Optimal NPKs for the lifestages?

Hey everyone, I was wondering what you have as your optimal NPK for growing? I was going to go with a 3-1-2 for my veg state, assuming the high N to help her grow in veg. Then for early bloom, I was thinking of a 1-2-2 to help induce the change, and for my mid - late bloom going with a 1-3-2? I recently read that a high phos ending will help add frost and also the density of the buds. But I don’t remember if I read somewhere or if it was just “stoner science” that you wanted to end with a 1:2 ratio of Phos to K but I don’t recall. Some are saying that a 1-3-2 isn’t the best but can’t really supply concrete answers as to why, and I was hoping you all could. The other option was early bloom transition into a 1-1-2 then end with a 1-2-3? Thanks for the help guys n gals!

  • BD

I find that slightly higher level p and k compared to what your saying to very lil n in mid bloom and almost none during late bloom also you wan less k in in the last 2 weeks of nutes.
Clones and seeds 2-1-2
Veg 3-1-2
Early flower 2-1-2
Mid 2-5-5
Late 0-5-2
The phosphorous increases bud production the nitrogen helps leaf production and upkeep while potash is like viagra increasing water and nutrient uptake and utilization
Every strain is different but this is the sweet spot i found

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Are you making these products yourself or pre buying them?

I am mixing my own dry nutes to get the ratios.

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It really depends on what im running atm with each strain… Both my flower tents have a couple in soil and a couple in dwc so i run home mixs in soil and pre made for dwc that being said its not too hard to optimize through nute comps. You can take a multi part line and mix to get whatever ratio you want you just need a lil math and make sure you dont toxify with some of the micros… It can take a bit of creativity sometimes lol

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