Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

I have been able to control it by utilizing sulfur in veg, but I still don’t want to breed with a plant that is highly susceptible to it.


All the cannabis plants are highly susceptible to it. It’s an organism that has evolved simultaneously with cannabis to prey on it. No plant can summon up enough immune response to fight it off. Triggered by RNA, it invades the stomata of the plant leaf. Once inside the haustorium penetrates the first cell it touches and starts feeding. The plants response is to generate sulfur to fight the mildew, but it fails. The only way it can resist the mildew is by having DNA incompatible with the parasite. Once sulfur water touches the parasite, it melts like ice in the hot summer sun. Its a biotrophic obligate ascomycete.
Just use the sulfur to finish off the colony once and for all, and it won’t come back. The protocol is 2 sprays in 2 weeks of 1 tablespoon per liter of 90%+ sulfur mixed with water. After the parasite is dead, you have to bring in more infected plant material to get it again.


Thank you! Ya you made me take a couple clones of the purple one just to possibly grow her out a little more. They started stinking early in veg so I’m excited. One of my favorite parts of the grow right here.


You ought to try the SB X Ayhuasca Purple or SB x ( Black Velvet X Pablo’s Revenge. Those one seem to be pretty similar to the SB with different terps. Probably more stinkier. How’s that Herijuana cross strain to smoke? Thats a CBD strain correct? A 1 to 1? The remember that in the dispensary way back:


So, I have to ask because I used to have problems with both these issues. Do you follow VPD, or I should ask if you know what it is? Also do you know what you’re PPFD is hitting your canopy? I’m always down to share anything I’ve learned. Not trying to annoy you if it comes off wrong. But I always had problems when my environment wasn’t in check. People think it’s humidity that causes problems but it’s actually a relationship between humidity and temperature which you need to follow to keep the correct VPD. .8-1 for veg and up to 1.5 at the end of flower. Theres a bit to it but anyone that’s into growing will find it interesting.
The herm issue I found out after a long time. It was too much light. There’s other things that cause herms but I’d say that’s #1. And nobody ever says anything about it.


Some plants are definitely more susceptible to it. Outdoors you can’t do anything about it. I agree, if something is weak it gets tossed. But… indoors you can get it on about anything if your environment is off. You can also not get it on anything if your environment is dialed. I hate using sulfur it smells so bad. I have used it a few times after the grow to just absolutely smoke any pest or anything in the tent. I had buddies that used it during flower and the bud was super harsh and smelled like sulfur:


Follow VPD and it will never be a problem inside. Outdoors is a different story. I’m not arguing with you but rather sharing my opinion. And I value everyone’s. I appreciate the feedback. I had buddies that would shut down a whole house and move when they got it because once it was there they couldn’t get rid of it. I had it too a lot. But once I dialed in my VPD I’ve never had it again. Whenever I’ve tried fixing a problem with a solution of some sort it seemed to fuck on the plant with more problems and weaken it causing more issues. I think if you can get your environment dialed, proper amount of light, proper nutrients, and trust me… follow the VPDnyou won’t have problems. Believe it or not I flower my plants at 70%’humidity and get great results. The plants love it. If you don’t follow VPD and you environment gets out of whack you hit dew point and then your going to get PM, also bud rot. I don’t get either. The cannabis communtiy has spread a lot of mis information steering people the wrong way to buy gimmick products and stupid nutrients when after all we are just growing a plant like any other farmer. With a little research everyone should be spending a fraction of the price just growing in soil with a few teas to keep things in check. And yes if they have pests then they have to deal with that. But the #1 thing is if your plants are healthy they won’t be as succeptable. Just my thoughts.’


