Organic increase in trichomes in last 3 weeks?

Any thoughts on soluble potash while I’m here, I have some but it seemed WAY too strong despite being “organic”: 1/2 tablespoon to a gallon of water

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There is no magic bullet. Strong light, good genetics, adequate nutrition, good environment with little stress. It is that simple.

You water with Dr Pepper and Earl Grey tea to make it taste better? It doesn’t work like that. Classic grower’s myth (haven’t heard this one in years).

Cutting nutrition to nothing in last few weeks isn’t going to develop more trichomes. It’s going to have the opposite effect. Flower and resin production runs on P and K.


I generally don’t water for the last 10ish days to make drying the plant after harvest easier, interesting that it may also increase trichs inadvertently

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Yup. I say this all the time; everything that happens with your plant is controlled by hormones, and the easiest way to increase hormone production is grow happier plants. If you’re not already running at full steam, fully dialed in, than additives are not worth the extra money.


A) a needed correction, I use Canna BioBoost, not Canna BioThrive (got it mixed up with Super thrive which I also use

B) I have grown since 1988, and worked on Romulon before it went to the British Canadian Growers Association. When someone tells me something I know is absolutely true, is a “growers myth” I have to chortle. Further, if you do what I said I do with Big Red it will turn your buds deep unsettling red. There is no secret science to a desperate plant needing to uptake nutrients, the only barrier is the Electrical Conductivity and PPM counts. Since the plant and soil has been flushed, since there is no major NPK, simply sugar and water, or in the case of tea, long taken up tea, flavors in the Earl Grey and Constant Comment ABSOLUTELY come out, and since it’s organic, the ash is pure powder. It’s my favorite hit in the world.

But dig, condemnation before investigation only limits the individual doing the naysaying-- not me.

I hardily endorse the suggestions I made above because I smoke my own mistakes and successes…

Thanks for the responses


I would love to see your big red dosed plants. That sounds interesting. Im thinking about playing with high and low ph at the end to change the anthrocyanins color on purple plants

I just want to say I don’t cut nutrition until the last two weeks, also note my soil mix, it has rock gypsum in the mix along with plenty of other amendments: this should be water-only capable all the way. Right now there is not a single red or dead pistol on the plant; I think I still have 3 weeks. I watered with Constant Comment, Canna Bio Flores, Canna Bio Boost, Super Thrive, and Molasses

They aren’t being “starved of nutrients,” they are being deprived of water for the final week (of which 3 days are in the dark), and then given a final choice of flavor

Just wanted to clarify

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To quote the phd.
“every time your plant undergoes stress, it breaks down the thc precursors in order to survive.”

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Watering your plants with Dr Pepper and tea ain’t gonna make your plants taste any different. Sounds like the guys who claim you can get more females from seed if you crush up birth control tablets and water them in. Y’all can chortle and water your plants with soda, don’t bother me. It’s just pointless, except I guess the phosphoric acid in the soda is a source of P.

If you can taste the difference, it’s the placebo effect. Plants don’t “retain” fertilizer in the tissue, it has nothing to do with ash color or taste. More old crunchy myths.

If you’ve been growing for 33 years, invented Romulan, and have all the answers, why you bothering to ask us how to increase trichome production?

The dye thing isn’t true and I can prove it. I add a shit ton of red food coloring to my flower feed to differentiate it from my veg solution and guess what…my plants aren’t red.


Do you have a clone youre familiar with that you could run a side by side experiment? It would be interesting to see the results.


Nope. I don’t. Sorry :disappointed:

I didn’t start the thread to have harsh vibes. I started the thread to find out if there was anything I was missing. Some say “There is no magic bullet.” My response is molasses IS a magic bullet used properly. Kelp Meal is absolutely a magic bullet. Living Earthworm Colony absolutely a magic bullet.

Now that’s my experience. Yours may differ.

Notice I asked the question on the Organic aspect of the site, and I gotta respect those that have their NPK dialed in on the synthetic stuff; I really like Bill Ward’'s YouTube channel and he is successful with General Hydro grows and defoliation. But I can’t dial it in that way.

Organic is less stress, and had someone said, “oh man, you haven’t used Life way Yogurt Drink yet?? You live under a rock??” Then I would have tried it.

But I’m doing all right.

I will say to those who ask for a side-by-side test: I did that in 2011, and right now this is my last grow until October because of the heat where I live, I depend on cold outside air which no longer exists. A 5000 BTU window unit can’t handle a 1000 watt hps.

BUT, as stated above, I still have the Sour Bluetooth clone as a mother plant and a chosen Sour Blutooth male for a future seed project for fellow OG’ers next fall, along with a Pineapple Mango Haze female. I will go out of my way to do a test at that time, side by side. And, I will give a smoke report, some more photos, and some cut and cure photos as time progresses on this grow.

I hope everybody can grow however and whatever they want, and have a great night!!!


Week 3-6 i give shitload of mung bean sprout teas once a week…usually works for me

they put out a miniscule amount, but enough to hurt your eyes if you are in a room 4 hours a day.

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It isn’t about “harsh vibes” plain matter-of-fact speaking may just appear that way. There’s opinions, and there’s misinformation.

It isn’t an organic-synthetic debate, either. 33 years of growing but can’t master mixing a 1 part powder into water? Hydroponic growing isn’t rocket science and is in many ways less complicated than maintaining a worm farm.

If everything is a “magic bullet”, nothing is a magic bullet. You want more trichomes and heavier flowers? More light, add P and K. Use bat guano if you want, the plant doesn’t care how it gets those elements, just that it gets it.

Let’s see those pictures of the red-soda plants.

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I place both small amounts of wood ash As a top dress and also use about a tablespoon into a gallon of water and water in yes ph is considerably higher but doesn’t seem to be bothered by it plants regulate ph in and around the rhizospere anyways

Lucerne fields out in Nevada grow in soils of 10-11ph Perfectly fine , sources from Elaine Ingram CEO and president of the SOIL FOOD WEB So make your own decisions

I like that :ok_hand:, happy plants… happy production :green_heart:


yes to that BOG SPEAR!!!

well the downside is there has been actually no evidence that supports these claims. It could create a confirmation bias that damages your ability to determine the truth.

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Quick pic update, putting on weight, snowy trichs.
I absolutely agree with wood ash, prefer hard woods to mountain juniper/ceder/pine and I try to avoid lighter fluid from bbq pits
Never heard of mung bean sprouts, will consider
The last time I grew with Big Red was 2015 and lost my drive with the pics in 2018, I will say I don’t often go with soft drinks because added sugar makes a crackly bud when hit with fire. One of the reasons I prefer green/black teas…