OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

Definitely (maybe not that look). I don’t think women in their 20s at the time were dreaming about Sir Connery though. I feel like I definitely reaped some of the rewards of the Jude Law thing.

I would think the Jason Momoa thing would get better results than Rob Zombie.


Sadly it was. I can’t express the annoyance at being asked if I was cosplaying Ronon from Stargate Atlantis… when I was not in any costume. (:laughing: )

I think Rob has more talent though tbh and was always best as part of White Zombie vs his solo gig.


White Zombie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rob Zombie. I say that and I mean that but I could probably count on one hand how many songs I like. I always think I like most of WZ’s shit until it’s actually time to listen to it and I remember that I like less than half of their stuff.


I’m a sucker for groovy tracks; and “La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol 1” is groovier than a chainsaw as one hand and a boom-stick in the other.

Rob’s solo stuff always felt watered down to me for whatever reason. Still saw him live a few years ago and he was solid. Played an extra long set because MarilynManson decided last minute NOT to go one stage… so he said anyone that stays will get their money’s worth.

And then the 56 year old “Yeahed” and ran back and forth accross that stage for 2.5 hours and played Manson’s cover version of Sweet Dreams to poke at the “superstar sex offender” hiding in his trailer in the backlots :laughing:


Yeah he puts on a hell of a show. Saw him at Ozzfest once or twice and he was great, like more so than I expected.



Is that a tree @Oldtimerunderground !? Ok, a pine tree right!! :thinking: :flushed: :shushing_face: :hugs: :rofl:


How tall is the Tree OTUG!

:green_heart: :seedling:


@Abbbian with the size, they could definitely have been mistaken for a few different trees :joy:


It’s crazy, the Red Congolese x Super Silver Haze reached 4 meters(13 feet!!)!!! :exploding_head:


Next to yours, I’m dealing with Lego plants, tiny ones!! One day Eden will be established as the whole planet, free from prohibition!! When that day comes, I’ll be showing you my learned (ages learning) skills! :thinking: :flushed: :clap: :clap: :pray: :hugs: :fire:
You rock brother!!

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It’s a bud or a super bud!? @G-paS! He’s simply pulling our legs!!


Mount Nuggular :heart_eyes:

@Oldtimerunderground come harvest time

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Damn cuz! That’s awesome to see! Beautiful lol


What a kickass grow! Absolute monsters! That Blockhead is so damn Chunk, what’s the red Congolese looking like? Sweet grow man so much work, I got a hand cramp just looking at it, well done!! :clap::metal::call_me_hand::ok_hand:


I know this is going a wayyyys back, but I am just digging into your thread. You said these plants were twins from the same seed… was it a weird double seed where you have 2 seeds connected (that can be split apart) or was it 2 plants out of a totally normal seed?


Thank you @Jinglepot :pray:

The Red Congolese cross is starting to get ravaged by septoria.

Here’s a pic of a bud I cut and gave a rough cut a few days ago.

And a close up, so you can really see the beautiful light pink hairs.

It has a lovely fruity citrus and floral smell, with earthy undertones. I can’t wait to smoke these flowers.


Wow! Beautiful! Simply that! :face_with_monocle: :hugs:


I very rarely hear people correctly diagnose leaf septoria, nice work. Most people just start throwing calmag tantrums, lol. I have a black current bush that’s riddled with it, it does just fine, but occasionally someone in the household moves one of my outdoors near it to mow the lawn or something and bam, now my plants have it. Then everything gets peroxide sprays for a couple weeks to keep it in check, lol. That Congolese bud took stellar, one of my most memorable smokes… actually purchased from a dispensary. Very much earthy tones in the stuff I smoked but the high was really buzzy and cool


Hey @Dirtron :grin: the 2 Purple Kush were from a single, completely normal looking seed. When I noticed two taps pop out during germination, I left it in between the cotton pads for a couple extra days until the pair of cotyledons shed out of their single shell, then separated them into solo cups. I labelled them twin 1 and twin 2. Once I was sure both were female, I reserved them for outside. I’m glad I did, because I ended up harvesting a little over 5 pounds from the 2 plants, all out of 1 seed!! :smiley: