Ottafish’s Organic Indoor/Outdoor Endeavors

Very pretty flowers and frosty. Getting nice color going on.


Fingers crossed for perfect weather into the finish line brotha.

You’ll have mounds of glorious hash. :sunglasses:

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Sour Bubble

Blueberry Cupcake

Banana Butter Cups make/female

Planet Of The Grapes

Velvet Lakes

Paonia Purple Paralyzer

Sour Bubble x Blue Moon Rocks

Tropical Fuel x Sour Bubble

Nana Glue

Ghost Train Haze

Mold is here… Chop time soon for a lot of these


I really like the looks of that Banana Butter Cup… ok, all of them, but especially that one. that morning dew is getting to them huh? If you need to run any a bit longer, give them a shake in the morning, hit them with a leaf blower and walla…

but, you know what your a doing… a dang good job

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The banana Buttsrcups and the Velvet Lakes are looking something wonderful! They are quite beautiful for the thrashing they just went through. Your grow is stellar as always. I could only wish to have something like your setup. Keep up the crosses, they are all absolutely stunning to look at, what is the potency like on some of your strains?

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We had rain and cold weather for the last week. It’s been super shitty. The plants can only handle so much and anywhere a caterpillar has burrowed in is instant mold once the rain starts.

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Well I haven’t had anything tested but they should definitely all be over 20% The Sour Bubble and Ghost Train Haze we’re both cannabis cup winners around 27% I’m trying to incorporate high THC with strong terpenes in hopes of getting the best of both worlds.
I can tell you this about THC numbers though… they’re bogus most of the time. I have friends in the industry and it’s well known you can pay a little extra to get inflated #’s The Velvet Lakes is from Square One Genetics. Everything I’ve got from him is really good.


The outdoor plants that aren’t covered are done whether they like it or not. Some were really close or done. I should get a bunch of seeds.
The Chimera #3 mutant plant sure looks cool!

Blueberry Cupcake looks great

Planet Of The Grapes looks pretty good

Banana Butter Cups looks amazing as always!

Blue Moon Rocks X Sour Bubble got the chop. They were getting some small bud rot spots. She was done anyhow.


Damn that Blueberry Cupcake is a frost machine :cold_face:
My favorite is the Chimera mutant though.

That BBC looks appetizing as well :joy:.

Beautiful plants!

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Yeah the mutant didn’t look like that about 5 days ago. She’s turning purple fast! I haven’t been out there much lately. I was kinda wishing I’d have taken a clone now. I should have seeds from her though. I like the Blueberry Cupcake too! It looks like it’s a good yielding plant as well. I’d like to do an indoor run if those for sure.


These are the 4 outdoor Chimera #3 plants. They started flowering too late and lost the window for good weather. But, I can see their potential. One was more vigorous and that’s the one I’ll probably keep. I’m trying to limp them along as far as I can to get more seeds. One has stem rot and I’ve been cutting out the bud rot. It looks like there’s some viable seeds already so that’s good.

This is GMO. I crossed it to Sour Bubble which is how Sour Dubble was originally made. Mine will be called Sour Trouble :imp: :joy::rofl::joy:


Well I’m on mold patrol. I cut all the head nugs off the Ghost Train Haze to try and lower the chances of mold and let the seeds mature. Usually that plant does well here but this year was just the perfect storm I guess. I have my littles under the Eve of the house and they’re doing alright. There’s a little mold on the Chimera plants but they look to have some viable seed already. I’ll limp everything along as far as I can. There’s going to be quite an assortment of crosses. I’ll have limited seeds for everything.


omg… THAT Chimera is just so frosty and your right, she stands out in a crowd with that look eh? I’d ask for some seeds, but she looks like she needs some room to do her thang right…
It’s that Rocket Fuel I want… whenever you get around to them I’d appreciate it… I have a few strains I think you should add to your collection so be sending you out a card soon ok… Getting ready for Thursday Night Football, go Chiefs.

off to water


Yeah it’s a beautiful plant! Too bad it’s such a runt. The colors and cupped leaves are really cool! She’s pollinated along with the rest of the Chimera plants but they aren’t going to have many seeds. Of course I’ll have some for ya. I’m waiting on the Tropical Fuel until some of this other stuff is ready. I’d rather send one package ya know. I’m dragging these last outdoor beauties along as far as I can. I’ve been cutting out small patches of bud rot every day. I think I may just let them dry out at this point and harvest whatever I get. I kinda think when you let the plant die it puts everything into finishing the seeds.


Awesome man GMO and it’s crosses seem to do it for me. Must be the myrcene terpenes. Banana Frosty Cups for the win!! :yum::heart_eyes:


Well I will have some GMO x Sour Bubble seeds here soon for ya!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again you da man Otta!! :yum::green_heart:

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Just beautiful plants!

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Nice dude… I have something for you too… I have some real deal UBC Chemo that needs to be run and seeded up… from my buddy Barefrog up in Canada…
I also have a few UBC Chemo x M39 I think should go with them to produce more seeds in the long run of the M39 cross as I’ve grown it once before and it was epic, great producer for a plant I did no vegging to and flipped from seed.

Plus a few more I think you’d just love. I’ll be getting back to growing Autos for a while so I can get back to a 40 day rotation on harvests… it was the only thing that kept us in meds regularly…

Bro… my nieces husband that got that big Elk got himself a nice Mule Deer and was skinning it… took his thumb off at the first knuckle almost thru the bone and fileted his knuckle at the same time… he’s talking surgeries now to repair it… wow. and he’s a lineman, as in power lines… dude needs his hands… sux.


Im considering a meal worm farm for my lizards. Do you know if they provide meal worm compost for my garden like earth worms do? Or i can only get insect frass from meal worms?

Edit: researching now. Looks like earth worms are more suited for soil thats why their compost is used.

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