Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

Redlines are doing good, I flipped 3 days ago, no indication of sex yet. If they are male, I’ll just cull, already have some plans for whats getting popped next anyways :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: (Bohdi’s Pure Land Hashplant).

The test smoke I’ve had of the LSD Auto has been excellent, super sedating high with very fruity flavors in the Mighty+ vape. Very pleased with how that one plant turned out in particular, the other is fine smoke it’s just a bit leafy and loose. I’m definitely gonna cure them for at least a month before really digging in.


They look super healthy man, a nice dark green. They also seem way bigger and more perky than they did 5 days ago. I’m guessing the one at the bottom of the pic by the tent door is female.

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Appreciate it brother, I really hope we get at least one girl, and it would be great if it was the one by the door because it seems like it’s gonna explode with growth :rofl:
I’m also going to start doing light feeds earlier this go around, just to try and stay on top of proper nutrient availability.


In my limited experience the first preflowers that show up are typically on the node right above where I topped. Sometimes it takes the 30x microscope.

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Oo good call. If I don’t see anything tomorrow, I’ll bust the microscope out and snap some pics with it.

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I’m not sure, I think I see balls on the one but, these were the only decent pictures I could get, the first two are of the plant close to the door and the last is the other.

I also got rid of the trellis net, as it made watering annoying and also I couldn’t move the plants to look at them. Maybe I’ll explore it again one day lol.


I do agree, I think I see a ball in pic 2 on the left side of that stalk. Unsure on pic 3.


And unfortunately, that’s the one by the door :upside_down_face:

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Yeah man, I’m definitely not 100% sure but if I was betting…
I’ve also ditched my trellis every time I tried it lol, I have the same one. Multiple cons I never did really find any pros. Can’t move plants, harder to water and get a closer look, it rubs on the buds, surely it rubs on the buds more when trying to harvest etc. I guess the buds I’ve grown haven’t had the size to need that support.

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I’m gonna let them rock til I know for certain, no harm as long as I am paying attention, I think.
And yeah, that was my exact experience with the net, just a pain all around. Maybe if I ever attempt ScrOG, that would be the test I imagine?


Hmm… is that a calyx and pistil I see? This is actually the plant I thought I saw a ball on before -


Hell yeah it’s a girl

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Looks like a pistil to me! Plants look great!


Ayy!! Thanks my friends :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, I’m hype that one is female, I was saying before that she has just been vigorous even after being pretty rough with them lol.
The other one still isn’t showing me one way or the other. Hopefully in the next few days!


Hmm… possibly a pistil on the other one? What do you guys think?

This one just hasn’t wanted to show me anything sex-wise until this. It’s been tough to tell with the way it’s been growing (like a fern), it’s all tight and lots of nodes sprouting out close together.

Overall I’m very happy with the health on both of them. I defoliated the fern a couple nights ago, a little bit. And the girl in front is as far as I can tell, amazingly healthy. Very pleased :slightly_smiling_face:


Definitely a pistil bro! Hell yeah, 2 females.


Nothing major to update, the fern is still lagging behind a little bit but she seems to be on the up and up with a little extra feed. The girl in the front is still doing great, just chugging along! Taking up quite a bit of the 3x3 now.


Looking great man, healthy. Pretty sweet considering that 2 weeks ago, 2 males were in the cards. Rooting for fern to be fire lol.


Haha right? I was fully ready to drop both of them. Pleasant surprises :grin:


I was kind of expecting this, as it was bag seed from dispo weed - I assume from intersex problems with the genetics. I found 2 balls on the girl in front, I plucked them and will just keep my eyes on them.