On Top Of The World Genetics

Hey This isn’t conducive to reading.

It doesn’t look so bad on the screenshot but if i’m actually looking at it, the screen basically fades away the text in the upper right, as the color transitions. I can only read it clearly on the blue part on the bottom left.


I’ll try black text and see if that looks better, appreciate the input! @CocoaCoir refresh and give that a shot


That’s significantly better. Color transitions can be difficult. That’s why most websites are solid color schemes.


I bailed on the color transition :rofl: I really wanted it so it would fit my logo’s color theme and I guess it still does, just in a less intrusive capacity lol.

So is there anyone out there that wants some free seeds to test out???

If there’s anyone who’s grown my gear before that would be able to grow some relatively soon I’d have something special for them as well, Pictured Rocks F1 (BOG Blue Moon Rocks x Pure Michigan F2) x Ice Cream Cake #5 S1 that I’m naming Boston Cooler, this was the Pictured Rocks (I can’t find a pic before they got hurt, but the trichomes on this thing were something special, visibly 2-3x as long as any of the other plants and everything else was FIRE). Should also have some REALLY solid pain relieving properties with the BMR and PM mixed together, both have been reported to relieve pain.

The rest are open to more or less everyone

Ice Cream Cake #5 S2 fem (Gelato #33 x Wedding Cake)

NOT Tapi Tapi BX1 fem - 1973 Durban landrace x ICC #5 S1 (Backcrossed to ICC #5 S1)

Rick James BX1 fem - Humboldt’s Supafreak x ICC #5 S1 (Backcrossed to ICC #5 S1)


Site looks great. I hope it takes off for you buddy!!


What’s good everyone? Just surviving life here like usual, ended up deciding to shut the grow room down cause we’re planning on moving after the outdoor harvest this year, things were still recovering in there and I still need to tweak some stuff so the troughs fill up evenly all the way to the back side. Plus it’ll be that much responsibility off my shoulders daily and after 5 years I could really use it :rofl: :rofl:

Was some hellish stress testing on em though and they handled all of it, so that’s cool. I’ve got the plugs sitting in some water right now waiting to go into solo cups cause they’ve been through too much to just cull them. Not sure where they’ll go but I’m sure someone will take 'em or I can put em outside, idk I’ll figure it out.

Outside in the greenhouse though, man is that looking wild. Boston Cooler is over 7 ft tall and its not even July, I’ve had years where they’re not even chest height by this date so that’s wild. Rick James BX1 has flat out the biggest leaves I’ve ever witnessed. Twice the size of my big ass hands, bigger than my head, bigger than a whole bundle of bananas. CANNOT WAIT to see what this year’s harvest brings with these new strains.

Grow room getting torn down

Up front left is Boston Cooler, and the 3(at least 2 left) in 2nd pic

Black Cherry Ice Cream Cake up front and Rick James towards the back. Back side is up against a bunch of bushes and trees I usually trim back, but last year I had plants stolen I think from neighbors a few houses down so I wanted as much cover as possible, and with moving later this year an earlier harvest will be beneficial.


Oh and on kind of a personal win feeling kinda thing, recently had seeds make it successfully to Australia (again) and to China for the first time! Aussie fella cracked 'em right away and has kept me updated every few weeks, running under an old HPS and looking gooooood.

China bro

Aussie bro


China too? Wow cool!!

‘recently had seeds make it successfully to Australia’

What a lucky aussie!! :grin:


Rick James BX1 leaves officially bigger than my head now. Wanted to see if ducks enjoyed it as much as bunnies


Anyone got suggestions on how to offload a bunch of seeds? Feel like sales have steadily fallen off since covid


Start a auction . BOGO sale

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Hey y’all, check out these great deals!

Do you have a direct sales page here on OG??


I’ve never done an auction yet, it seems kind of daunting. Maybe something I should setup though, inventory doesn’t do me or anyone else any good sitting in the fridge.

@blowdout2269 I do not have a separate sales page on here or anything yet, I was kind of assuming this thread would kind of umbrella that as well. I’ve never really sold outside of Strainly or DMs on here so I guess I’m just not 100% sure where to start with it


Sorted cause OCD

All ready for their new home in your stash

ICC #5 S2 fem
Huron Sunrise F1 reg
Bridgman F1 Reg
Pure Michigan F3 reg
Black Ass F1 reg
Coastal Dreams F1 reg
Detroit Diesel F1 reg
Faygo Cola F1 reg
Pictured Rocks F1 reg
Pazckis F1 reg
I 96 F1 reg


Check out JP’s page. He gets alot of foot traffic.
Couldn’t hurt. :slightly_smiling_face:


Appreciate the advice! I might just DM him see if he’s got any insight, haven’t caught up with him in a while anyhow

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This’ll be a standing offer, maybe gotta find a way to put it up top or something;

Any breeders looking for any of my gear for a collaboration?

I’m going to be moving after Croptober when I can tear the greenhouse down but I’d be happy to donate to anyone wanting to breed my gear, just toss a couple back my way so I can sample em.


The list like a bundle pack?

Just in case @Hotrods_and_hounds


Maybe you run a sale like $50 for four 10-packs. Keep the dollar amount higher so you earn. Link up a nice give-away so you get eyes on the sale and have the give-away coincide with the end of the sale.

In terms of timing, you’ll want to be away from holidays or just in front of one. Like right now, the 4th of July sales will have a lot of folks tapped out.

Anyhow, hope you find a friendly-to-you way of getting some seeds moved.


I guess if someone wanted that many then sure, I was just sorting them in 5s and 10s for my own sanity lol it’s wild to try and pack stuff up individually with so many different cultivars nowadays. Would like to get x amount pre packed and keep that amount stocked so I have some bearing on where I’m at with total stock.

@Topdecker I’ve been considering that as well just been apprehensive about going over the math, I’m still relatively new to selling, majority of my time has been on Strainly and that’s pretty straight forward with small orders so the idea of doing sales for holidays, bundles, auctions, etc. still seems daunting cause I have no experience in any of it. I’m sure it’ll be like anything else and I’ll pick it up once I try it but my personality puts stuff like this off cause its scary :joy: its something I really need to work on, especially if I want to actually call this a side hustle or actually turn it into a business like I want