Organic Newbie 2nd run in Organic soil

Starting my second no till run in four 20 gallon fabric pots. Using a single 480 watt QB. Running 2 Motorbreath(regular) and 2 Purple Punch(fem) from seed.

Since my last grow, I have prepped these beds by top dressing/Re-amending with KIS organic’s Nutrient pack, organic malted barley(freshly blended), Bokashi, and homemade earthworm casting. Finally, I sowed a fresh cover crop and topped with straw. This all occurred about a week and a half before I transplanted.

Here is week 1, initial transplant. Motor Breath to the right and Purple Punch to the left:

Notes: 4/4 of the seeds germinated with no issues except that front right Motorbreath. Seems to have a leaf mutation, but I am going to ride with it to see what I get.


@growBlue welcome to OG! My husband and I recently started doing no till beds…love it! Can’t wait to see your little flowers grow and thrive!


Wow, this is interesting, 20 Gallon post and a cover crop.

Is that clover in there? :mag_right:

Oh Yeah… and welcome to Overgrow!!



Thanks for the welcome, and yup that’s some clover, I use the 13 seed Cannasuer cover crop.


Welcome and thank you for choosing no-till! :green_heart:

Looking great!


Welcome to OG @growBlue


Welcome to og. Wider and shallower is is better than deeper and narrower


Welcome to OG and good luck with your grow!


Welcome to OG your off to a good start :+1:

I hope you have a strong back, or you don’t have to move those pots to much. If you do wait until they dry out a bit first. My 10 gal pots are pretty heavy when wet, so much so the handles just tear off, so hold them underneath if you do have to carry them.

Any reason you planted them all to one side instead of central in the pot :thinking:


I think the off-centre placement would add a lot of adjustability to canopy positioning and overlap once the plants really start to bloom.

@growBlue, please tell me this is deliberate because it’s a great idea.

Nice no-till setup!


Yeah that’s what I used to do when super cropping, it allows your main stem a bit more space across the top of the pot if you want to keep the plant shorter.

I was just wondering as growblue is new to growing, if that was the plan to do some bending and cracking of stems.

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Yes, this was deliberate but actually for an additional reason, this is my second run in these bags and the first run stump was still there (also off center). I didn’t want to crowd the pot as the last run stump was broken down by the biology.

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Bingo! That is my plan

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Sorry for the wait, holidays had me slammed and got Covid during new years :upside_down_face:, Happy '22.

First week of transplant went well, all off the strains took well to their new homes. During the week I had to chop and drop the cover crop as its raging hard. I combined the mulched cover crop with some fresh blended barley powder and some more straw. At this point, I am just watering with BAS (Build a Soil) Big 6 Micros (I was worried I may have been depleted from my last run), yucca power, Fresh blended aloe, and Rootwise mycorrhiza innoculent, and enzymes. This really got the biology kicking and alive and the worms and predator mites were feasting. I can’t tell you how much I love this initial phase of organics when you see all the biology start to team up!

Week 2 So the cover crop continues to thrive and came back in two days, which I’m fine with except the for MB mutant in the front right is fending off the clover.

Here are a couple of close ups of one the the PP (left), Idk why I didn’t get any close ups of the MB

PP Front

PP Back


YES!!! Grow little ones, grow!
Looking healthy and strong. :muscle: :green_heart:

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