Original Pink kush and hybrids

Seed numbers are very limited (1 to 4 packs) with the exception of pink pebbles which I can offer in bulk business to business as they are listed on my website


  • Old Island Pink Kush
    (King x lizard hashplant) x pink kush (old island king)
  • Pink Rock-Star Kush
    rock-star kush bx2 x old island pink kush
  • Pink Head-Banger
    (King x lizard hashplant) x (med-mans head-band x conkushion)
  • PTSD #2
    (Pink kush x tuna kush) x west coast sour diesel
  • Acapulco Pink
    (Acapulco gold X pink kush)
  • 88 Pink Hasplant
    Nevils (1988 nl#1xpnwhp) x pink kush
  • Colombian Pink
    (PURE peru x pink kush)
  • Pink Fish-Scale
    (Pure peru x pink kush) x tuna kush
  • Pink Rhino
    Pink kush x 90s white rhino
  • Pink Tuna kush (pink kush x tuna kush)
  • Pink Afghani
    Pink kush x pre soviet kabul
  • Kandahar Pink #3
    Landrace warden kandahar black #3 2022 x pink kush
  • Pink Poison
    (Old Nelson bc durban poison x 80s skunk #1) x pink kush
  • Pink Head-Band
    (Pink kush x med-mans head-band)
  • Pink Chemdog
  • PMK (pink kush x med-mans master kush)
  • PK Ultra (pink kush x mk ultra)
  • Pink Mazar
    (Pink kush x pre-soviet mazar)
  • Pink God aka Pink Northen lights aka King of the North aka God King aka Pink Thai (only 10 seeds)
    (Old island purple king X original pnw northern lights #2) only 1 pack left

Personally I find the cluttering of topics somewhat spammy, is it possible for you to consolidate. I am counting 10 or so topics created in the past 48 hours with minimal information in one.

Not trying to start anything, just find that it makes it difficult to see other threads when there are constantly threads being created with no real purpose, this could all be one large topic much like the other sponsors.



Thanks for the feedback . Everyone (me included) find it much easier to have my seed offerings and giveaways with categorical letter heads

We have to keep in mind search engines and algorythms it’s not the old overgrow anymore :grinning:

I appreciate the honest feedback. :pray: if you ever want to share more I have a thread called “feedback”

Much love

If there is any more detailed feedback for any of my threads please feel free to post in the respective threads

Thx again

I am with you there. Feels like a carpet bombing of threads the past couple of days. I try to check out every new thread and when a member creates so many I end up avoiding them for the most part as if feels like spamming to me. But hey, to each their own.


Definitely a carpet bombing of fresh threads, like you I try to read threads of new members and such but so many pooping up is discouraging.


Hey gentlemen :grinning:

I’m not sure of you noticed but this is my sponsored subforum

As someone who has been seriously breeding since 1998 I think the most logical conclusion would be that I list my seed offerings here wouldn’t it?

We’re not saying to not list your genetics brother, we’re saying that if you’re making a topic for every strain you have the site will quickly get clogged up and other topics are going to get drowned.

Imagine if every other sponsor made a new thread for every strain they’re releasing or released. The site would just be threads of strains people are trying to sell, not the OG we know and love.

Just saying brother, not trying to start anything :call_me_hand:


I just for the life of me cannot see the utility in this from a business standpoint. Wouldn’t you want everything in one neat little thread like each and every other sponsor. I may not be a master breeder but I do have a strong background in business and marketing, and you could surely benefit from a focused branding strategy and messaging campaign. The condescending comments really don’t help the situation, everyone is really trying to help you out here man.


Hey homie

If I had a thread for every strain I had would there be like 200 titles? There’s 9 I think right now with maybe one to go.

I truely appreciate your feedback. Sincerely. But there isn’t 1 universal business law to follow. Just like grow spaces indoor and out the ecosystem determines the inputs and outcomes. Not us.

Much love bruv

And another one on mute.

Joe gave me this piece of wisdom once.


Here is the old island king the original

Picture credit to first 2 for vapor at ic. Last pic is mine (same cut)

These images are not the old island king (mother of pink kush) don’t get suckered in by any hacks out there

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Why are all the pics from 10 years ago


My Pic is from last fall. Not quite 10 years but close lol

Oldnisland king goes back to the 70s so I’m not quite sure the revelance as age is quite trivial dealing with old school classics like this pungent skunk fart specimen

I’m not sure where you live nor will I ask but any strain that survives the bc market place for a decade is a winner.

Much less 40 years