing me towards @ToddMcC. Extremely fair pricing.

There it is, you are one of the people with their hands out and just expect everything be given to you. People like this are why I stopped giving seeds away for the most part. Gimme gimme gimme. I haven’t done a giveaway in months, had a new cat PM me the other day just asking for me to give him seeds. Hard no.


That’s the irony huh, I’ve been thinking how this is all good for business for him anyways. Publicity is publicity. Many blessings and much love

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Free seed for everyone! The need to eat be damned!


If his product is greed and substandard, why did you pay 100s for his genetics ? And then yesterday asked him for a voucher for more free ones.

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Free is the keyword bud. Just got his hand out and if he isn’t given it well then it’s a big issue. The entitlement is insane.

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