Ottafish’s Organic Indoor/Outdoor Endeavors

Thanks man :facepunch:t3:


I use a 3” and a 9” for indoor. I hand water outside although I should hook them up. I was talking with Cooper at Sustainable Village where I buy Blue Mats. He said he only uses the 9” and only one per bed. But I like having two for redundancy just in case one malfunctions. They’re awesome. I just get them dialed and keep the reservoir full. As long as it doesn’t ever dry out your on autopilot. Then I like to give 1 tea per week and spray the mulch every day if possible to keep it moist. This really slows the breakdown up. I can go through 6” of mulch per month.

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The plants are not quite as far along as last year. I’ve haven’t been giving them weekly teas. Plus I promised I wouldn’t grow them as big…


The teas are where it’s at!


what a wonderful backyard!!!


Thanks! It only took about 25 years to get it to this point. It’s beautiful in the spring/summer/fall.


A pic of mom with the plants last year.


I just had a huge Maple taken down in the back yard. Maybe I need to grow some mj trees next year to help shade the house. Looks like its working well for you.


It definitely doesn’t hurt! Then you can attach a carport frame to the house and cover them. That’s the ticket if you get the rainy fall weather!


Promises promises… hehe. Hi Mom… lol. Brother, I’m starting to think my next grow is going to be Sour Bubble or Blue Moon Rocks from you. been forever since I’ve grown a BOG strain other then the one I’m testing now… this is perfect tent weed because of growth structure…
OMG what a list of organics dude… I’ve heard nothing but great things about using Teas like you have… especially outdoors where your nutrients can be rain flushed away…
Question: How challenging is it to keep your buds from getting bud rot with all the rain you get that time of year? even morning dew can get heavy… my one bro uses a leaf blower every morning up in Mass… lol

Yeah it’s not hard at all. Plus you get to control your inputs when you make it yourself. So you can tailor it to what cannabis likes. I have a place I can get really high quality castings for 200 a yard within an hour from a guy that makes them at his property. It’s a hell of a deal compared to the grow store.


Good morning!
Here in spain, the ecological way is still quite uncommon… We have only a handful of shops selling living soil here. In germany f.E you can buy it everywhere, but around here the people don’t give a fuck about the enviroment.
Whole area ran out of water last year - and what they did? Building two new golfcourse; or is it golfcourt? I guess you know what i want to say :wink:

By the way… can you drop me a message, when you sent out the seeds?
We don’t have any mailboxes here, but if i know smt is on the way i’ll tell the postman.

Have an amazing weekend :facepunch:t3:

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I believe it was sent last Friday. You probably have another week for it to arrive I’d say.

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Great. Thanks a lot and i let you know when they arrived!

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Brother @CaptainNemo !!!
Compost… You don’t need much space or knowledge, just have a routine and everything works beautifully!!!
I’ve been making my own hummus here for years!!! it is the source of life in my garden and in the backyard plants!!!


I chopped the Tropical Fuel today. It looks great considering the garage is hotter than hell… Big fat chunky super stinky purple flowers!


Holy smokes that looks :fire:


Now that’s beautiful flowers right here.



Thanks gentlemen!

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Wow bud. Just wow.
That Tropical Fuel looks amazing! :drooling_face:
Wtg :+1: