Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

So I weighed and put all of the Redline in grove bags, final weight is 32g from the fern and 58g from the crooked one, I will certainly take 3.2oz from an eighth I bought a handful of years ago :rofl:.

That PLHP seed that had the super long tail is already above ground -


Alright so the 4 that were showing tails are all above ground, I just threw another Sunset Manor in paper, I’d really like an okay chance at getting a female for each the SM and PLHP. We shall see!


So… the third SM bean got a tail and was just put into dirt -

Yesterday I went digging in that other cup, and it appeared to me that it was trying to go the wrong way! So I gently repositioned it, and we’ve got a little helmet action this morning!

But now we’re up to 6, which I had planned against initially but let’s roll with it! Here’s hoping we end up with all females!

I also just got home from having my vasectomy a couple of hours ago, two children is enough for the wife and I, I am stoked to not worry about it moving forward haha. Little sore but I smoked a fat joint of of the LSD, with a healthy sprinkling of kief from the redline trimming, and man did it hit the spot for how I’m feeling right now. I’m extremely pleased with how that first run turned out. I did accidentally over dry the redline, it’s in the low 50s for RH but oh well, I have to make mistakes to learn from them! It smoked pretty good last night but I’ll give it a months cure still to see if the grove bags can pull some more of the terps to the front.

We’ll see how tight these 6 plants get in the 3x3! I should have checked first before dropping another bean :laughing:.


Awesome man, this should be a nice run!. I’ll bet you were afraid to cough when you smoked lol… :grimacing:.


Yeah I hope to really max out the tent with this run. My plan was to take them all up to 5gal pots but at this point I think I will just do 3 gallons with a solid veg time in them to really establish the roots as best as they can before flower. Not giving enough time after the final transplant was a big mistake on the redlines and it really impacted the yield at the end.

After this run I’ll be buying another tent, I am still going back and forth on the size (4x4 or 5x5). And I haven’t forgotten about trying the hempy bucket, that is 100% happening on the next go as well!

I was slightly concerned with a cough, but we’re clear so far :rofl: , I took tomorrow off from work so just taking it easy. My biggest concern is the kids jumping in my lap or hitting me accidentally!


Nice bro. One of my bigger regrets in this little journey was not getting a larger flower tent like a 4x4 or 5x5.
I killed off 2 more males today, down to 4 plants in veg and 2 with unidentified gender… perhaps you should pop another couple beans lol.


Haha once I have a separate tent I’ll definitely be popping like 8-12 beans at a time, that’s why I’m leaning 5x5 for flower… but we’ll see lol. Your flower tent is a 3x3 and veg is 2x4 right?


Yep that’s right. It’s OK, I’m definitely growing more than I consume, and I’m trying to stay under that 12 plant limit anyways. Considering grabbing a small male plant tent to throw in the garage lol.


All 6 above ground! I gently aided the helmet off of SM #2 last night, it wasn’t very stuck so shouldn’t be an issue.

I just ordered some of these budclips for easier LST, anybody use them before? Seem like way less fuss vs the plant tie wire.


Wife and I stopped at two back in 2002. Best choice I think I’ve made to date. :joy:

Congrats on six! That’s what my 32x32 has in it now. May only have 2 females though. We’ll see when I get home.


Nice! Yeah most father’s I’ve spoken to that have had it done have said it’s the best move they’ve made. And honestly the recovery is fine, I just have that lingering minor pain similar to after you get hit in the groin. I’ll be back to work tomorrow no problem.

What size final pots are you rocking with?


Mine are in 1 gal. I’ll cull the males and see what I’ll get out of 1 gal. Then run the clones in 5gal


Oo smart. At some point - probably the next run, I’ll be doing some cloning, try to get some Mother’s going, etc. Need more space first lol


I’ve used these recently (different design slightly) make sure you go slow with them, I found it helps to smoosh the stem a little bit but not so much you’re crunching/supercropping it. I broke one or three branches being a caveman. Go slow and stop at the first crunch :joy:


Appreciate the advice brother! I will definitely keep that in mind.


excited to see the pure land hashplant! thats high on my list to run, running divine intervention rn about to flip to flower


Stick around my friend! They both were the most vigorous seedlings so far so we shall see how they go, I’m really excited myself for them, they are my first run of Bodhi’s gear as well.


I was very unsure of myself for cloning. The motorbreath 15 and the SD Aj’s cut I got rooted for me super easy and that confidence boost was just what I needed. I’ve only got two of the six plants left to root. The nice thing about clones and mothers is they don’t need a ton to keep them going. I’ve got mine in a tiny spot in my closet with the 100w light that came with my tent over them. I figure they can live there the next couple months till these flower out.


If you have the room in the area you’re setting it up, definitely go 5’x5’ over 4’x4’. That extra room is really nice.


I saw your little write up about the closet, I’m definitely gonna end up making a small clone box at some point as well, you had got me thinking about that the other day haha.

That’s kind of what I’m leaning towards, I have the space in my office so I might as well utilize it right? I’d love to have the extra flowering space too, my ultimate goal is to be pulling enough flower to turn into hash and rosin so I have more than what I smoke (once I get that equipment as well haha).