Ottafish’s Organic Indoor/Outdoor Endeavors

Wow, brother, Just caught up. Very nice thread. I love the whole organic bed idea! Plants look awesome and talk about frosty, that Nana Glue is absolutely encrusted!

Beautiful pics of your trip. I would love to take the the islands someday.


Here’s a little update on what I’ve been up to. The new medical grow was a bust so we stalled that for now. We have to get the environment dialed in first and I’m not willing to pay for AC. We chopped everything at week six which was plenty to get some viable seeds.

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My tent is a wreck… the plants got way too big before I flipped. I’m going to let the tips burn on the lights until stretch is over and then trim

them way back. They’ll still be plenty good for making seeds!


The back yard is starting to come back to life. I’m dialing the irrigation which saves a ton of labor. Outside is my favorite place to garden. I love it! It’s good for the soul!


Jealous of your setup, inside & outside. Awesome, really awesome. Like you’ve built your own oasis :+1:


Yeah the backyard is really nice in the summer here. Everything pretty much dies off in the winter and it’s pretty bare. It’s amazing how it comes back every year. I’ve added a lot of manure and top dressings over the years. My newest thing I’ve figured out is you must have a thick mulch layer. Alfalfa works wonders. It keeps the soil moist underneath and accelerates the breakdown of the top dressings. You wouldn’t believe how many worms I have created from it. There’s a 2” thick layer of worm casting gold under the mulch now. I honestly think you could blend a perfect top dress even for indoor that has all the nutrients a plant needs and you would need zero other nutrients. If you just keep it moist the beneficial organisms will break it down super fast in turn feeding the plant. If you get it right you’ll also not have any other pests or so few that it won’t matter because your balanced ecosystem keeps everything in balance. I have minerals and nutrients already mixed into the soil creating a balanced mix. The top dress just adds in as the plant takes them up.
When we first got the house there was nothing here. It’s been 25 years of planting here. My moms picks the plants. I just plant them and feed the soil.


Man that’s amazing, I am super excited to start building up a good balanced ecosystem, grow more of my own food etc. Wish I had started 15+ years ago, ahhh the ignorance of youth.


Hey if you ever want to know anything just let me know. Nothing I do is a secret. I’m trying to do it as cheap as I can. Although all the stuff I put into my soil adds up. But once you have it you’re set for a very long time. It’s way cheaper than buying bottled nutrients in the long run. It’s all about building a good soil.
The first thing to do to would be get a worm bed going. You can feed the worms material to make the perfect recipe for cannabis. The castings will be plant available. Worm beds are super fun! But the best castings can take years to make. I wish I’d have started one years ago. The worms are actually worth quite a bit of money too. They’re almost always sold out too every time I look. Supply and demand man :dollar:


You think I can use an old flower bed out back, shaded like 1/2 of the day as a worm bed?

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Definitely It’s better if in the shade. I have a 300 gallon smart pot and I just lay wood over the top to shade it. When you add compost/food scraps just bury them down into the soil. Try to keep 4” or so of alfalfa on top to keep it moist and accelerate breakdown. It’s cheapest at a feed store. I just buy a bale. What I’ve really noticed is barley makes the worms come in like crazy. They love it! I found a guy that has a bunch of 50 lb bags he got for 6 bucks a piece… I need to go get more. Something about that stuff makes them proliferate like crazy. If you can get some manure locally the worms really seem to love that too. Usually you can get if for free or close to. I got some really nice stuff that had been composting for a few years for like 30 bucks a yard.


I even have a small bin I’ve e been feeding kitchen scraps to in a tote. But your bed would be ideal. You just want it covered so the rain doesn’t wash all your hard earned nutrients away.



Oh so i would need a plastic tarp on it basically 24-7, unless I’m giving them food eh? Maybe a container like yours would be better to start. No need to go crazy right off the bat eh


A smart pot would be better than a tote. The tote got too wet. The container needs to be able to drain. I just emptied that tote into the big pot and the worms were only in the top 4”. I had no drain holes. You want the bin moist but definitely not wet. I think a smart pot would be perfect.


Hey brudda… thought I’d pop in and see how the big guys do it… wow, you have quite the setup from your grows to your yard stuff. Seems like you have a great life bro. Much respect.
The trip to Hawaii, should of popped in on Gochis and got yourself a bunch of that Molokai #4… great, now I gotta gift you some. lol.
Be following you more closely now… sucka


There was supposed to be a cannabis competition during our visit but it got postponed unfortunately. I’ve hit up quite a few breeders over there and no luck on the description of the holy grail. One guy said it may be from mango ferments they use. But IDK There’s only a few strains that the taste was amazing and different. God Bud was one, the Mango Maui Wowie, and some Humbolt I used to get. There’s a good chance the taste comes from grow style. But the genetics have to be there.


Hey brother your whole garden looks amazing!

We’ve been in a drought worst in 18 yrs. So we’re skipping the annuals this year except for putting a few indoor plants outside.

I love how you feed your soil brother!
And your idea of using smart pots like that makes a lot of sense!

Those outdoor buds look absolutely coated and extremely sticky!

Keep up the good work! You have some great genetics! T


Thanks man! I appreciate the positivity!


I figured I may as well do a little update on the outdoor grow. I have 3 Nana Glues and One Ghost Train Haze along with a few others. The 4 are getting big. They’re already 5-6’. They’re going to be giants😁


The Indoor tent is looking pretty decent even with the hot temps. I have GMO, Tropical Fuel, and Molokai Frost. I’m at about week 5 flower and the I couldn’t have a wider variation of plants. The GMO looks like it’s at week 5, the Tropical Fuel looks a few weeks out, and the Molokai Frost is just starting to flower. I dropped the photoperiod to 11 on 13 off to try and kick in the Molokai a few weeks ago. That ones going to take at least 13 weeks to finish I’m guessing.