Organic Adventures

So for the worm bins. I’m going to take Newspaper and egg cartons and shred them into a 3" bed. Mix it together with plain promix all purpose … Add some raw coconut flakes and some crushed egg shells and 1 banna peel. Mixed together. Then dampen it down so it’s moist and not wet. Aiming for about 5 to 7" depth .

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Loving what your doing here man. After seeing how this all works for you, may try something extremely similar. Being canadian you have already done all the hard part for me haha :slight_smile:

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I’m concerned you didn’t add any liming agents, no dolomite lime, oyster shell flour, or rock dusts. That’s going to make your pH tank, IME.


@ReikoX does this lime burn when wet like ag lime?

I use this, just wonder if my thinking on lime is wrong based OME.


Don’t worrie fella I have high pH in general. That’s why I use bottled water. I’ve got plans for everything. We are barely getting started


Not sure, I usually use a mix of gypsum, oyster shell flour, basalt, and glacial rock dust. Dolomite lime has more magnesium in it than ag lime.


I’m gonna have to agree with Reiko here: rock dust etc is kind of vital. I’m assuming that that Gaia stuff you’re adding is some sort of mineral?

Also, I’m not sure I’m following this thread correctly haha! Are you just making worm castings? Or are you gonna grow in that container? I dunno what’s going on haha…


No worries brother… My PH comes out the tap at 8.5… So I use bottled water in the neutral pH zone. I’ve used admendments with rock dusts, gypsum ect to assist in keeping the PH in a good growth zone for my soil… ( been using Gaga Green and PH Promix for a long time ) & I’m continually reading/learning about how to improve the soils in general… I’d never do anything in hast without actually researching it first… I always appreciate your interest and thoughts brother :pray:

Gaga Green 284 Indgredents:
Fishbone Meal
Bone Meal
Glacial Rock Dust
Mined Potassium Sulphate
Fossilized Carbon Complex
Rock Phosphate
Green Sand
Kelp Meal
Bat Guano

Gaga Green 444 Indgredents:
Alfalfa Meal
Bone Meal
Blood Meal
Glacial Rock Dust
Mined Potassium Sulphate
Fossilized Carbon Complex
Rock Phosphate
Green Sand
Kelp Meal


Hey Brother. I’m starting a Worm bin for a few reasons… Yes to make EWC :wink: & to help recycle my organic kitchen wastes & to recycle :recycle: some brown cardboard. Doing the worm bin will result in me having made “super soil” and whenever I need to “Top up” the No Till grow bed, that’s what I’ll be using :grinning: and of course I’ll add some worms to the grow bed also.

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Okay. So this is just a “worm bed” making-my-own-castings thing?

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Blue lid rectangle container = Worm bin
2 black garbage pails. 1 is for growing Clover cover crops and the other to attempt to grow carrots, yup flipping carrots.
Big ol bin = main grow bed


Basically… it’s gonna recycle kitchen scraps, cardboard and newspapers… and make super soil that’s loaded with earth Worm Castings.


Here is the worm bin ( not finished yet )

Recycled :recycle: the container from the wife…

The bedding So far contains:
Small amount of Lava rock pebbles
HP Pro Mycorrhizae
HP Pro All Purpose
Coconut :coconut: flakes
Ground up tiny Egg shell flakes
Shredded coffee cup Cardboard holder
Still need to add Shredded Newspaper

Organic Foods available so far for worms:
Shreaded Bannana peels, Strawberry tops :strawberry:, spent coffee grinds, :carrot:carrot peels (frozen and waiting for the worms to eat)

Will also feed dry oatmeal, rice and pastas, but not very often and in small amounts.


Gots some Red Wigglers 🪱 worms. Got lots of eggs in here also.
Nice guy delivered them for me, he’s very knowledgeable and super helpful. :+1:


Share any secrets he may have given! Lol


@CADMAN is this where you will be documenting your grow in the new bed you made here?


I suggest he join OG fourm. He’s almost ready to grow himself. He should be introducing himself soon enough… He said people call him “the worm guy” :worm:… where you at Worm guy?

He did say that he gives the worms Vitamin C once in a while on some wet paper towels…


Yes. More then likely.

Good news. No escaping worms lol

I bured a diced up Bannana peels to start them off in there new home…


They love banana peels for sure.

Anybody called the worm guy must be cool.