Optimal environment for young plants

Hello everyone!!!

I’m currently doing a grow on some Viet Blacks by SnowHigh seeds and also documenting it here on overgrow, and was wondering what everyone’s environment is if your growing indoor.

I have a 3x3 going with ac infinity and currently my plants are 1 week old each being 2 days apart of sprouting from each other and all are entering week 2. I noticed that the plants were really stretching so I back-filled and adjusted my light accordingly. I got my environment dialed in like this. It’s nowhere near perfect so I’m open to all criticism :rofl::joy: there’s much more to learn

Light: intensity on 40% at 23” from canopy. Lux meter reads 22,000lux≈363par
Nighttime temps: 75-77F
Daytime temps: 78-81F
Rh: 73-77%
VPD is anywhere between 0.8-0.9

I included a few pictures of this morning after lights on… and a worm!!! :worm:that said hello!! :joy::rofl::seedling:

Thanks everyone!! Looking forward to hearing about your setups and how you like to grow!!

Truly, Goooooooooooooooose

Viet Black by SnowHigh seeds


Ideal par is
200-400 for seedling
400-600 for veg,
600-800 ppfd for bloom.

Try lowering to 18”.

Also put the co2 bag above plants if you can. CO2 is heavy and falls.


Is it fine to leave it it where it’s at considering at what stage of growth they are? They are just entering week 2 and the second set of leaves are just beginning to appear lol

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Yeah of course. Out of habit I leave mine hanging

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Oh haha my bad I apologize I meant my lights, leaving it where it’s at about 23” giving about 360par. They are entering week 2 and was wondering if that’s enough light for them at the moment of growth stage they’re in lol. I should have been more specific there lol but yes okay I will hang on above them. I just was scared if anything it should fall, I have off to the side so if won’t fall on top of my plants and killing it lol :joy:

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Haha, my b. Yeah man, that’s totally your call. You’re in the sweet spot for sure. I keep my light usually at 12-18” but all lights are different.
If you find them stretching still try lowering the light.
Some growers will say once you get the first set of true leaves the plant is in veg, I’ve seen some others say it’s at second. Pretty subjective.
In that interview with John he says that he tops his plants after the first set of leaves to get faster root growth. A tab too savage for me haha.

I do like my plants squat though :wink:


Please re-think CO2 Bags - have heard nothing but bad about them - MAYBE they MIGHT work in a very small space. Have seen all the videos about the PPM which can be deceiving. Have bought into that ?CO2 Bags" and wasted money on them === Please re-think and save money !!!


Thanks for the comment man always looking forward to convos. And meh… $30 is very cheap to me for something that lasts up to 9 months. And if it works, it works but there are more pros to cons using co2. And grow space doesn’t really matter when you have proper ventilation. If you are able to keep your grow space at optimal conditions regarding temperature and humidity, why not co2. Also, the co2 bag I chose is the 365 version. Which takes a month to start producing co2. If it works, I’ll utilize throughout the whole grow. As for saving money, I’ll think of it this way. I’m growing organic in a living soil pot. Nutes are not as necessary in living soil as they would be say in hydro or coco. Nutes are expensive like very expensive. Then you have to replace your soil at the end of harvest. Now you’re talking $30 in over a period of months. So as far as the price, it’s very cheap compared to the other expenses in this hobby. you don’t have to be rich to be able to say $30 is a very inexpensive purchase. ) it’s well worth the cost and the price is not at all unaffordable. :wink::pray::pray:

I have to get a new co2 meter to verify the levels in the tent. The one I currently bought came busted. I activated the bag about a week ago so I’m not expecting any co2 being produced at the moment.


Please don’t get me wrong – have used them also Green Pads co2 generator, Exhale CO2 bags and so on ---- would like to run co2 in room but can’t get a “proper” seal for co2 bottles and like you said bags are cheap and easy , I did see a video with green pads - they measured co2 (Green Pad) in a 2by2 and 3by3 tent which did hit the levels. Happy Cultivation !!!

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They have co2 buckets too but you’d have to refill that every time it’s used tho

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Good Luck on your grow.



Co2 is only useful if youre needing it to help not bottleneck respiration in very high ppfd or higher temps… if youre not running a sealed room its kind of a waste … plus… at night time you need to vent co2 because plants use oxygen not co2 at night…

Co2 is great if everything else you have is lined out to the very T… otherwise its just a wasted product on something you cant accomplish yet… (pushing plants HARD)

Noy saying you cant… just be sure you can before the co2 thing… i have 2 co2 canisters and an automated co2 dispenser … dont use it… because i dont need it yet … i need to get the environment perfect and nutes perfect 1st… grow some perfect grows that finally are limited by no co2… then ill use it… just my 2 cents… if that makes sense… good luck!!

Also… @Goose420 id drop that rh a tad…


I’m slowly bringing the rh down now that they are entering their main vegetative stage. vB3 was the stubborn bean out of the 3.

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Also, what is a good range for rh in for main veg?

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Nothing over 60 percent… so 55 to 60… never over 60 and never staying at 60 either @Goose420 … its a plethora of issues being too wet … from mildew and mold all the way to leaf septoria

You can even go down to 50 percent with no issues

Are we talking for flower or for main veg? I’m still in week 2

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Veg… main veg… youre better off lower than higher… in veg i try to stay 50 to 55… flower i go down to 40 and 45 if possible hardly ever over 50… at lights off during dlower it can get to 50… but not over on mine

I’d have to agree that the CO2 bags are a waste.

Seedlings look good.

Update on the grow :slight_smile: co2 bag is now finally producing after about 2 weeks of activation :raised_hands: plants are doing well entering week 2

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