Ottafish’s Organic Indoor/Outdoor Endeavors

It’s not real stinky. Kind of a berry smell if I remember right. I don’t think the smell has kicked in yet too much. Seems like the frosty ones never have as much smell. Probably because they’re hash plant derived.


Nana Glue, purpin out…


I chopped a bud to look at under the microscope. The heads haven’t even formed yet. I decided to deleaf due to the rain coming. We’ll see if it makes a difference. I’m hoping it helps prevent bud rot. I don’t really like to do that because the leaves are nutrient stores for the plant and they fall off on their own. But things were really thick, and I think it was necessary. Here’s the bud I chopped off of the Nana. I already have taken a few off and dried them. They look pretty damn good already!


That’s looking fantastic :fire::cowboy_hat_face:

Curious how the de-leafing works out, I wouldn’t want to do it either but if it helps with the moisture it’d probably be worth it.


Yeah I normally wouldn’t. But my last ass didn’t trellis them and buds are getting heavy and turning into a floppy mess. They’re all over eachother. I should probably grab my roll of trellis net over at my friends and put it on before the rain hits. I also figured without all the leaf mass there would be less to get wet and flop over. We’ll see. I’m sure it’s not going to help yield but I don’t really care about that. It might be smart to just cut the watering from here on out and force them to finish.

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Well that cures my curiosity aswell.
My mind instantly went to Big Bud clones(which I knew was incorrect)
Cuz I have a ton of jars in the cellar labeled that way, lol.

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Hopefully I’m wrong… but this looks a lot like a herm starting. :frowning:



That’s a pollen sack from me shaking the male over her. I figured someone would see that.


The rain is here. Flippity floppity. Split, snap, crack! Let ‘em roll as long as you can, I’ll have to keep an eye out for mold from here on. Hopefully we get a dry spell after the rain ends.


I thought it was the rain… but I think Edward Scissorhands walked into your garden!!!




Yep I defoliated so the plants wouldn’t catch as much water and snap. The one that flopped over was not…


Yikes splits. That last one looks mendable. Nice job with the stool/bar support, that is a clever deal. Combined with the defoliation hopefully a lot salvageable.

Man, I’m starting to feel really petty complaining about my budrot when I see all these gorgeous gardens getting ravaged. Sorry man :confused:

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Oh it’s all good. I didn’t take precautions. I knew it would happen. I’m just after the seeds really so it’s not a big deal. I knew if I didn’t cover them I’d have damage. Trellising and covering is pretty much a necessity. The topper would be to screen them too. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with the caterpillars.

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The two Starcube plants have taken off. It’s looking like I have one male and one female. I’m still waiting on the Chimera #3 plants to take off. They’re definitely not the most vigorous plants. I’m going to have to hack back the Starcube plants so they don’t smother out the Chimera’s.


Looking good!

No rain storms inside :smiley:

How’d the outdoor plants wind up doing? Bouncing back?


The plants are hammered. It’s still raining and cold. I pulled the smaller ones under the eve of the house. I haven’t even wanted to take pictures. There’s some mold on the Nana that is the farthest along. I could pull her any time but I’m just going to push her as long as I can to get the best seeds. The Paonia Purple Paralyzer is pretty much done too. Velvet Lakes is flopped over but no broken branches. I ended up cutting half of the one that split down the middle. Fall has definitely arrived early here this year. I should be able to get some nice seeds off most everything which is my goal. Then I’m going to try making a bunch of hash with the bulk of everything.


It’s actually looking pretty decent for the next few weeks.


Glad you weather is clearing up finally. Sorry to hear things haven’t been easy for your plants.

I think I’m going to wind up hashing quite a bit as well. Cheers, gotta get outside taking down the IBG this morning :cowboy_hat_face:

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Chopped the Nana that was pretty much done and had some mold issues starting. Plants took the weather pretty hard. This is why you have to trellis and cover. It’s ok though, I only need so much, seeds are my priority.