On Top Of The World Genetics

Congratulations on your endeavor!!
The first time went through your website, and I obviously did not read it well.
I’m an old guy, so when I first started looking at the strains and price points, they had $20.00 posted on them.
I took that as $20.00 per seed. And, I bolted, to be honest.
Today, I go back, and read, like a person should, and see that is a 5 pack!
Now that is a price point to be excited about!
So, yeah, I’ll placing an order directly.
Take care!!


You have a nice selection of beautiful plants, I like what I’m seeing.
Have you had any issues shipping to Alberta, Canada at all?
I’m interested in getting some soon for my medical needs if so.
Cheers, Ronzo

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I’ve had solid luck shipping to every country so far, fingers crossed and knock on wood! Canada is pretty straight forward, international shipping costs a little more than regular but I make up for it with some extra freebies. Would be happy to help you out brother, if you wanted to DM me specifically which medical needs you were looking to treat the symptoms of I might be able to direct you to specific cultivars I have, I’ve got some solid stuff for pain and some stuff crossed with old landraces that’ll have some terps and cannabinoids that haven’t been around for a while that could be beneficial for different things


Oh my I’d have to have a much larger ego than I do to ever think about charging 20$ a seed! I mean I’ve paid that for some of the stuff I breed with but one of my founding principals has always been to undercut everyone I can with the specific intention of making top of the line genetics affordable to any and everyone.

I’d be happy to take care of an order for you, you could be the very first one on my website or I can take care of you through DMs on here, whatever works best for you brother! Look forward to it


My Aussie buddy that put seeds down right away sent some updated pics of mid flower and sent me my :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:VERY FIRST WEBSITE CUSTOMER EVERRRRRR :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: It is his son and they only ordered about half of what is shown (ordered the same thing to grow together) but I wanted to hook the both of them up, one for plugging me with another customer and the other for being my first website customer. So I basically doubled their order for them and added a bunch of extras, they might have to give some away to friends :rofl: :rofl: Overgrow the world baby!

I’m ecstatic at my first actual website sale! Took some time after I made it but hopefully its just the start of something more!

Pics of his HPS grow in Australia with my genetics!


Congrats brother!! keep up the hard work, you put alot of effort into this and deserve it!!


That’s awesome to see/hear about folks in Aus getting hooked up! Have a great day @TestOfOath :green_heart:

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H’mm maybe I’ll be #2!! Just placed one a bit ago.

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Appreciate the kind words boys, a personality flaw of mine is I have trouble giving myself any sort of credit, so hearing it from folks means a lot. And even more the orders @webeblzr! Idk if you saw my 2nd email but it’s in the mailbox waiting to be picked up tomorrow.

Y’all support me and my family with all of this though, and I appreciate that the most.


I want to openly say, Thank You to TestOfOath, your seed price points are great!! When I went through the offerings, I wanted some of everything!!
I made my choices, and was thrilled with the cost of them.
I did not expect freebies, with a low prices, BUT I also received freebies also!!

Then when I mentioned I forgot the code, when I ordered, he sent me more offerings to grow out!!
I am very humbled with his customer service treatment, by sending more gifts!!
Shipping: everything is packaged to travel very well, safe and secure with just the mailing sticker.
The site is well laid out, easy to navigate, easy to read, well for us older folks.

To me, his prices are the stars that should have folks cleaning him out stocks on hand, LOL!
I bought them, BEFORE I even looked his earlier thread, and the great plants and buds in there!!
Now, I feel like an excited dog, when they pee on the floor, to grow these genetics out!
Thank You TestOfOath for the generosity above what I paid for!!


Hey brother thanks deeply for the kind words! I just try to be fair and treat people how I wish I were treated, I’m glad that translates into something positive! Reading this post put a huge smile on my face and made me super proud.

I’m confident they will but I hope my gear does your excitement justice! I’ve got 5 of my new fem line in the greenhouse right now, 10 ft tall or more, and feel that exact same way!


