Ottafish’s Organic Indoor/Outdoor Endeavors

Ottafish has worms everybody… do they make you rub your butt across the floor or what? muwahahahaha… jk brother. Love seeing all you do, so organic…

Some frosty stuff going on there… I’m glad to say, my next grow will be Ottafish Seeds… get ya some


Yard full of plants, tent full of :fire: & a full head of hair. Lucky dude!


They make the plants butts itchy which activates the SAR system in turn triggering them to push out more trichomes, terpenes, and goodies :rofl:

  • check
  • check

… wait a min.
…he’s been using that old Ronco spray on hair again…
:laughing: :vulcan_salute:

{sorry Carty… bad sativa… bad}



Lmao too funny man​:joy::rofl::joy::skull:


Looking good there, brother, your garden is a beautiful sight to behold! A mini paradise for sure! The Nana Glue and Ghost Train Haze are huge! I’ve seen how frosty that NG gets bro. Sure goes nice with the Sugar Belts too!

Your tent girls are amazing looking! That’s one thing about sativas I don’t like is the flowering habits.
I think the 11/13 should help with that. and perhaps, following CTG’s advice.

Here’s a bit of info from CTG, I’m assuming he is the original source, at least for for sale, of the Molokai Frost.

“We suggest about mid flower moving
light schedule to 10.5 on 13.5 off to
mimic the natural light cycle in Hawaii
If done this will bring most fems in
around 9 to 10 weeks. If grown on
12/12 they can go 14/16 weeks
Super fine oldschool Hawaiian

I hope that helps.

The yield might suffer a bit, but not as much as starting at 12/12, I’d think.

I can’t wait to run the strains you’ve made bro!


Yeah I was at 12/12 for the first 3-4 weeks and nothing. I’m at 11/13 for the last few weeks. We’re at week 6 barely creeping into flower yet for old Molokai. I don’t really want to drop the light cycle too much for the other strains but I may have to. The GMO can go 12 weeks and you want to take it to the max for best quality I heard. Dropping the cycle probably wouldn’t be a bad thing for that plant either. I’ll drop it to 10 or 10.5 here in the next week. The Tropical Fuel is getting close to the finish line anyhow. It may be good to drop the photoperiod. Might increase terpenes! We’ll see, I’m not concerned with yields anyhow. The buds are really nice on that plant. Really chunky! I bought more seeds of the Tropical Fuel and Orange Punch. Those are probably the two strongest smelling plants I’ve gotten in seed form. They’re really nice plants. So… I need more for breeding purposes.


Har Har… funny stuff bro… Whatever you do, don’t go visual… LOL.

Love what Gonzo said, Lucky Dude… I’m 60 and just had to cut my hair today, both brothers are bald… wheew. hehe


Yeah my brother is a year older and is going bald. Poor guy… hehehe


Life was a lot easier with hair. People with a full head of hair are indeed lucky! It’s cool though, I’ve gotten used to being a second class citizen :+1: haha, not even kidding.


Counting my blessings and sending up a prayer to keep mine :joy:

It’d be nice to have a full beard as a backup plan though. Hell I can’t even connect a goatee


Not much to look at as far as the Outdoor plants. They’re just getting bigger and bigger every day!


What a beautiful garden my friend… :star_struck:


Is it just me, or is that the front yard and driveway?? Let’s ALL move to where
home skillet lives, that’s freedom. Love the backyard bro, gonna love seeing some of my trades in there…


Thanks guys! Yep it’s the backyard. It’s turning into the Amazon Jungle!


You sure are growing some wonderful plants @Ottafish :herb::hot_face: and i like it that ur all organic, something Ive been dreaming of transitioning to in the future. Sure seems like an interesting rabbit hole to explore…working with microbes and teas.
Best wishes on your outdoor grows this season.:v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Very welcoming and visually pleasing garden!

I’m too old to start the learning for organic growing but you seem to have it dialed in. Looking fwd to watching things finish up.


Well when you want to take the jump, let me know and I can get you dialed in on a good soil recipe. It’s key to have the biggest mass of soil you can. This is your battery and the bigger it is the less the chance of any nutrient running out.


Ah you’re never too old man! You don’t have to mix your own soil I’m just a cheap skate and like the work. You can order premade soil from KIS Organics or Buildasoil that will produce a similar quality with water only. You don’t have to do the teas but they help. Depending on your pot or even better, bed size, you only need to add a top dress at transition. If you have enough soil mass you don’t even need that. I like to at least add some calcium, sulfur, and potassium plus there’s nutrients in the SST’s.
This way of growing is actually way more basic than mixing nutrients. You just learn which Ammendments have which nutrients over time. Try it. I can help, give it a shot.


Just peeked into the indoor tent. It looks like the Tropical Fuel is about finish… so I’ll let it go one more week:) The GMO is slowly starting to get a couple red hairs, and the Molokai Frost is getting a few more pistils at a turtles pace. I’m not sure that one’s going to ever flower. It’s the first landrace type I’ve grown. I’m going to have to drop the photoperiod even lower soon! I’ve heard some landrace strains take 6 months no matter what. Maybe that’s what’s up with this one. I’m not sure. But I’ll let it keep plugging along.
The tent looks like absolute shit lol plants got way too big, and I didn’t get a trellis in there. They are way too big. It’s alright though, I’ll still get some good smoke out of there, and know what to expect with the GMO and Molokai. I think we’re at week 7. But I don’t really keep track. The plants will tell me when they’re done.