FWIW, @JoeCrowe’s opinion comes with hundreds if not thousands of hours of microscopic analysis and experiments… normally, I say everyone has opinions and they all stink. I’m gonna call what he has not an opinion, but at least a hypothesis if not a theory. :wink: 1000+ posts already, and this isn’t the only thread… I’m glad you’re not arguing because he’s really not someone to do it with, on this subject. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, my experience matches yours with indoor growing. I’ve gone up to 70% humidity in flower without problems, especially at higher temps it’s more about VPD than RH. Also fits with what he’s said; there’s no infected plant material in there, so it’s no big deal. :man_shrugging:


I have always read that some strains are more susceptible to it than others.
The Purple Ghost Candy developed it bad. A couple other strains that were in the tent at the same time also developed it, but the ECSD x Ogers never did, so I kind of assumed that it was more immune to it than some of the other strains.
Kinda like how my wife has caught Covid twice, yet I have never contracted it.
I am positive that I could now run the PGC with no issues, since incorporating the sulfur spray into my grow, but I don’t have any more seeds.


Yeah running high 90’s low 100’s and 10-30% humidity. No mildew yet, growing an inch a day, plenty of breeze so will see what happens.


Probably gonna pop the Black Velvet/Pablos Revenge in the near future.
I have seen mentioned more than once now how well it is liked.
I don’t believe that the Herijuana is a CBD strain.
The Herijuana x Blueberry is a nice nighttime strain. The taste and smell is very fruity/berry.
The only thing I have found that I don’t like about it, is the fact that it stays so greasy, that it’s a real chore to keep lit.


I know what VPD is, but don’t really follow it, nor do I have a PPFD meter.
I just grow for myself and the wife, so it’s not that big of a deal.


I actually like the smell of sulfur, but would never use it during flower.


he hheh I love you guys, you’re saying what any good agriculture phd would say! 'Cept it’s wrong ass. Fucking Bugbee and the ucdavis crew. lol! Just being sarcastic, but yah, they are all wrong and work in universities. Oh, and they DEFINITELY don’t want to hear from me. I’m an annoying bug that keeps telling them why they’re wrong with photographic proof. Blah once I finished the phytopathology study which took me f-ing years, I handed the ucdavis crew their ass by showing how I can go out and destroy whichever mildew colony I want, either indoors or outside in the garden. I tracked it’s ability to spread, and also located where it lives over winter. Then I showed how you can tell the difference between the colonies by just looking at them. If you google shit, 99% of that info is wrong too. It hasn’t changed in 20 years.
Never use sulfur in bloom.


Wonder if this is a handy application for the mildew?


It won’t finish the mildew off. Once you eradicate the colony, further treatment is not required. In fact, you don’t even have to spray your plants with the sulfur in certain scenarios. example:
Mildew keeps coming back in your greenhouse year after year. Go out in the spring, and spray everything with sulfur. The mildew colony is harboring on bits of downed plant material. So Once you hose it all down with sulfur, it can’t regenerate. Plant your seedlings you started inside and no more mildew in the greenhouse.


Sugar belts crosses. All the close ups are the back two
Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts . That purple coming through on the back right is looking so beautiful.
Front one
Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts


Starting to get real frosty :cold_face: in there…


Day 28 Ottas girls are starting to blow up. The velvet lakes is getting some colour going with the cold weather lately

Did a stem rub on the 2 fuel dogs on the right side, I’m calling it gasoline alley a pure fuel smell like fire and brimstone almost :sunglasses:


Yeah I like to throw out my ideas, which when writing can come out in the wrong way. I love bouncing ideas back and forth. There’s definitely a million different ways to skin a cat. [quote=“Cormoran, post:1415, topic:116466”]
Also fits with what he’s said; there’s no infected plant material in there, so it’s no big deal.

I definitely have the PM spores available to my plants. It’s hot in the garage so I sometimes leave the tent open and garage open. I truly believe following VPD and growing healthy plants pretty much eliminates it as a problem. It has for me anyhow. Of course there could always be variables. It’s also important to keep your plants healthy so they’re less succeptable. There could also be some beneficial bacteria in my organic soil mix that keeps it at bay. There’s also certain strains I’m sure you can get it no matter what. Let’s dig in!