Ottafish’s Organic Indoor/Outdoor Endeavors

Well… unless you’re wearing a gasmask that completely covers your entire head regular masks are pretty much useless, especially for pathogens.

You can mix it with water and make a slurry, very slowly stirring it.

Or just not use insect frass, you can get all the nitrogen you need from nitrogen fixing plants like beans, clover, etc.
You already have alfalfa in there, so really don’t need insect frass.

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Well I do have a full face respirator. I use the insect frass more for the Chitin, it’s good shit, my group of grower buddies have been having good luck with it increasing terpenes. Plus I like to have as much diversity in my soil as possible.


“Chitin is a natural and abundant biopolymer. It is commonly found in the cell walls of fungi, exoskeletons of insects, shells of crustaceans, and in other lower eukaryotic organisms.”

Shrooms and used up shroom substrate might be a good alternative.


Nice! I’ve never heard that mushrooms have chitin. That’s very interesting. I have heard that mushroom compost is really good. Plus the substrate has grain in ti and seeds are packed full of goodies. Might even get a few bonus mushrooms😁


Especially when you get substrate from mycorrhizal mushrooms!


I like to compost these mushroom substrates before adding them to the plant soil!!!
But I’ve already added it as a topping and I had some shitake mushrooms growing along with marijuana.



Is this Rare Dankness GTH?

Beautiful garden brotha! :sunglasses:


That’s would be awesome! Mushrooms are tasty!

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Yeah I bought the after he won a High Times Cannabis Cup a long time ago. This was the last seed I wish I’d have made more!

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guarantee the herb and even have a bonus salad…

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I’d really like to get into growing mushrooms, I’ve grown some shrooms, but I love to eat mushrooms. I can pick chanterelles up here by the gunny sack. We have morels too. I love to sauté boletes with onions in olive oil and then throw kale in there after a few minutes. Serve that on top of a good steak! M m mmmm


Tropical Fuel X Black Strawberry Preserve seeds incoming. This one seems to be maturing fast. The calyx’s are plumping up!


Well the damn caterpillars are already starting to do their thing. Just pulled two buds with botrytis off the Nana.


Gardens looking gorgeous Otta so much variety man! Juvenile grasshoppers were the bane of my garden last year. I’ve got nets and habanero spray prepped for the little buggers this time round.

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I’ve been slacking. I’ve only sprayed a few times. I always get a few buds ruined by the caterpillars. I’m just praying there’s no rain for a bit because I know if it rains those plants are toast. Frosty dense buds just don’t do good in rain especially when infested with caterpillars. I’ll spray again tonight. I haven’t been seeing many of the cabbage butterflies for a few months but obviously they’re still around laying eggs.


Here’s a recipe to sprout barley for anyone who cares. I soak it a day and then wrap in a towel. Try to keep the seed layer under 2” or it will ferment and won’t sprout.


How is the habanero spray working?


Haven’t had to use it yet. I’d say next few weeks they’ll start up.

GNatural group 11a insecticide

Chop a handful of habaneros and add to a pot of water and simmer it down some then apply to foliage.
If you’re outdoors, planting herbs such as cilantro, chives, rosemary, and dill will also help to deter pests as many of them hate the smell.


Sweet, I’ll be watching this one like hawk.
I need to get a pack of them as well.

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I’ve been doing some reading about this insect frass - going to add it to the list of ammendments in my stock. Any preference toward brand? I know the shop in town has the Build-A-Soil and the Down To Earth brands.

Mushroom compost definately getting integrated into the schedule next season. I’m really looking forward to doing some soil testing end-of-season and fixing things up to wait until spring.