Optic LED or SunPlus Pioneer?!

Hey guys, i saw an interesting video on youtube that got my noggin joggin recently… it appears the optic LED line is just rebranded “sunplus pioneer” lights that are marked up significantly. they appear to be the exact same light and hardware just with a different casing/branding… then the Optic 8+ LED (which was designed by westcoast cannabis) varies quite significantly from previous optic LED designs, probably because they were designed by somebody else. personally i think the optic 8+ design is poor utilization of space and placement of diodes, and 1500$ for 8 COBs is ridiculous.

anyone considering buying an optic LED should just go to sunplus and get it for half the price. or build your own for 1/4 or less of the price



If i was gonna get a lamp with a build like that i would get the Amare SE450…