🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

What about a well?
Ive thought about doing this in my yard.
This video is a bit long winded but it would work. I would need to rent the pump for the digging, and id probably have a hand pump on top instead of electric. Unless i could find a cheap electric jet pump.


Hahaha, I love it.


@THCeed this is a great fun and info watch.


Beautiful forest you are growing there sir!:exploding_head:


yes sir! looking very good in your neighborhood! :star_struck:

we think of you and the family. :green_heart:


@Pigeonman thank you for haveing my wife & I over to vist…

The tour of the yards was awesome, all the plants are so healthy, beautiful and smell amazing. You have a wealth of knowledge about things you love having in your yard. Its so cool.

Your little kitty & pigions are adorable :heart_eyes: :two_hearts: and friendly.

You & your partner are so chill & have amazing positive vibes with such good outlooks on thigs, we love that.

Im amazing on how many plants/trees you have growing of all different types. We especially loved how that one bush grew over the gazebo and made an amazing living hideout.

Photos really can’t capture all the beauty of realife experience. The plants are so dang tall, my wife felt short and that never happens haha.

Should we have the opportunity again, we would be grateful.

Ps. Love the driveway “yard art” :heart_eyes: :ok_hand:


Aww thanks @CADMAN !

You and your wife both have amazing energy which was over proven as Heathcliff hung out with us as we walked. He’s the biggest energy reader on the lot with the usual fucking off when he doesn’t trust a new visitor and he liked you both a lot!

That “hedge” is 3 brambling tea roses woven into that beast by Mrs. Pigeon. She loves them, the birds love them, she loves the birds, so it’s all full circle in a great way!

I love how your wife felt short under my :broccoli: :rofl:

Did she try the UK Cheese pills last night? I hope they do help her when she does. I have another mother growing out so if you find it helps I’ll make sure you get a few cuts for perpetual medicine making.

You both are most welcome anytime you find yourself in T.dot and we’re available. :smile:

Yeah, I’m still not ready to scrap my old car which I drove from 2005 until April of this year… so I’m letting the vines take over as I clear it out and it’s looking pretty helarious as my “post apocalypse vines taking over driveway art” . :sweat_smile:


When this is dried out, Ill send you some so you grow your own peaches & cream corn, we picked this up yesterday from an organic farm in Milton, ON. Gonnna grow lots of corn next year, Ill also send Watermelon seeds from this sugar baby Watermelon :watermelon: :yum:


I feel like im eavesdropping on your nice conversation. The Peaches and Cream is a sugar enhanced (se) hybrid, im not sure it will reproduce true from saved seed. Just dont want to see you waste the time to dry it. Happy weekend to you fellas.


Your yard is awesome. Well done @Pigeonman.
Which HOCL generator are you using? I’ve been using the 500ppm brio at full strength fogging my garden trying to slow down septoria this season. Seems to have definitely slowed it down.


Thanks @Hashpants and @SunGrown

The Eco One unit. I make 1L at a time.

I just went to town with the ladies so I need to fog tonight. I’ll check the PPM of my mix and we’ll all prob have a laugh together.

:sweat_smile: :fog: :biohazard:


@Pigeonman i dont need to worry about filling up a spray bottle and going to town?
If its on my hands? I definitely shouldn’t breathe it in yeah. The HOCL

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@Hashpants imma try regardless

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With the utmost respect to your gardening time and endeavors.


I get SOAKED in it. No issues what so ever. I also fog unmasked… but I really should stop doing that. :man_facepalming:

Thanks for the heads-up @Hashpants !

@CADMAN eat that corn yo!



:play_or_pause_button: :point_down: :+1:

DID A LOT OF WORK ON THE LADIES TODAY which included a mathematical fuck-tonne of defoliation during their feedings.

Here’s the goodies for their weekly mix; EC up to 2.2 today!

Florida Ditch Weed: A serious treasure here folks!

All cotton candy stank up in this Southern beyotch!


You can’t help but smell this when walking by.

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut: @DannyTerpintine I fully understand why you worked so hard to find this specific cut. :ok_hand:

Frankenstein; it’s pretty much a series of smaller plants growing on a single chode of a stalk. :rofl:

See what I mean?! :exploding_head:

Limed Orange; @DannyTerpintine this plant is the least developed of the yard so I’m expecting it to be one of the last to be cropped; but damn it continuously smells like a lime/orange cocktail with a salted rim glass!! :drooling_face:

Coastal Blueberry:

Hot damn this blueberry stinks so good. #2 best smell in the yard after the Shiskaberry. :+1:

UK Cheese: In all the years I’ve been cloning and growing out this cut I have never seen it so happy before! Humalite + Azomite for the win!

Alaska Thunderfuck; fuck is for very good reasons!


The more they stack the happier I am that I got the pollen tumbler :rofl: :+1:

I’m expecting to see 3/4 - 1lb dried from each plant based on my XP over the years in this yard.

And I hope for at least 1x plant here having rock hard nugs because I have plans to make MOON ROCKS now that I have the combo of a dry-sift tumbler + dab press.

:full_moon: :rock:

:v: :smile: :+1:

Thanks for stopping on by folks and I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!



Great Work in the Garden @Pigeonman !! The Spears on both of the Frankenstein look very familiar… Pretty eye-catching stuff on a stick




Finneeee ill buy seeds like a looser lol


You can save popcorn hierloom seed .:grin: