Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

And in better spirits, some frostiness from up top of both of them :sunglasses:


Looking frosty, man. Nice work!


Hey thanks so much friend! Appreciate you popping in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yeah man, the flowers do look great. Here’s hoping you can keep those balls from popping. On my first run I had a hermie, I killed it but prior to that, it seemed the balls only grew on 1 specific branch. It’s such a debated topic it seems, to cull or pick the balls. Good luck brother.

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That’s the plan, just keep plucking them, but we shall see. I think I will let it play out regardless, just more opportunity to learn about it all right?


So get this bro, I put all my trim in the trim bin, shook it, rubbed my hand across the trim/screen etc each day, very effective lol. Awesome.


Nice brother!

I’m definitely going to give it a better chance on the next harvest. And you are right, just for the ergonomic convenience of being in your lap, it’s worth it.

We’ll see how bad this plant continues to herm, I accidentally disturbed a small banana of pollen so it may have seeded the buds beneath lol. Oh well, we shall see how it all pans out.


Plants are looking pretty good, girl in the back is showing a little deficiency on a few leaves but I am upping their feed tonight so we’ll see how it looks in a few days. The hermie girl in the front is actually not throwing anymore balls/bananas as far as I can tell, which is nice. I did accidentally ‘pop’ a nanner, I saw just a small little puff of pollen so I’ll certainly end up with some seeds but that’s fine.

Has anyone used Biobizz products? I’m considering trying them when I’m done with these Vivosun nutes, I’d like to get on a organic line while still using soil.


If you’re top watering a nice dry amendment mix works well. I went with Gaia green but there’s others out there. So far I prefer it to mixing liquid nutes in water. I haven’t used my phone pen in months and my plans all have been rather happy.

Edit sorry you were asking about biobizz specifically. I haven’t used their products. I’ve heard good things but that’s not really relevant.


I’m not opposed to other lines! That was just a relatively popular liquid nute that I found. I’ve heard good things about the Gaia green too so I’ll have to explore the dry amendments too.
Thanks my friend :sunglasses:

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Girls are doing well, have done a couple days of defoliation because I wanted more light hitting the lower canopy.

I got a little carried away during the hair cut, I didn’t sever it completely so she got the ol’ duct tape band-aid :joy:.

She was also looking a little wobbly after watering a few days ago. I tied her down a little bit and am only bottom feeding now to prevent the water from helping dislodge her in any way.

I also had been dealing with some ph problems with my water, I ended up making some ph down from a recipe that @monkeyman posted a couple of years back. Here’s my labeling on it, with added food coloring to dissuade anyone from consuming it lol.

It works really well, I use 12ml to bring a gallon of tap water from 7.6 to 6.5, today was the first time I fed with the pH down in the water so we’ll see how they respond.

I’m looking forward to filling the tent up a little more, once these girls are done. I have all this empty space that I want more canopy to be taking up in flower :rofl:.

I’m going to probably get a second tent for veg/flower at the end of the year/start of next year, I’m leaning towards a 4x4 at the moment. But I do teeter back and forth from a 5x5 lol.

Anyways, decent post today, I haven’t been good about updating lately. Thanks for checking in guys :wink:.


Great post bro. Love the ph down water :joy:. My tap also comes out at like 7-8+.
Fern is frosty af! :clap:

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Haha, I have 2 young kids, and I have a lock on my office door, but out of an abundance of caution for them and maybe a bit stoned when I decided to draw all over it :rofl:

And yeah man! They are both looking very frosty, the fern in particular! I’ll probably end up saving some of that bud for when I get a press, potentially around the end of the year too. I feel like the fern will be really good for rosin with all that frostiness.

My tap I was just kind of letting ride, and it served my fine for the last grow, but I think as the summer has gone on, the ph has gotten higher and it has shown in the plants so I had to do something about it.


Agree man the ph down is a must when your not adding nutes. I’m still on my first bottle of general hydro ph down, I add like 0.3-0.5ml per gallon, it lasts forever. I never do refrigerate the water though maybe I should?


Hm I’m not sure, I’m not refrigerating this stuff, but it is just diluted sulfuric acid (like 1.5% according to the recipe I followed). The cost of the acid is 10 bucks, and it will make me 4 gallons of ph down so add like 10 bucks in distilled water, $20 for 4 gallons of the stuff is where it’s gonna end up landing. I think it will last me a number of years lol.

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:joy:… yeah your set on ph down.
For some reason when I saw the pic my brain thought that was a refrigerator, I can now clearly see that it’s not.
The food coloring might make it more appealing lol but the danger signs are good

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Looking at the picture, surrounded by Arizona jugs and more water in the back on a plastic rack, I can see why the brain jumped to fridge :joy:

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This is an understatement as I went from having only 4 different cultivars to probably over 40 varieties and 600+seeds when I counted last with in the last three months!! :rofl:

I guess my goal is to have a small scale nursery though when I obtain licensing…


Got some nice buds coming in! I actually opened the tent a few days ago and the girl in front actually was tipping itself over, so I secured her to the bag in a few spots. I think I’m good for now but I may run some Paracord acrossed the poles diagonally to support some of the buds if it continues.

Crooked girl -

Fern gulley -

I reckon 3-4 more weeks to go but we shall see!

The current lineup in my head for the next run is -

3x Pure Land Hashplant from Bodhi
2x Sunset Manor (O.D.D. x Cheddar Skunk #11) from @hoss8455
1x London Pound Cake fem from Elite Clone seed company

Thanks for stopping in my friends :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Looking great man! Excited for your next run.

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