🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

That is amazing, just awesome brother.


Thanks @defharo , @MissinBissin & @THCeed !


Additional awesomeness happening on the harvested side of things:

After some practice I know i have upped my hash game by getting the pasta roller attachment for my standing mixer!

Oven = at 180f “keep warm” setting; roughed hash placed on parchment which is on a tray. Under a minute with a flip softens everything up really well.

I put the mass in between folded parchment paper and then used a rolling pin to flatten out the mass just enough that it’ll pull through the widest setting (8) of the pasta roller attachment.

Once it was thin enough to roll through I do 3-4 passes at each size down to the point I can see the machine struggling. Some hash went down to #2 while this batch only went to 5 before starting to gum up the works due to plasticity stiffness and which is where the paper can start to tear.

When done the smallest setting, I fold over enough times to make up to “8” and then go over again resulting in lamination a plenty getting an amazing blend in the final product. If it got down to “2” I can fold it once making 4, and then that mass once again making 8.

This is the final sheet dialed in at a max 5, so I needed to rolling pin it out again after 1 fold so it would work in the pasta rollers again and only needed to do this twice (3 sessions total) to get an even blend as I had worked this really well by hand the first time round.

Nice and thin, but could be thinner if the material allowed for it.

When satisfied I roll it all up super tight and then temple-ball it by hand getting a nice end result before curing.

This stuff is stiff but still has some yield when squeezed. It’s made up of seed run scrap chaff so I have zero complaints. :rofl:


Kitchen’s Beware lol


You guys are going to need your own little T.V. show. LOL



I had to put on my riding coat this am to do the rounds or i’d be absolutely soaked! 3 of 4 rain barrels are already topped up just from the last few hours, and the large pond is a few inches taller.

The :broccoli: all look SO LUSH AND DEEP GREEN from the last weeks feedings!

Last week = EWC tea with black-strap
Sat = Chicken shit (top dress) with Fish shit + Humalite K soak
Monday = GrowSilic (Monosilic acid); I’m using the store bought stuff until my SiK is ready end of week.

@Oldtimerunderground , I think the Mighty Mite didn’t reveg and decided to continue flowering after sexing. It’s not sparkly but it is corn-cobbed to heck and the top is showing bud rot… :man_facepalming:

I’m prob gonna pull it later in the week, wash it and then hand to dry. :man_shrugging:


The plants are bloody radiant after the days rainstorm!!!

:ok_hand: :blush:


Shiskaberry 3F2:

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut:

Limed Orange:

Coastal Blueberry: (@SHSC-1 it’s going nucking futs!)

UK Cheese:

Alaska Thunderfuck:


Sadly the Mighty Mite is taking a hit so I snipped off the brown and soaked it in H0Cl.

In the week I’ll cull , trim, 4 bucket wash and hang it to dry.

Everything is taller than me now and I’m 5’ 7" and have ladders so I’m all good. :rofl:

Have a great night everyone!



I am certainly amazed at the size and health of your plants @Pigeonman
I love where I live but I am envious of that growing climate you are in. :wink:


I’d have to agree with that.
I put some plants out early on April 1st here in BC and they are not as big as those monsters that people grow on the east side. :open_mouth:


Your plants are amazing looking wow.
Mine ate still little babies :baby: :weary:


Garden 🪴 is rocking buddy, but then again I would expect nothing less from you! :ok_hand::facepunch::sun_with_face::blush::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

IMG_5633 IMG_5703


@SHSC-1 , @chronix , @CADMAN , & @OhNo555 thanks so much for the love!

All y’all are looking at my plants and feeling jelly, yet here I am looking at @THCeed 's plants and feeling the same!

@THCeed I assume you have more than 12" of good soil before the Ontario clay as this is one of the factors that I think is limiting my in-ground plants from getting stupid large.



Clay can be beneficial but it has to get worked a bit. Usually, it’s a drainage issue with the clay, keeping the roots too wet.
Thanks for the kind words, looks like I got lucky again with a couple of big plants this year.


And down can the Mighty Might @Oldtimerunderground . Lesson learned, this one doesn’t want to start to early or don’t revege it cause it doesn’t like that… :sweat_smile:

Look at the chode of a stalk on this lil beast!

I H202 + Lemon/Baking Soda + Water + Water washed them to make sure they don’t get all fuckery due to the pathogen damage already taken place.

It’s in my drying tent now. A few days down the road and it’ll get into a jar.



They are most certainly liking the home made foods!

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut:

UK Cheese:

Limed Orange:

Shiskaberry 3F2:


Coastal Blueberry:


Alaska Thunderfuck:

Extra nice life thriving in the back by the pond this year.

The garden is happy, which means a lot more labour but it’s with love so whatever :rofl: :+1:



Looking good
How’s that pk doing? Haven’t seen it lately.

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@Pigeonman Your back yard is awesome! I can also see that, the homemade fertilizer is doing its thing? They are all praying pretty hard, and the colour seems that much better. I may have too look into making some of that myself. Seems to be doing a great job of making them happy.
I wonder what the stretch is going to be like in your yard?
You may end up with folks complaining from The Billy Bishop Airport, about not having a flashing light on them, so planes can see them! :rofl:
Those plants are going to be something, and just wait for the harvest! :+1: :partying_face:
I am waiting so see them in flower. Your backyard will smell so nice! :laughing:


Amazing :star_struck: pictures @Pigeonman, yard is always looking :eyes: fabulously beautiful! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::sun_with_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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The one from @Crawfish ? Really well! I just took off it’s head and it’s in rockwool with a sea of other friends I’m calling “Team Backup”. :rofl:

I’ll take a picture later today and share.

Billy bishop is always inundated with fog


This is due to the never ending falling tears of those that bought into downtown Toronto’s condos.