Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

Getting there, I ended up stringing a line of paracord across for the girl in front to lean on, the buds are just getting too heavy. The fern doesn’t seem like the buds are going to fill out too much, but the trichomes seem a bit more packed in. Pretty excited to get the next run going so as soon as I see a good ratio of amber I’ll chop them down :axe::axe:

Fern -

Crooked gal -


Let me say this; my least favorite, lowest yielder, non-keeper last run ended up being the most potent/best. Was a good lesson for me… I have faith in the fern lol.
Honestly though looks great. Looks like your going to have some top shelf smoke, very frosty.
Do you have to dry in the tent or you’ll immediately pop your beans post harvest?


That is kind of my hope here, I’ll certainly judge them separately to know though :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’ll pop right away, I’ll be drying just in my office outside of the tent again. The RH is a little lower, hovering around 50% these days with the AC running so much through the heatwave, but it should be fine.


So I’m definitely chopping either tonight or tomorrow. I am going away for a few days on Sunday night after work so it’s really determined by if I want to do the work today, after a normal 8 hour shift, or tomorrow after a 14 hour shift :rofl:. I’ll probably end up doing it tonight, just so I’m not rushed. Trichomes are in good shape, the fern I think is a little more matured than crooked girl so that smoke may really end up being the superior of the two, at least for my preference.

Pretty excited for everything I learned on this go, I feel really confident and pretty dialed in to everything now. Very eager to use it on these next set of beans, I also think I’m gonna just pop 5 beans, 2/2/1, I was sizing up the 5 gallon pots in my 3x3 and it is just too tight with 6 in there, and that’s not even considering the canopy. I am definitely buying my next tent after this run, my birthday is in December so I’ll treat myself to that and a press for rosin :joy:.


those grow look amazing! can’t wait to see how your harvest turns out.


Thank you my friend! I will definitely be posting more pictures of the harvest :wink:


I caught up just in time. Can’t wait to see your harvest report.


Chop chop my friends :axe::axe:!
The fern was as expected, a lot of under cooked buds under the mess of everything, we got a pretty big trim bag in the freezer that will get turned to hash or edibles at a later date.
edit- I was getting a lot of lemon/lime smells while doing the job, which was surprising as I hadn’t gotten that so prominently before. Very interested in how the cure turns out.

With only one harvest under my belt, I’m gonna use my vast experience and guess we’ve got somewhere around 80-90g dry, but we shall see.

Here’s a photo dump with no comments apart from, if you work on the floor of your tent a lot, get one of those knee pads you see in a couple of the pics. You’ll thank me later :joy:.


Very nice man! And I won’t hesitate to take the over on your 90g estimate, I’ll go with 150g. Looks like :fire: dude.


Haha thanks for the optimism, and I appreciate you hanging through the whole thing with me brother!

I did just make one observation; I should have waited a little bit longer to flip after transplanting. I just stuck my hand into the side of the pot, and no wonder the one was falling over, it never really got their root balls established beyond the 1-gallon size. Looking at my notes, I flipped only 5 days after the up pot so that is a learning opportunity. Definitely need to give them the opportunity to acclimate, although in my defense I was in a rush to find out if they were female or not.


Seems like a nice night to germinate some seeds! :joy:


:joy: I’m so tempted, but I’m working all weekend and then down to the beach for a couple of days so just no time to care for seedlings. Tuesday evening we’ll be back. I wanted to get the bud down so that could get drying while I was gone. I think tomorrow after work I’ll give the tent a thorough cleaning with some bleach/water solution just because of the couple of bananas that poofed pollen around in there a bit, I don’t want any of that hermie pollen randomly hitting some of the good genetics going in there haha.


Alright my friends, back from the couple of days away with the family. Here’s what we just got into coffee filters, the past two grows I went right into soil so I figured we should give something else a try.

2x Sunset Manor (O.D.D. x Cheddar Skunk #11) from @hoss8455
2x Pure Land Hashplant (Congo Kashmir x 88G13/HP) from Bodhi
1x London Pound Cake (Suset Sherbert x Unknown Indica) from Elite Clone Seed Co.

Hopefully we get 100% germ and we get this show on the road! Woo! So stoked for this run.


Hell yeah!


So I’m like what, 3 weeks behind your Razzberry?


Yeah man I think they are like day 16-17ish, so by the time yours pop out of the ground it’ll be exactly 3 weeks.
How long are you going to wait before checking on your beans?

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I’ll give them 2 days I think, check them Thursday night.

From what I read; the advantage of the coffee filter is that the root doesn’t accidentally pierce into the paper like in a paper towel sometimes and make it difficult to separate.


Yes sir, I do the same thing.

48hrs is a good plan, I’ll bet quite a few are popped when you check on them.

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Pretty exciting lineup! I can’t wait to watch it go.


Well, we got 4/5 tails with just one of the SMs not showing, I think I saw the tip but I went ahead and planted them all into ocean forest happy frog :frog::frog:.

Check out the tail on one of the PLHP, it was like 4 times as long as the others -

Run #3 full speed ahead!