I just posted on the meme thread before about mail day and I shit you guys not…barely 5 min later the postie rocks up and dropped these bad boys off!

My mail box has been on fire lately so appreciated bud :green_heart: I’m about to do a fem sog run, I love my variety so looks like another Aussie will be running your gear :call_me_hand:I’m gonna have to squeeze a couple in. Any idea on whether the icc#5 or mountain cream would suit sog better?


Im thinking maybe the sativa type structure of the Highland Nepalese in the mountain cream might not be suitable for sog.

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Real happy to see they made it! I had one held up once it landed across the pond for a week or two and that was tracked mail so AU has had me a bit worried lately lol all ended up good though.

Mountain Cream is actually a lot more squat than you’d expect for the sativa half of the lineage, in the greenhouse right now its the smallest of the fem crosses I made and its always been more of a bushy one than tall lanky grower, ICC must have had the stronger genes in those regards. But if you wanted a sure fire thing I’d go with the ICC #5, she actually get bred originally in a SOG, covered maybe a 4-5 ft circumference in a 5 gallon pot at the time but could easily do more if she wasn’t getting beat up lol.


Good morning @TestOfOath, our little ice cream cake that I planted is about 4 ft tall right now in her first week of flower. She was put into a new mix setup in my autopots system to see how long I could just only water and she’s mostly happy, as I said a new mix and growing style I’m trying this run. Overall she handled it like a charm and will get a bloom feed every couple of weeks, I’ll send pics when she starts producing buds. I already popped 2 more seeds to try and find the other pheno you talked about so I can see which of the 2 we like better. Looks like you got your seeds starting to make there rounds out there, congrats bud and hope all is well with you!!


Awesome thanks man I’m sure it’s going to go well. My younger son loves demon slayer and thinks the 3D demon slayer sword you have is very cool! :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:

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Great topic. Good selection.


Haha thanks brother, I really dove into 3d printing on a budget over the winter with my Anycubic Kobra 2(s) and that was my first real successful collapsible sword after trying a decent amount of times, I’m a huge fan of anime and Demon Slayer as well. When I’ve got the spare time to re-pick up that hobby or my ADHD hyperfocuses on it again I’d love to get a whole little area dedicated to my 3d printed stuff, little anime art gallery kinda thing. Idk if I’ll ever be good enough to paint em like some folks do but I’ve got kids too, maybe I can talk them into it :joy:

I give 3d printed articulated dragons to my nieces and any other kids I think will enjoy them which is most lol they always love em and are pretty mind blown by em which is awesome cause they’re super simple. I even paid for a couple stls of more nicely engineered dragons, they don’t break as easily and that’s important for kids, honestly these ones are so over done that they feel like you could use them as a self defense weapon if you needed to, and they’d totally work hahaha

Should think about getting your kids into it if they’re technically minded at all, there’s a learning curve but that’s part of the fun and if you get into it enough you can learn to design and then print literally anything. Hell there’s some “space material” we’ve gotten where the only possible way they could configure the material in the way they did was to 3d print it atom by atom, so if you ask me there’s gonna be a long future in it as a hobby and industry.

Wife needed a lid organizer and voila

Wanna go exponential conspiracy theory? If AI advances enough to become self aware, it’ll need to build a body at some point to interact with the physical world we put it in. What better machine to specify, possibly down to every atom, a different material for any needed component that can be switched on the fly than a 3d printer? Sure now it’s only filament or carbon fiber or some brick stuff for houses kind of things, but there’s no reason you couldn’t do metal like feeding it through a welder. So the infinite capability to optimise itself digitally and the infinite ability to optimise itself in the physical realm as well.


They have metal and living cell 3d printers now :grin:

Love the dragons


I’ll look into them, my kids are way more tech savvy than me and would work it out pretty quickly I reckon. It’s hectic how fast and where tech is headed these days, thanks for the info mate.

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