OTUG's Space Odyssey 🛸

You made me and my missus cry! :sob: IF BUBBLES EVER GOT OUT WE HOPE FOR SOMEONE LIKE YOU @Oldtimerunderground !!!


Ok I’m gonna sit down this week with the desk lamp and magnifier to take a closer look and resolder any suspect connections. Thanks again for your help @Mr.Sparkle :slightly_smiling_face:


My wife’s the real hero :sweat_smile:
She had the bird eating out of her hand in like 2 minutes flat :laughing:
She even told me which house it probably came from, lol.
The owner was shocked when she saw my wife feeding it cause it’s not even hand trained.
It didn’t want to go back home :joy: the owner had to catch it with my fishing net.


OTUG, your wife has a special connection with animals that not everyone has. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


Is that any way to talk about OTUG? :grin:


Lol. Plus characters :rofl:


Everything just cruising along on the Odyssey here. One of the lower fans on an Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain showing some magnesium deficiency, you can see it on the far left, 2nd down from the top. I’m not surprised, they’re all big and hungry :joy: and taking over the tent!

Hopefully they all show sex within the next week or 2, getting a bit cramped in there.

Check out the beautiful leaves on this Meridian Haze :heart_eyes:

It’s beginning to smell real nice when I open the tent. I can’t wait to flip these plants and start seeing some bud! :star_struck:

I took some time to work on that light I was having issues with.

Did some soldering and tested it for 2 hours, no more flickering! :grinning:

“Interdimensional travel through a wormhole”



Thanks again for posting those photos last Saturday @GlassJoeGrows :pray::grin:

If anyone would like some of the Black Garlic x Jamaican Puna, I have a couple packs left.

Everyone is more than welcome to post pics here in my thread of any plants they’ve grown from seeds I’ve sent out.


Holy shit, Bubba! That is a full, beautiful tent. I wanna be just like you, when (and if) I grow up! Nice job.


I’m interested in that Black Garlic x Jamaican Puna. The BG has some health benefits that I like. I’m wondering how long these will take to flower out. Any idea? That JP takes about 12 weeks. This really sounds like a great daytime smoke.


I think it may be on the longer side, which is fine by me since it allows me to stagger my harvest. It’s not as far along as my other plants in flower, but it’s got some nice sugar on it for being early in development.


It does look nice. Look at those long pistols!


Whooo’s the gif master? Youuuu’s!
Better late than never. Been busy in the Art lab. :sunglasses:


Thank you @BigMike55 :grin:
I top dressed them all with some worm castings and dry amendments for a little boost on Thursday night and gave em a good watering.

@MoBilly send me a PM and I’ll have them in the mail Monday morning for you :grinning:

I haven’t grown any yet, but probably looking at around 10-12 weeks flowering.

That looks great GlassJoe! :smiley:
Wow it really is packing on the frost early! I can’t wait to see the finished buds after they fill in. Hopefully it doesn’t knock out the powerline :joy: thing is a monster.

:sweat_smile: Thank you @Heliosphear! :pray:

Not late at all :hugs: I knew it was only a matter of time before you found and followed my homing beacon signal. Your artwork is always inspiring! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @LedZeppelin :blush:

I took a closer look last night and saw some tiny hairs on a couple plants :smirk: won’t be long before they all show me something and I can have a better idea of who’s staying, and who’s getting blasted outta the tent.
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On Aug 20, 2:31 PM OTUG420 launched from earth…

14 days later, docked with OverGrow Space Station OTUG prepared for intergalactic travel.

Will our hero reach Dugouttabah and deploy the OverGrow pods???

Have a great weekend. :sunglasses:


You sir, have an Outrageous Talent.


As I search the lower levels of the ship for supplies, I come upon a locked door. Using an alien device I found in another room, I manage to break the encryption. It slowly opens…

Nothing could prepare me for what came next


CDLC x DG and MBAP x DG from @Yetigrows
Fat Banana from @estab87
Mango Smile x 24 Carat from @Chronickyle
JLO F3 from @ReikoX
Spaced Limes from @allotment
Big Yield x Mi5 from @Jinglepot
Sour Crack x Black Strap from @hollyho

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Your so crazy, in such a good way!! May the sworch be with you on this big start!:grin::v:


cmd/ begin transmission, load: laser com sat: 8,1, Commodore 64 ready
The first picture returned from probe to dugoutdahba.

There is a city completely powered by trichomes

The entire planet is covered with unknown cannabis strain.

Mission statement: Find Planet OG, make us proud OTUG… or our only hope.

:sunglasses: Have a great day.


:grin: Thank you @Budderton
It seems the long-term effects of deep space travel have begun to affect me psychologically. Only 1 thing can possibly reverse it…pop more beans! :crazy_face: LOL

@Heliosphear I absolutely love the storyline and art :heart_eyes: I appreciate the major upgrade to the Odyssey :grinning:

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