Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

All 6 looking good my friends, nothing major to report!


So what’s the verdict bro how was your harvest? Was I close?


Inquiring minds need to know. :joy: I’m with @methodanon


Haha I must have snuck it past you my boys!

Post 161-

90 grams total, I can’t take much credit on my guess, I looked at hanging on the paracord drying line compared to the previous harvest, and it looked to be about 60% of that so, not too bad on my part :rofl:

I over dried all of the bud accidentally, it’s sitting at a crispy 50% RH in the grove bags, I swear it went over by like half a day on one of those really hot days we’ve had and it dried past the point of no return that quick.

Smoke report -
The high is right there in line with the high thc dispo weed, it has definitely strong effects, I smoked a joint before mowing the lawn yesterday and it felt very energizing, but also a bit fleeting in length. By my own fault with the over-drying, it has minimal taste/smell, what little smell/flavor I do get, it has some minor fruitiness to it, maybe some grapefruit and lemon? Hard to tell - and I’m no sommelier in the first place.

Regardless, was pleased with getting anything on that second harvest! I’m now only smoking weed I’ve grown, I will probably run out before this next harvest (shooting for the end of December for at least some of these new plants), but it feels really good not spending anything on it at the moment. It will be a little adjustment because I love concentrates, but we will be back on the hash and wax train soon enough, I’ll be buying that press in the next few months that I’ve been talking about too lol.


I need to bribe LJ for more likes. This is ridiculous. :laughing: I must’ve been ripped when I saw the weights!

Oh I see now you put it just above your pic of your new babies.


Finally switched from the spray bottle to 4-6oz of water when dry, a few days ago. Making great progress! The 3rd SM, it appears I was rushing when I potted it because I left quite a bit of room and also forgot to poke holes for drainage, but realized it before it was a problem. Everyone’s looking great, the LPC is the star of the show currently but that could change at any point :joy:. I also just put them on 18/6 last night instead of constant light, they seemed to really start to stretch since last night because of it.


Looking happy and healthy. I have all my clones in 24 he so they won’t stretch :joy:. I’m going to have to go through and poke holes in my cups in the closet for drainage.


Haha I semi-forgot that was going to happen! I opened the tent after work today and gave a little, “woah!”


Better angle to see these legs -


Nice bro, they look happy!


They really do look happy. And reaching for the stars!


Thanks guys, chugging along here! Those budclips I was talking about before showed up today too, so I’m interested in giving them a good test on this run.


Awesome. I just ordered some myself. They’re slightly different I’m interested in how yours work for you. I won’t get to test mine for a while.


Nice brother, I will definitely keep updates with them, pictures, etc. they seem like they are gonna be really easy to use, I definitely had some growing pains/frustrating times with the plant tie wire at points haha.


Really taking root now, major growth each day. I saw a little nute burn on one of the tips of the LPC, but it’s more than likely just a “hot spot” in the Happy Frog. Overall, looking really good!


I took the week off, doing some small trips with the family. We’re going to be gone for about 48 hours as of tomorrow morning, so I just gave them a good watering and tidied up a bit in there with the catch pans. Looking forward to getting them out of solo cups, I have a heavy hand it seems when top-watering and they have a tendency to lean over a little because of it, and I’m setting them back more upright. I much prefer watering from the bottom with the fabric pots, it prevents any of that from happening.

Overall very good my friends!


Good morning my friends! We got back last night, all 6 were looking amazing so I spent a little time in the garden doing some transplanting. The Hashplant in the back is taller by a decent sized margin, maybe 2-3 inches or so.

Had good root systems in all the solo cups, including the SM that was a few days late.

Directly after transplanting them all -

This morning -

I have to figure out which ones of these plastic drip pans has a hole/crack in it, because there is that big water stain on the bottom of the tent this morning. I am very pleased with the growth while I was gone, it was nice to see that leap over the 48 hours instead of the usual 8ish in between checks. I think for this grow I will transplant once more to 3 gal pots and that will be it. I am also a little worried about the space, but I believe I will still be topping all of these, odds are I lose at least some of them to being male so I don’t want to make decisions based around 6 females (would be awesome though).


They look great dude, thriving!


Ayy thanks brother, glad to be out of the seedling stage and start to see the big spurts of growth.


Everyone is looking good since transplant, except the LPC, I just watered again this morning. Hopefully by tonight she is looking healthy again, not sure if it was just shock from the move or possibly not enough water after the move. I’ll just keep my eyes on it, not very worried yet.